I just wanna have fun

I'm so tired of the sweaty killers, and the SWF. That's all I get anymore, and it's so exhausting. Even after like 10 games with 0 kills, or like 10 games where I barely do anything cause I get tunneled immediately it's the same story. I can take break after break, and I still come back to the same mess. Sorry for the rant. I'm just tired of every game, not even just dbd being filled with people so competitive.
I won't stop getting damn Nurse every match, I want to verse Spirit more, and not that trash. I really can't wait for her to get nerfed so people can drop her for good.
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In my experience it's any killer. I don't have one killer in particular that acts this way. I've seen more Nemesis lately than I have Nurse's. But like I said it's the same experience with both sides.
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It's a pvp game. Both sides play sweaty not just killers. Yes camping and tunneling can be an issue, but I don't see them flat out making it banable and they shouldn't. The same can be said for SWF it's part of the game and isn't going anywhere. If you are having that much of an issue with the game... I don't know, maybe find something else to play?
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Did you guys see that YT video explaining how MMR supposedly works? So after we hit like 1600, we get thrown in a large ass pool of 1600- and ABOVE. So that’s pretty much the majority of the player base. The problem with this other than the obvious, is that you can lose 10 games in a row and not fall out of this pool. So that means the truly bad players that happen to make it up there, pretty much never leave. So decent solo que players (not talking about good or very good- just your average gamer who is a team player, experienced, & understands the do’s and dont’s) most likely sits and hovers around 1600 with the bad players, getting killers of upwards towards 2800. This is why it seems like we are always getting sweaty killers- becuz we are. And this my friends, is elo hell. To put things into perspective, SWF’s (4 man?) on average are in the 2200 - 2400 range.
Now this may not be fact, but this YTber has been pretty spot on with his sources before, warning of things to come and those things actually happened. And the way this is explained makes perfect sense to me. It all adds up, and all the parts fit into the right slots.
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If you want to have fun, get 4 friends and play customs or play something else. DbD is just torture.
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Might i suggest switching to some Singleplayer games or pvp games with less direct interaction like auto chess games?
I did it and stopped playing most pvp games (lol,r6s, rocket league, DBD,...) for a while to get away from the stress they put me in.
It lies in the nature of online pvp games to get more and more competitive and serious over the course of their life time since casual players most often don't stick for more than a few years and it boils down further and further to the majority of players being min/maxer and hardcore veterans.
Or the game provides several game modi or queues for casual and ranked, which DBD does not and it often only partially helps to separate the casual from the serious players.
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She has been nerfed countless times.
Kill Nurse and you kill the game.
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Tell me about it I wasn't on DBD for like 3 months? 4? But came back since Wesker came out and I heard Jill got a Sheva skin who was my fav character other than Leon from resident Evil and I was thrown, THROWN into insane sweat matches. Getting wrecked on killer and survivor right now.
I'm getting my bearings but trying to learn Wesker and relearn maps while facing the Uber sweats is a horrible experience right now.
Makes me learn really fast but good god.
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Hopefully one day BHVR manages to separate competitive from casual. The mismatch between the two is one of the most frustrating things in this game in my opinion.
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I said both sides, so I'm not sure why you had to clarify. I play both sides equally, and I understand that it's just as bad on both sides. Honestly I am fine with occasional sweaty, or hard game. It's just when it's game after game it gets to me. Usually when I do start getting frustrated I play something else. I'd just prefer if I didn't have to do that lol.
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If that IS how MMR works then they definitely need to tweak it a bit. It's a frustrating thing to not play for like 2 months, hop back on, die constantly, and still be in the same pool of players.
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I have actually had plenty of fun matches on DbD. When I first started playing the game it was awesome. People have just gotten more competitive since then, and they learn the ins and outs of the game. Which makes it difficult for casual players to enjoy.
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I usually do switch games once I start getting frustrated, so it's not a completely endless cycle. I can absolutely be competitive, but not to the point most people are anymore. I'm not gonna spend all my free time on a single game just so I can destroy a team of noobs. That's not satisfying at all.
Even in Apex the "casual" mode has just as many hard-core sweaty people, and that just ruins the game for me. I still play it, but getting destroyed by a bloodhound with 30,000 kills makes me wanna just stop lol.
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There should be a separate pool for people who didn't play the PTB. It's absolutely awful that people who can't are going up against people who already know how the newest killer works, their advantages, and disadvantages.
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Sadly I don't think this will work. If you look at apex for example. It has a casual and ranked mode (which is essentially casual and competitive), and people who are competitive still play on the casual one probably just to feel better about themselves.
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This is why I'm looking forward to the bot implementation later this year. It obviously won't exactly mirror what it's like to play with real people, but at least you won't have to deal with sweaty matches and toxicity anymore. It'll be a perfect way to practice and just have chill matches.
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Bots are gonna be perfect for people with 1 or 2 friends that play, but don't wanna deal with the BS of actual matches. I'm also looking forward to it too. However, I'm gonna completely lose it laughing if I do just as bad against bots.
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sweaty killers, and the SWF
This is what everybody wants.
It's not allowed!
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What’s wrong with people playing seriously? What if that’s their source of enjoyment?
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The question is can we use all our perks, items, and gain BP like just in regular matches?
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Well I don't see myself looping an overpowered rock, or a pallet like it if was The Need For Speed.
So it is camping so that I don't have to chase or Nurse where I don't have to loop that hard (still hard to win, Nurse is not easy).
Lot of players would drop, Killer is the clown role but it would be too much while cheats (soft speed hacks or blatant hacks) are possible and Discord is tolerated.
It's not possible to 12 hook with The Trapper, using no addons you will not pick your first trap from the ground before a generator pops, even with the nerfed Corrupt Intervention.
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Hopefully it mirrors what DBD mobile has done with their bots. In the mobile game you can customize how difficult the bots are to go up against, so you can make it as easy or as hard as you want. Regardless, I can't wait. The sweaty competitive players can keep hopping into live matches, and I'll be perfectly content having chill matches with bots! LOL
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I'm honestly not trying to tell people how to play. Even though that's absolutely what it seems like. I know I don't want sweaty all the time from either side. However, I'm fine with the OCCASIONAL hard game.
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and despite what I'm saying I don't want everyone to play a certain way to accommodate others. I just wish there was a more methodical way for the matchmaking. Say if I die 10 games in a row I obviously shouldn't be in the group of MMR.
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I would assume it's gonna be like normal custom matches where we have everything, and don't get any bloodpoints or anything like that.
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I would completely do that too if it wasn't for the archives lol. I'm a completionist at heart, so I grind till I get level 70.
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It is what it is sweaty players take over 😂 sweaty killers push survivors to join SWF groups so they become sweaty and vice versa. Just a endless cycle of sweaty players.
When so many play like their in a million dollar tournament it's kind of hard to have a fun match.
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Based take
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Most online games are like this, and I just wish it wasn't lol. I think I've duo'd, but even then it's not for swear purposes. It's because I wanna have fun with friends lol
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ive heard BP/XP won’t be awarded but you’ll have all perks, add ons/items and whichever killers/surv you’ve already unlocked .
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Listen...I'm gonna be honest here. I looked up the definition of based because I really don't understand slang anymore, and I still don't understand what it means exactly lol.
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I was just saying you had an awesome take for not criticizing people for playing like that.
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Thats how it works. No upper limit to your personal MMR but there is a match making limit.
It was 1900 but every Twitchy/Youtuber complained about constant sweaty games. So the Devs lower it to 1700 and now the same Twitchy/Youtubers can do their win streaks again.
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Oh alright cool! Thanks. Again sorry for me not knowing it lol.
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Yeah, that video is a little misleading because if you go by normal distribution only maybe 5-6% of people are over 1600 is the estimate we came up with in another thread yesterday.
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Not really
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Also, is everyone else reading the post with the music on the head "girls just want to have fun"?
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Ope I wasn't at all, but now that you mention it lol
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Find a new hobby. Don't torture yourself. ✌❤
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Funny how we want Killers to spread hooks but Survivors won't spread to the seven gens. I would like to see 5 completed and the other two at 90%.
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Again fun is not allowed only super sweaty competitive play is.
You have to dream that you're in that big tournament where you're going to win it all. It's not about the money but, the fame known to everyone as the greatest.😂 but, back to reality it's just a dream it's just in their heads.
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Gaming is my hobby, so I can't hide from it lol. I just need a break every once and awhile, but I do have fun more than half the time.
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I know this is a joke, but you're not fully wrong with people having that mindset. There is such a thing as TOO competitive lol
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I feel you there.
An example from my memory were people in battlefield 3 that had several thousand hours in jets alone and where skilled and sweaty enough to never get shot down but on the other hand could kill anything from armored tanks down to single infanteries.
Not really fun, especially when server had explicit rules against those pros but no one made sure those rules where followed through.
50+/0 kda weee
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Oh yikes. Those people to need to chill lol. It's not actual war
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They already nerfed her. She is one of two (primary, 4 counting spirit and artist) options to deal with swfs, so a lot of people bring her every game.
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The purpose of casual queues is to allow people to try new characters (or new character builds), without messing up their ranked games.
In competitive team games, it is frowned upon to try new things in ranked mode, because that person won’t be playing at top performance, and would be hurting their team’s chances of winning.
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That's fair, but it's not trying a new character when they have like over 200 kills. At that point you're gonna know the character well enough.
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That is probably around true as killer I get sometimes very sweaty squads and then bad ones. Then some squads in middle. When I play survivor mostly I get good killers who take the 4K and often my teammates are bad either at looping or don't do gens. I usually win when killer is not good and my teammates are decent. Agains't good killers it's hard to win.
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What about people who take breaks? I took a substantial one and coming back to my Boy blight I was bouncing and not bouncing everywhere. (Didn't help I was on survivor sided map with almost the entire thing being interlocking jump through but still), casual mode would be great for relearning.