Wesker still bad and useless in high MMR. My suggestions to buff him.

NuKeD Member Posts: 227
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Played one match in RPD, couldn't get a m2 at all, wasted 3 gens to just get 1 hook on the guy and then just he pre-dropped me everything.

power takes too much to charge and takes long to recharge his power stacks too.

this is a list of what wesker needs to be more viable in high MMR:

-reduce his power charge from 1.5 to 1s

-slightly reduce his cooldown animations

-reduce his power recharge

-slightly increase his movement speed while using his dash

-reduce his object collision from 20 to 15 cm.

-destroy pallets and breakable walls as basekit and not with an addon

-make him consistent like demogorgon is with his shred attack gameplay-wise

this should give him a wider window to make wesker viable in high MMR.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • NuKeD
    NuKeD Member Posts: 227

    i think it's easy enough to realize when you're facing high MMR players and low/mid tier players.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    He was more or less viable because his power was free to land. If you have to actually land it, the reward for doing so is not enough. Might as well play Nurse or Blight. I agree that tweaking it so that you can actually use it more often would be a nice balance decision. Or keep it clunky and buff the effect. You should get a damage state if you land it, or nerf the excessive cleansing. Whatever, really. This just ain't it.

    That being said, he is still better than pretty much every m1.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333
  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Leaving aside the notion you think you’re high MMR, this is still an incredibly new killer who only recently got a buff to make his hitbox not almost useless. Give it some time.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 864

    One match on RPD and you're thinking Wesker is weak and need buffs? Maybe it was the map itself since it's still one of the worst maps in the game. It's not a good Wesker map.

    I'm a really good high MMR Death Slinger player and I can't even get 1 kill on that map and I'm not gonna complain for DS buffs.

    Play Wesker for 20-30 games then come back he's still new to the game. IMO he's already quite strong all he needs is bug fixes.

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    Wesker is A Tier if you know how to use him. I'm not claming to be a god but I've been practicing a fair bit and I don't think people quite understand his sweet spot yet. There's a mix of patience and aggression to need to have with him and he rewards you greatly for it. His power has built in slowdown, mobility and anti-loop, you just gotta be unpredictable and effective to get the most out of it, one match on RPD isn't going to get you very far with learning him at all

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    He is underwhelming, but will never get buffed because of salt, simple as that.

  • OniWantsUrLocation

    He is bad, but not worse than most other killers. I think he is in a good position in terms of BHVR standards. That means one thing: they won't change anything about his kit. At least not in the near future. 

    You mentioned a few good suggestions there, but at the end of the day, you shouldn't hope for any more changes. I will play Wesker many more times to master him. Maybe he's a little better than I'm currently assuming. I have seen some people here who classify him as an A-tier killer. I am CURRENTLY not of this opinion at all.  

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    He does not need a buff!! He's fine the way he is.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,321

    Dear lord that would make him op. In particular, his charge time and cooldowns should not be reduced in any way.

    He is strong, he just takes some time to learn. He is probably one of the killers with a higher skill cap.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,112

    Try the brown addon "Unicorn Medallion". That does miracles on many loops.

  • NuKeD
    NuKeD Member Posts: 227

    whilst i agree with your second point, i don't agree with the "he's fine the way it is" like other people say. he needs time to be mastered, but he's okay just in low/mid tier. he's unplayable in high MMR, just take a look to some best skilled killers on twitch, you'll see what i mean.

    i already said he's ok, but not viable in high MMR, where people would just use blight or nurse to deal with skilled survivors.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,138

    There is no functional MMR so whether someone is high MMR doesn't matter. I think most people who play the game for a living have gone on record as agreeing with this. People with 6000 hours get matched with people who have 100 so no one should be flexing their "high mmr" status. It only takes around 50 wins to get there anyway.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,274

    I mean I've been playing this game every day and the Survivors I get are mainly mediocre at best with either 1 or 2 good players. Doesn't matter if I play Survivor or Killer

    So no, not really easy.

  • Romovati
    Romovati Member Posts: 59

    Maybe just a small cooldown reduction after using his power or faster recovery after you vault a pallet but other than that I think he's fine where he is

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,914

    well that is the average for survivor. its usually 2 strong players and 2 medium players. when you play soloq. its very similar. you still have to carry teammates. its just not as hopeless as it used to be before mmr where... it felt like you were doing a 1vs1 against the killer.

    -less cast time

    -faster recharge time

    -less collision on objects

    -ability to use 2nd bound after vaulting

    all of them would cement him as top-tier killer. he is still probably going have high-kill rate for average survivors. Its just that he could be so much more skill-expressive as a killer. they went too safe with him. sad face.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,274

    I honestly think he's fine as is, I mean of course his bugs need to be squashed but other than that he's pretty solid

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Maybe tiny buffs would be nice but I feel like he's in a good spot, I'm a mediocre probably mid MMR killer and I do pretty good with him, but survivors clown on me all the same when I play bad or commit to chases I can't end quickly enough. As long as they don't nerf him and fix his bugs I'm happy. New hitbox works great, still dodgable but actually usable now.

  • NuKeD
    NuKeD Member Posts: 227

    i think everybody here is entirely missing the point of my post. i never said he's bad or else, but he's not good at loops since he takes too long to charge/recharge his power.

    i'm okay with his new hitbox, but still doesn't feel consistent when you gotta use his power in loops, making you wanting to use just m1 instead and get looped and juked, wasting so much time... time that can be precious in high MMR...

  • NuKeD
    NuKeD Member Posts: 227

    even demogorgon feels more consistent, you can bait and zone survivor with his m2, even if you don't use it... at least feels more consistent.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,914

    i think he is good capitalizing on survivor movement errors but cannot really make individual plays as a killer. i also think that he's one of the killer that is candidate for being 110% m/s if his power was universal good in every situation.

  • Dstorv
    Dstorv Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2022

    yea i agree with his power taking too long to charge. if you look at demogorgon the only reason he's better than wesker most of the time is because he can basically instant shred. they really need to make wesker's power charge faster.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    I am not ready to make a decision about adjustments to Wesker, but what about the idea of adding a SPECIAL ENEMY? This system has not been added at all since Nemesis.

    I'm not saying it should definitely be added, but I think it's time for a new killer with SPECIAL ENEMY.

    Or is he still not well-liked by the zombies, unlike Nemesis?

  • Igor_Bielobereg
    Igor_Bielobereg Member Posts: 67
    edited September 2022

    -less cast time

    An add-on for that would be nice.

    -faster recharge time

    His recharge time reduction system just needs to be more rewarding. It should grant at least -1 second to recharge time per infected survivor.

    -ability to use 2nd bound after vaulting

    I wanted that too at the beginning, but it is not necessary. Just reducing his Bound Vault cool-down to 1 second should be enough to punish predroppers of pallets more consistently.

    all of them would cement him as top-tier killer. he is still probably going have high-kill rate for average survivors. Its just that he could be so much more skill-expressive as a killer. they went too safe with him. sad face.

    Yes. Safe to the point, that it hurts his design itself.

    Post edited by Igor_Bielobereg on
  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 510


    I think Wesker needs his buff reverted, it was really not needed. He is definitely among the higher S tiers in the game. His loop power is insane, his power is insane, the virus is extremely strong and is a huge slowdown because you can't not cure yourself.

    I think he was still S tier on release but at least manageable.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    I would remove 2 chests with sprays. In all my time playing as Whiskas and against Whiskas, survivors never ran out of sprays.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Well, you can name killers useless in High MMR to almost every killer in the entire game.

    Before buffing Wesker again, what about Trapper, Freddy, Sadako, Piggy or Myers?

    Wesker is Top B-Tier at least and if my Freddy would be in this spot, I would run a big party.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,244
    edited September 2022

    Because it's intended as a slowdown and not actually to run out (which works perfectly - time to get to chest, open it, spray yourself AND HIDE/make sure to not go down + going back to your objective is HUGE). The killer is unloopable when you are fully infected. It's the same as trying to loop killer at bloodlust 2 or 3, but killer can use his abilities and break pallets. It's totally unreasonable to reduce number of chests.

    He is strong, but definitelly NOT S-tier. S-tier is currently reserved for blight and nurse. Those 2 are way better then wesker. I am pretty sure even artist and spirit are better then wesker. He is in a good spot at the moment.

    Demogorgon can't chase someone as quickly as wesker does. If you see survivor in a distance and he sees you, you are guaranteed it's going to take quite some time to down him (if you are not lucky on portals that is). For wesker - you use your ability 2x to cover the distance and the chase immediately begins. He also has 2 jumps instead of demo's 1 jump.

    Wesker is stronger then demo. No questions about it.

    The problem with special enemy is artificial intelligence. The most frustrating part about Nemesis is inconsistency of his zombies. They can win the game for you (if they block critical parts of the map or perfectly block 3gen or camp hooked survivor to death) in one instance and do LITERALLY absolutely nothing after being stuck the other game (And I have seen zombie being stuck less then 1m from generator - while 2 survivors were working on it. And the zombie ignoring it). I don't really want any new killer ability that is so dependent on pure luck.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 510

    If your definition of S tier is blight and nurse then wesker is at the top of A. But also, blight and nurse should never be a point of comparison for balance. I honestly think he is by far the best killer in the game, aside from the 2 that can litterally be everywhere on the map at once.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 510

    That's the intent. It's fine to have the whole team affected by the T-virus, but not Uroboros.

  • M1cha3l_00
    M1cha3l_00 Member Posts: 7

    After all the bug fixes, he feels so much better. Ya, maybe he can use a few buffs and QOL changes here and there, but overall he seems pretty strong currently.

  • M1cha3l_00
    M1cha3l_00 Member Posts: 7

    His mobility is good and his anti loop is decent. Overall I’d say he’s a strong killer. The things that were holding him back were mostly bugs, but now that most of the bugs are fixed, he feels great.