Coulrophobia might need a nerf

Right now as Wesker it's possible to use Distressing + Coulrophobia with a midwich offering to basically make coulrophobia's effect unavoidable. With it's new skill check speed buff + unnerving prescene healing is unbearable.
This can be done with Doctor too so i don't think it's a wesker problem.
I think coulrophobia should just be nerfed because with huge terror radiuses and sloppy butcher it's way too much.
I’m going to have to disagree. Heal slowdown is a fresh change to the game vs generator slowdown.
Maybe after more experience my mind will change but at the moment I want to see it more.
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So the killer is running Distressing, Coulrophobia, Unnerving, and Sloppy to make healing difficult, what is the issue exactly? The killer has nothing to stop gens from getting done. You don't need to brute force a heal through an anti heal build.
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It's too much heal slowdown though.
Mangled increases the time to heal by 25%, so that's 20. Coulrophobia makes healing 50% slower, so that's 40 seconds for a team mate to heal another, then the new haemorrhage is a thing where if you get interrupted all that is going to drain.
Playing injured is much less viable since the perk rework since two perks that made injured survivors very survivable were nerfed heavily, Dead Hard and Iron Will.
It's basically as if every survivor was broken permanently. Sounds overpowered doesn't it? That's basically what coulrophobia can do.
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A full build for one perk and you want to nerf it? LMAO
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If youve seen Spooky Loopz Wesker video, he uses this with dark devotion.
As a Solo q Survivor, i must agree, its nice to see a change from gen slowdown to heal slowdown
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Oh lord its like the Nurse Starstruck+Awakened awareness situation all over see only 1 killer with the ONLY HUGE TERROR RADIUS and wanna nerf the perk because of 1 killer. Sheesh.
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Its fair and balanced but Hyperfocus is UNFAIR XD I have no gen slowdown but I got all 1-shots after the initial hit. Nerf Hyperfocus D; You can say anything you want but one side will always be biased to the other. Just run Hyperfocus every game so when you see this, at least you can get gens done quickly enough to avoid the 1 less health state.
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Fun fact, you can more or less counter the entire build with a single perk: Autodidact. The slowdown means you’ll get 5 stacks fairly easily, and since Autodidact gives percent total progress, slowdown cannot reduce the burst healing Autodidact gives on every skillcheck.
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Here's the thing I experienced it over the weekend and it wasn't too bad. CoH helps deal with alot of the slowdown and if you combine Bot Knowledge then all you have to worry about is the fast skill checks but even then those are not bad after your hit for the first time.
But I agree with what others have said nerfing one perks because of a full build that makes it difficult to deal with isn't really a good reason to Nerf.
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You don't need Unnerving Precense and sloppy. On wesker you can run coulrophobia and distressing and then the portable safe add-on for Hemmorage
I argue making survivor practically unable to heal is stronger than gen slowdown perks.
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Okay cool. Too bad the bad the perk... is too bad in every other situation.
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No one cares about the healing SPEED. Its the SKILL CHECK speed on top of the tiny skill check with 1 second to react. You miss that skill check and now the killer gets a free tracking perk that leads them to a 1-shot survivor. That's why its obnoxious.
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Good thing you don't play Midwich
Every. Single. Game.
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The problem is you can if you want to. With the offerings, and the cheaper bloodweb costs.
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Bite the Bullet completely nullifies this issue.
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survivors always find something to complain about lol. It’s called a BUILD for a reason. It is an anti healing BUILD. Just like an anti gen BUILD, or a chase a BUILD.
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You can always run Bite to Bullet so failed skilll checks don't give notifications and only reduce progress by 1%.
You can also run Inner Strength or use the Anti-Hemorrhage addon to heal a health state bypassing the skill checks. Technically Adrenaline does too, but only applies when gens are finished.
You have options to deal with this build if it's such a huge issue.
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Coulrophobia is really only good on Wesker due to his large terror radius. Just like Thanatophobia is only really good on Plague and a really good legions due their ability to keep people injured.
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So basically if you run a build with 0 perks for anything other than healing, play 1 of 2 killers, get a specific map then healing can be difficult. And at that you choose to nerf a perk that is bad in almost every single other build. Bring Inner Strength then if this one hyper specific case is such an issue.
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My crazy response to experiencing this is just doing gens and ignoring heals. It's sort of like when I'm playing against a Legion that uses their power effectively or a Plague that vomits on gens. If I'm not going to keep the health level, why heal anyway?
At least Wesker isn't running slow down or chase perks with the build which the Legion or Plague would be and can't get a super attack that can hit you while you're not in line of sight like Plague does.
In my opinion, a Wesker with this build is better than Legion but not as good as Plague. It's a gimmicky build and there are still survivor perks such as CoH, Bite the Bullet and Auto Didact that lessen its impact.
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You can use Doctor plus calm add-ons for the same effect. If they wish to release more killers that have big TR's then this should be addressed.
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The thing is, when there's mapwide Coulro... you don't have to heal. Wesker's the only killer who can truly work this strategy, and there's no especial reason why being injured against him is a bad thing (like it would versus Oni, Spirit, or Wraith, for some examples.)
I just play it like I would a Legion and prioritize gens over heals, and if I get a moment where Whiskers is far away, I'll use that to sneak in a heal. I also can ignore Coulro because I use Autodidact like a boss.
Though I've gotta say, I'm weirdly glad to live in a time where people are asking Coulrophobia to be nerfed. Three months ago and people would have laughed off at this.
Post edited by BoxGhost on2 -
Bite the Bullet essentially nullifies the skillcheck issue entirely.
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Theres a difference between heal slowdown and making healing nearly impossible.
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I have to dedicate an entire build to making Coulrophobia work, and only on Doctor. This is the first time that I've ever actually had fun with Coul. I'd rather not nerf it if at all possible.
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Yes lets just starting nerfing perks because one or two killers make good use out of them...totally a good idea
Coulrophobia isn't even good on its own...
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Hyperfocus has nothing to do with Coulrophobia. Totally irrelevant to the topic.
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How would you nerf it without outright killing it? MAYBE a rework, but nerfing an already mostly bad perk just sounds silly.
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Plague breaks people with her base kit, and can still use 4 perks and barely anybody plays her.
The Coulrophobia build is powerful but it is very map reliant.
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If you want survivors to blow skill checks, you NEED the Trapper perk on Wesker. That already is 2 slots, and the Trapper perk is already notorious for being a 5th survivor perk.
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I think nerfing the speed of the skill checks from 50% to 25% or 35% might be alright. Currently, it's a tad too much for new survivors or ones that are bad with skill checks. I think there are enough methods of healing in general to avoid nerfing the perk into the ground.
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Maybe, but it still feels weird nerfing a perk that mostly ranks D-F tier for nearly the entire roster on account of 1-2 killers benefitting from it on very specific maps.
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I don't think it's a very big deal. I think some people might be overreacting a tad bit about the strength of the perk. Honestly, they need to do more about the size of Wesker's Terror Radius rather than touch the perks. I mean, that's the whole problem anyways. It seems people are only complaining about it on him
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I like that suggestion much more. It would avoid nerfing a mostly bad perk, and address the issue at hand.
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This is true. There's no real reason for him to have a 40m TR. His Hindered is almost never in play and there are killers with much higher mobility than him.
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Plague cannot rush you down with a dash attack or jump pallets. Unless you HEAL and give her a fountain, she's just an M1 killer with no range except for her 1 free pool of devotion. That's why its different.
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The famous line from survivors GOES to you "Get better".
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Ive said this a few times in response to this. Coulrophobia isn't the issue. Sloppy is. The fact if you do miss a skill check not only does the killer get notified all healing stops.
It's not even an option to move away from the terror radius because of Sloppy. Without Sloppy Coulrophobia would be mediocre at best. Occasionally useful, but you'd have counterplay to temporarily stop healing if you are worried about missing. Not an option if Sloppy is in play which is a good perk with or without Coulrophobia.
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Literally a meme build just do gens and heal when possible. If you really have an issue with going against this every game run auto didact and his build crumbles.
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There is a reason for him to have a 40m terror radius. With his bound and addons, he can cover that 40m in no time and get someone. So with the 32 meter radius, he can get on gen and grab someone with no warning.
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Blight and Nurse both have way more reason than he does, by that logic, and they're both 32m.
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I think the skill check speeds are a bit crazy - it's far more difficult to deal with successfully than even Huntress Lullaby, and that's an entire hex requiring a build up of tokens. I think the slowing of healing is fine, though.
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Coulrophobia is fine. Its synergy with Distressing and other terror radius perks is also fine.
Wesker having an abnormally large terror radius for no good reason is not fine.
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They just need to stop using terror radius for perks like this.
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It's one of these things where in a certain configuration it's just making the game as unfun as possible for the other side. With emphasis on the "certain configuration" part. It says more about the player than the perk; even with Coulro nerfed they would find another killer/perk/add-on to be just as unfun. Individual very specific configurations should not bottleneck an entire perk -- and if it does and has to be changed to not be game breaking * Cough * you know which aura perk for killer I mean * Cough * it means something is very broken somewhere.
That being said; much like Overcharge, Oppression and Merciless Storm (and merciless storm with doctor skill checks jumping all over) practise makes perfect; you do get used to it and the skillchecks aren't as hard as they initially seem after a while.
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It's basically as if every survivor was broken permanently. Sounds overpowered doesn't it? That's basically what coulrophobia can do.
Plague exists
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Agreed. I don't understand why he doesn't have a lullaby (like Huntress and Trickster) instead of the seemingly arbitrary 40m radius.
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Imho that's a really bad argument. Saying a perk is not problematic because an entire killer power can do that is very silly.
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The build is a lot map-reliant. On normal/big maps I don't find it too oppressive...
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If anything i'd like it to only work within a certain raidius of the killer rather than the killer's terror radius. But not a big deal, annoying but, it only affects healing.