You reckon people are greatly exaggerating the state of the game rn?

Yes, hyperfocus working with toolboxes is a pretty substantial issue. But look past that and is the game really in a terrible spot?
Honestly Id say even soloQ is in an okay spot. Could be better don't get me wrong, but nowhere near the "borderline unplayable" some people claim it to be, especially since the basekit 10% haste is absolutely nuts.
Literally the only 4 major issues I see with the game are heal speeds, map design, killer add ons, and stakefocus.
I really do feel as though the constant RPD has really rilled people up recently.
Solo Q could do with a boost, but I agree that - with the trials I've had - the game isn't the "impossible" solo experience others claim. I've had many great team mates as survivor, and whilst of course there have been quite a few matches where it was just one big shitshow, I've never noticed it as bad as some others claim.
However, I do believe solo q needs bolstering to a similar level of information as swf has now, especially now killers have received a few buffs which have made a decent difference.
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All solo queue needs is a base-kit Kindred equivalent and I'd be happy. There's nothing BHVR can do to stop you from getting bad teammates if you happen to get games like that. And if you happen to get games like that a lot, it certainly can feel 'unplayable'. Especially considering the recent all around killer buffs. But that's always been the nature of solo, a roll of the dice as to whether your game goes well or just sucks from the get go.
And more perks need to be revisited and/or buffed. Considering the amount of perks the game has there are still too many that are made redundant when compared to the vastly superior alternatives (eg: Solidarity, Clairvoyance, Buckle Up, I could go on). The perk mid-chapter was a strong start but it should by no means be the end of perk reworks.
Weaker killers also need addon passes and/or balance tweaks so as to encourage a meta shift. I've been getting Weskers and Nurses an awful lot since the chapter and before that Blights and Nurses. It gets awfully boring versing the same stuff over and over. I'd love to verse a variety of killers like Hillbilly and Trickster and Myers and so on but they're too weak to be used at the high end of MMR (or at least that's the impression I'm getting).
And (this is by far the most important one) more Laurie cosmetics please.
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Oh, absolutely.
Problems still exist, don't get me wrong, but the game is in the best state it's ever been for everyone; killer, survivor, and even solo queue.
Heck, solo queue has benefited from some of the recent changes. Not enough, there's still a lot of information that needs to be available at basekit before solo queue can be considered in a decent spot, but it's nowhere close to unplayable or unmanageable.
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Naaaaw, that never happens
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I feel as if there are a lot of things problematic that are either just completely ignored or are greatly exaggerated in terms of strength. I feel like Hyperfocused is a prime example of it since you had people crying that it was massively overpowered and others crying that it was weak and needed to be buffed.
But I feel as if SoloQ, more than anything else, really needs some QOL, it's barebones and just something to make the experience better wont really hurt anyways.
Overall people will be people but as long as people avoid "Us VS Them" or "get your pitchforks ready" posts, then Im fine with how people treat/discuss things regardless as to rather I agree or not.
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Depends on who's talking, really. Some people are usually pretty fair about their assessment when they point out game problems, others live in a state of constant histrionics. There's always somebody crying that BHVR loves the crying X mains and keeps nerfing Y, and X players are leaving in droves and the game is going to die any day now...
In general? Solo queue definitely feels better since the 10s BT, and things have levelled off somewhat since 6.1, but there's still a lot of issues. Some are same-old-same-old problems (Nurse, 4-slowdown builds, bad matchmaking and dumb teammates, camping/tunneling), some are new (serial ragequitting, Eruption, constant RPD.) OTOH, a lot of people playing (and learning) a non-meta killer has resulted in much more enjoyable survivor games than usual, so I'm not sure how much of my current improved experience reflects helpful game trends and how much of it is just the "yay RE" zeitgeist.
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Game is in an alright state considering the past few years. Solo queue needs some QOL & hyperfocus is just a badly designed perk lol you don't need a toolbox to crush gens.
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I'm in large agreement with much of this. Lifting weaker killers up would certainly allow for more options. I tried playing sadako last night and it was just painful. 3 tool boxes and 1 top tier flash light. No chase potential so just an m1 killer most of the time.
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Yes, on both sides. Solo-Q needs some QOL buffs and DC's need to be looked at but I wouldn't call it unplayable. On the killer end, I don't think there are as many Super Sweaty Seal Team 6 Squads out there as they make it out to be. At least, not as far as I can tell. Some killers still need some buffs and maps should be tweaked, but the game is actually in a fairly decent spot IMO.
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I'm a pretty mediocre PC surv player. My current build is Bond, Prove Thyself, Lithe and Reassurance. I often bring a brown or yellow toolbox. I only play solo q. This is just to give an idea where my opinion comes from.
Gens have been completely blown out of the water lately. Once I see someone in that first chase, I can almost guarantee a complete gens just by using prove n bond to milk it as much as possible. As long as it isn't a literal instadown a gen or two has been completed within that time. Along with reassurance, it has made it super hard for killers to camp people and instead gives my team and I extra objective time. Ive left some people on hook near me with reassurance to secure last gen without killer patrolling me quite a few times. Within the last 5 games or so (all I can recall in a detailed sense) all gens have been completed. This is just my experience though.
BTW this does not mean everyone gets out alive. Solo Q is a whole different beast and mistakes ppl make are no where near as easy to recover. If this is my solo-q experience I can't imagine what a swf would look like Lol
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Remove the ability to see the Killer's aura and maybe base-kit Kindred would be workable. Still a pretty big buff for survivors.
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The loud minority will always be 90% hyperbole.
This is why it's good that BHVR is paying attention to data and not just who screams the loudest on the forums.
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How many hours you have in the game. Some people have a life and are more casual and for them the game is complete garbage. I guess if the goal was to push away all new and casual survivor players the community and BHVR have done a spectacular job.
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Absolutely. Solo q can be rough some games, but majority of the time i get decent teammates and I escape quit a bit.
I don’t play against nurse every single match as some other claim “30 nurses in row”. I get her once a week maybe.
I do run into some truly terrible teammates a couple times a day maybe, but that’s just how it is.
Playing killer is not just a walk in the park as many people believe. I still have games where I have to fight extremely hard up to the EGC to secure the win. Some games I get absolutely pubstomped and I don’t get a single kill.
The game is, in my opinion, very good right now.
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*Holds a pitchfork and torch in either hand*
B....b....but I'm always what am I going to do with these. You know you can't return angry mob gear....
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It's a buff that would address the most pressing problem of solo queue right now which is a lack of information on what your team is doing. Kindred is absolutely essential at the moment in solo play. When I don't run it I'm liable to hit struggle because no one knows if anyone is going for the save and/or what the rest of the team are doing. It's also particularly annoying when I run halfway across the map to get a save only to see someone else get to it right before me and mean I've wasted time I could be doing a gen. It's already quite difficult to coordinate any kind of play as a solo player. Having a form of base kit Kindred would mean that at the very least plays could be coordinated when they matter the most - when someone is on the hook.
The killer aura can be scrapped 100% and maybe left to the perk version of Kindred, that's never been the reason why I've used the perk. All it would mean is saves can be coordinated and people are less likely to just be left on the hook. And that is only in solo play. SWFs already get this information for free. I don't see it as a big buff, more a necessary QoL change to boost the quality of solo play much like how killers got a strong boost to chases and gen times to improve the quality of their games. Solo players have already gotten a solid basekit BT which I am very happy with but this is my only main grievance left with the mode.
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You can give survivors all the info you want, but if they're bad there's nothing you can do about it.
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It's the same complaints rehashed over and over again. Check out the old Steam forums back in 2017.
People forget what the game was or are too new to know.
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I think to help solo queues a built in Kindred, maybe it tells if the killer is in a hooked survivor’s immediate proximity (Face Camping) and a way to tell if there’s any conflicting builds, such as if there’s multiple survivors using Kindred or any perks that activate when you remove totems if someone has a boon perk.
Remove map offerings for survivors and for killers have an offering for either indoor maps or outdoor maps, maybe give Survivors a killer related offering like not facing the same killer who they faced in their previous match.
Have White Ward keep the item and add-ons you start the match with (Franklin can’t negate it).
As for survivor perks - Hyperfocus not work with toolkits, Iron Will be 100% again but not work while exhausted, revert Blast Mine to how it was, reduce the Calm Spirit penalty to maybe 10% slower, increase Self Care by 10% and maybe have Corrective Action work on your own failed skill checks but remove all tokens or something.
For killer perks - Make Bloodhound change blood to bright pink to make it more noticeable.
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There's not. Pretending like every survivor team is SEAL Team Six is just copium for bad killers. If you are at the MMR softcap then your opponents can range from like 1400 scrubs to 2400 god level SWFs. You get insane variation at high MMR.
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The game is more frustratimg than fun right now. For me, anyway. I'm not playing again until the Halloween event or the anniversary event. I've been playing different games and having way more fun than I was when I was playing dbd.
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I'm a casual player. Contrary to this rather simplistic belief that people who enjoy it therefore have no life, people have different viewpoints and experiences. Mine is that solo q for me is nowhere near as bad for me. It needs improving, and I certainly don't doubt others have had horrid experiences. But it's to do with individuals, not hours.
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They're over exaggerating certain things based on misconceptions of other things. Killer isn't OP just because you can't escape in solo. You can't escape in solo because your teammates are bad. Killers don't camp and tunnel because it's easy. They do it because they're risking getting a 1k playing any other way.
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In some aspects, yes. In others, no.
The DC, suicide on hook issue isn't being exaggerated at all. I've seen plenty of other players with the same problem.
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Must be nice being low MMR.
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Ah yes a "solo queue is fine" post coming from someone I already versed ingame and who was playing in a full 4 man stack, tbagging and fl clicking non-stop the whole game long LMFAO
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Marc and BigSunset pretty much hit it on the nail.
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I doubt that would invalidate my opinion, even if I were. And nobody knows their MMR truely anyway, so that's again another overly-simplistic response. People have different opinions, and it may be worthwhile accepting this.
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I have played this game for 4 years. This game is a shell from what it used to be. Not in an absolute bad way. I understand some things needed to change (BNP and pre-sabo hooks, map reworks) but I feel like survivor tools to actually survive have been whittled down to bare bones. It’s difficult to take defense as a survivor and pallets only lasts for so long. There needs to be some tweaking so that game outcome isn’t decided within the first 2-3 minutes of gameplay by either side. My gameplay has reduced significantly in the last year because I personally feel like the devs meddle a little too much in how they want the game play to go. They don’t consider the nuance of playing with complete strangers and all of their actions being randomly good or bad for the progression of the game and almost any perk can be utilized in a toxic way at some point in the game. Some perks don’t need nerfing or buffing and are completely situational. Instead of improving the situation in which the perks would be used they change the perk to be useless in that situation.
I also don’t like wasting my blood points on items I will NEVER use. This is a feature that should have been tweaked.
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I think the community is adapting (probably more like “accepting” lol) to the way things are, for the most part. Losing several games in a row (especially when getting stomped a lot) can be very frustrating, so players come to here and Twitter to vent. I get it. When the ragequitters get to me, I do the same.
Now when you stop seeing the complaints and the numbers drop in players playing, is when you’ll know the game is in a terrible place. As of right now, I don’t think so. But on the same token, a lot of us are not having as much fun as before. Something the devs should think about, and I think it mostly has to do with matchmaking tbh.
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I'm not invalidating your opinion. Your opinion is that you hare having easy times with soloq. Which leads me to believe that you are low MMR because of your opinion. I accept that people have different opinons that doesn't mean that the game isn't easier at low MMR. Also ask any player on the forums, all will say that the number of hours you've played will directly effect your ability to be good at the game. Therefore making it a much better experience because you have more experience. Isn't that the point? To get good at the game to where its easier to loop or mind game the killer therefore allowing for higher survival rate, and it may be worthwhile accepting this.
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Honestly I don't get it. I just don't see the dc/ suicide on hook. Maybe like 1 in 10 matches do I see either.
I'm not saying everyone is just making it up but I find it odd it's not happening to me.
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In case you're wondering how solo queue is doing, I've escaped once in the past 2.5 hours even while sweating my ass off to try to escape.
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This is where you made a mistake: that I am having an easy time. I said that it is not as bad as it is made out to be. In other posts, not related to this one, I've mentioned that I've been fortunate enough to have good teams who don't dc. I have some escapes, and have faced tough opponents that I enjoy because I enjoy a challenge. Never once has the idea of it being "easy" been entertained.
The fact is your previous 2 comments before your most recent very much felt like trying to undermine the fact that I wasn't having as bad an experience as yourself. Firstly, the assumption that maybe I played too much, with a comment about people who have a life wouldn't have such an opinion. When I said I play more casually, the comment after was something about it must be great playing at low ranks. So there was always this undermining tone.
I feel this comes back to you. My comments were always about my own experiences; experiences you hadn't had and maybe this made you frustrated - not at me personally, but at the fact that others found solo q more fun than you.
Ultimately, I consider myself decent at the game. I've had good survivors and hard killers. My survival is probably 45% currently, and that's as much thanks to having good survivors as it is my own skill. I enjoy the game and randomize every single build. And my personal experience is that solo q is not as bad as some make it out to be, but having more info in the HUD would make it better.
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There are probably those who do dismiss it. I've not, because I've always refered it towards my personal experience and in previous posts on other topics said that everyone has their own personal view.
Not sure who these gaslighters are that you speak of, but as gaslighting refers to psychological abuse, please be very careful how you use that word towards those you feel are disingenuous, because gaslighting it is not.
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A killer main is happy and declares the game in it’s best state ever. Shocking.
Meanwhile the survivor queue is in a perpetual state of double bloodpoint incentives because no one with any experience wants to play survivor. Matchmaking is incredibly awful and makes the game unplayable for solo queue but that’s hyperbole, right? The game is, unquestionably, in it’s worst state ever from a survivor perspective. Queues are full of newb players since droves of good survivors have basically given up. It’s like killers don’t understand that matchmaking is everything for a fair game. And when it doesn’t work 99% of the time, survivors have terrible matches and no fun. 1 weak player makes the match heavily killer sided. Nearly every game is weak team vs strong killer, strong killer camps and tunnels, 1 teammate leaves and now it’s just a joke.
So yeah, enjoy it I guess. BHVR has ruined their game because this is not sustainable. Survivors will continue to leave the game. Remaining survivor experience gets even worse. They leave… All they have left is killers destroying weak survivors, even easier than it is now. This isn’t a game anymore. Aside from SWFs, it’s killers shooting fish in a barrel over and over. You all know it, but you enjoy it. “Best it’s ever been!”.
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Killer is no longer as stress-inducing as it used to be. It's a lot more chill and you have the freedom to play more casually without getting dookied for loading into a difficult map (imo, most maps rn are actually fine. Just Giddeon's, Lery's, and Badham are the ones I personally dislike).
Solo survivor needs some serious help, but solo survivor has always needed the most help out of anyone in the game. Not really anything new there.
I would actually really like to see slightly stricter matchmaking though. It gets really frustrating stomping noobs all the time, I wanna get my teeth kicked in by Survivor Seal Team 6 now and again lol