Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Plague Addon's that affect infection time on objects need to be reduced.

Currently, plague has a brown addon that adds 20 seconds of infection to an object and another addon, green this time, that adds 30 seconds of infection. This adds a 50 seconds to whatever the default value is, generating a boring and prolongued match, more than it needs to be and should be reduced to somewhere around 10 seconds for the brown and 15 seconds for the green or even lower. The addons aren't oppresing, they're rather annoying for both sides since survivors are going to refuse to touch a gen affected by it and the killer is going to refuse to stop doing so.

Since there's been changes to duration of downtime on generators (Such as the nerf to dead man's switch) i consider that this changes i propose are in par with the same balance idea and should be addressed.


  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    People barely play Plague as it is. No need to address something that clearly isn't prevalent enough to be a problem.

  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    People barely played Pig, yet they destroyed the poor girl.

    The idea is to avoid problems, not know that it could be one and just address it when people realize that is an abusable strat.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Ah, they destroyed one killer so another deserves the same fate. Sound logic.

  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    I was being sarcastic, due to the excuse you used for your comment.

    Same thing could be argued about your opinion aswell, but it doesn't seem that you're interested in having a proper discussion.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited September 2022


    Firstly, your post is wrong. Prayer tablet fragment adds 40s to the object infection duration but strips plague's ability to directly infect survivors. The loss of agency for the timing of the infection is the mitigating factor of this addon.

    Haematite seal is the +30s addon that you're thinking of for the other one. It's yellow. The issue with that is that it takes the place of literally any add-on which is better. Fountain pools, infection rates, iri incense. Stuff that helps you do things that's not puking on objects which is the weakest part of her kit. If the plague is doing nothing but walking around refreshing the infection duration on gens, they are not going to win vs. any but the absolute worst of survivors.

    You say they're annoying for "both sides" but obviously the killer won't find them annoying as they are making a decision to use them. And if they're annoying survivors, so what? Everything the killer does annoys survivors, that's the central conceit of a PvP title. Your enemy isn't there to facilitate a fun experience for you, they're a thinking human on the other side of the screen having their own fun.

    Hopefully this helps elaborate why I didn't take your post seriously. Play a few plague games. Use the wiki.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Her apples are better, but you are seriously misunderstanding plague's true strength. if you play her properly you are playing a strong 3 gen that you keep infected and forcing survivors to play slow until they make a mistake then capitalize on it by dragging them into 3 gen. Now survivors are forced to cleanse to have any chance of a save. You can be even meaner and just straight up camp with your power and force people to burn through stages on hook

  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    I have no issue with her strength, it's about the ability that the plague has to drag matches (similar to forever freddy) for incredible amounts of time, when i do play plague i use apples and object duration addons, since it's easier to win (although matches last much, much longer) due to survivors refusing to get infected/give me fountains.

    This add-ons, in my opinion, incourage the style of playstyle they're trying to move away from and some people (i'm not saying this happens every single day, still an issue tho) take advantage of it just to be 'mean'.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited September 2022

    If you play any killer with a strong three gen then you've been managing the game well and outplaying your opponents. Being overwhelming at that point is the reward for smart play. Every killer benefits from this; plague is not special in that regard.

    I don't even know what "forcing survivors to play slow" means. Waiting out the infection duration doesn't benefit either side, it's simply a game that is not progressing. Survivors are always in a risky position when they have to save vs. a plague and camping with corrupt is always a strong option. I really don't understand what you're trying to get at.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    Plague is one of those snowball killers, being infected doesn't mean death, it just means your medkit is useless.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    How exactly did they destroy Pig? Afaik the only recent changes Pig got was the removal of the strategy wherein you camp a single Jigsaw box, and the change to the key logic for removing an RBT.

  • ProfSinful
    ProfSinful Member Posts: 271

    Just touch the object and get infected. If your teammates cleanse then you cleanse, and if they don't, don't and just focus gens. Plague games generally don't take long, regardless of playstyle and the only reason they seem like they're taking forever is on survivors who are afraid to get infected. It's not a big deal and honestly survivors who feel that way need to get over it.