6.1 made Killer to easy and Solo Q impossible

Patch 6.1 was to much at once. Solo Q is a dead role, Killer role is easy peasy (haven't lose once since patch) and even some swfs on twitch are getting rofl stomped back to back and you just can see how demoralised and frustated these streamers are.
When I stomp these players with my Mains I actually feel sorry rewatching the VODs, they are so helpless.
Game is heading in a wrong direction and I'm shocked how some Killer mains are STILL asking for more.
There was an attempt.
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It was not wrong direction at all. Killers needed some buffs, most of killers were not viable. Now killers like Wraith, Pig, Trickster feels better than before.
Solo-q is bad right now, this is true. So the next step should be buff Solo-q.
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It's not impossible but it sure is miserable. Killers got some good buffs, but most people still run the most powerful perks and use the easiest tactics to easily get the 4K. Even after losing a truckload of games I still get the killers that are playing like there is money on the line, and being dickheads about it. I believe the MMR system is a joke and solo queue just gets thrown into any old sweatfest with an open spot regardless of their MMR.
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the trouble is these buffs hit all killers, so blight, nurse, and spirit also got those buffs. So while they may have made pig viable, they made nurse....unpleasant.
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I haven't seen any of those games where streamers are getting stomped. JRM does well when he's not goofing off like he tends to do. Probz runs killers for five gens when his teammates don't immediately go down after the killer leaves him.
What I have found remarkable is otz struggling. He's the only killer player I watch and it seems like nearly every game is a struggle and it's hard to tell whether it's people subtly hacking or just good loopers.
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Was thinking the same thing. Like I said when the update rolled out, the issue isnt what they changed, the issue is what they didnt change. SoloQ got no changes at all when it really needed it, well, it's needed it for years and it is long overdue.
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No it is shocking because OP said streamers are getting stomped so it has to be true. I mean it's just bad luck that if I had 2 other good teammates that we get a 3 to 4 man escape.....right
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I honestly do not feel it is that big a difference on the killer side. If the survivors are competent, you are screwed, or at least you are not going to have a fun time. If they are sussy baka, the game plays itself. The small changes did not really change this dynamic.
I do, however, agree that survivor got more annoying. Noticeably so.
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Why exactly are you guys bothering with a whine thread by a person whose username literally states that they consider most killer players to be "baby killers"?
The best course of action with threads like these is to not engage, since this clearly wasn't created in good faith.
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Survivors are losing from bad matchmaking, not from any lack of mechanics in theirs favor.
I find it difficult to declare killers to be op based on survivors making bad plays and suffering the reasonable result.
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Got gen rushed by a toolbox flashlight squad last game. Wasn't too easy at all. Game before that, I won in 5 mins flat. Swings and roundabouts.
Swf > Killers > Solo's
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Solo queue is a miserable experience and was even before the recent overhauls. Whether you can win is irrelevant - you won't have fun either way.
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Yes they were vs equal skill level. When Survivors actually work together and don't act like big babies that will DC at the first down or just die on first hook then SoloQ isn't bad and Survivors can win matches.
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I have fun as long as my teammates won't sabotage the match just because they don't like who thier facing or how thier chase is going.
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How do you disagree please let's discuss this disagreement on these discussion forums. Because in every match I played as long as at least 3 survivors actually played with sense, not DC/die on first hook or actually repaired gens we escaped with at a minimum 3 man escape. I don't count the 4 man's because most of those were against lower skilled Killers.
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Killer is undeniably easier but it's not "SOLO Q IS DEAD ONLY 4MAN SWFS CAN DARE FACE OFF THE DREADFUL CLOWN WITH YELLOW ADDONS" #########.
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Nobody is playing clown. It's the same 5 or 6 killers over and over again.
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If I actually had friends that played I would take you up on that offer but I'm strictly a SoloQ Survivor that must pray to the DbD god's for decent teammates.
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I never got that from you at all....well maybe some mocking but not in a Toxic way lmao.
I do agree that SoloQ needs help just not at the impossible levels like everyone says. I have had horrid games where I died extremely quickly or was hard tunneled (even though I did deserve it) out of the game. I just know that SoloQ has a better chance of winning if at least 3 of them work as a team and actually play to win.
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I also work through the week and sometimes work mandatory OT on Friday so I only get maybe a day off lol but that would be fun. I don't mind losing to a good Killer and as long it's all fair because it helps my skills grow as Survivor....facing east, baby, or lower skilled Killers dosnt do that.
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You assume Killers are the problem. Top tier maybe. Far more often though, as somebody who plays a fair bit of solo queue and killer it's matchmaking that's the problem. When I can go from a really good match well I have to scrape out a 2K to the next match. Having people pallet camp and unsafe hooks there's a big disconnect and has survivor when I can play against a bubba who doesn't know how to turn the corner in a very next match. Go out in first two minutes against the killer with 2,000 hours in the game It's only have that continue for the next 5 matches
A lot of the problem is as killer before when I would to hook everybody and then play it easy and let them escape. Now I feel like I'm only punishing them by giving them a w because according to MMR I shouldn't let them have hatch or escape in general because that only means he'll go up against harder Killers? And if so, I'm just offering them more irritation.
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