Fuse Two Killers Together

What would that killer look like and what would their new power be?
Huntress + Nurse
Like a Veterinarian.
Throw hatchets like normal, but missed shots cause you to teleport to the missed shots location.
That sounds chaotic as hell. I love it.
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Imagine a cross map hatchet teleport. Lol.
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Pyramid Head + Artist
Mapwide POTD
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Blight and Bubba
You now rush while using a chainsaw.
Think hillbilly, but you down multiple people and have better maneuverability. Bouncing off of things doesn’t trigger a tantrum.
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A Bubba that can bump into walls is a terrifying concept.
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So the crows leave trails or they are like his wave attack that goes through walls?
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Trapper + Hag = The Trag. By the time you finish setting your convoluted web of traps, the survivors are teabagging at the gates.
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Twins + Clown and Charlette carries both of them on each side of her bosom. Clown sits back and chucks bottles, while Victor does his thing. Yellow bottle can buff both Charlotte and Victor movement speed. Clown can also detach from Charlette but at a reduced speed compared to Victor.
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A little vestigial Clown would be hilarious and terrifying.
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Right? Just one look at those ugly mugs and i'd be on death hook already.
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Dredge + Plague.
It would look like a Turkey in a Babylonian dress, and green puke could just suddenly projectile gush out of lockers.
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It would be funny if you sent out Victor and he just had a trail of gas following behind him (slow or speed). Just imagine a gassy Victor clinging onto a survivor and Charlotte all dressed up like a clown starts chasing after them.
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I'm imagining a survivor cleansing at a fountain, then all of a sudden, they are grabbed from the water and the Turkey Priest rises out with the survivor on their shoulder.
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That made me laugh harder than it should have. xD
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That's actually hilarious. I'd like to imagine Charlette brought in the Taco Bell add-on before the trial, so that is some seriously lethal gas Victor is putting out on top of that.
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I'd main the Trag.
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The Pig + The Hag = The Hapi
You can place traps on survivors once you down them. They work exactly like Pig's traps. Here comes the twist: If a survivor misses any kind of skillcheck while having a trap on you hear their heartbeat and can instantly teleport to them.
The Pig + The Huntress = The Hug
You now throw active bear traps. They also damage survivors on contact.
Enjoy :D
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Mastermind + Nightmare
He puts you to sleep by slamming your face into a wall
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Stand still to go into Yamaoka's Frenzy. You cant see survivors, but if you hit one, others in your TR will be revealed by Killer Instinct and the hit survivor has to mend. Hitting a survivor with Frenzy will fully recharge your Frenzy.
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Nemesis + Huntress.
Hand Nemesis a Rocket Launcher. Decrease the size of Huntress' hatchet hitbox. Combine together, stir... and voilà , Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.
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Nurse x Pinhead
Survivors you blink through get chained.Also she has Chain Hunt with the box.
Here's the most terribly op killer
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ender pearls
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Clown + Huntress = exploding AOE hatchets
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Can we get silly with this? Imma get silly with this....
Demogorgon + Hag - Demihag
You receive fewer traps to place and your traps lose their disorienting effect as Hag, but if a survivor triggers one, demi pops out of the ground and holds them in place unless they can pry him off. (maybe a wee bit of trapper influence there too) If the survivor can't get out, Demo pulls the survivor under and flings them out at another trap spot, injured. Traps can only be destroyed as you would Demo's portals.
*"They popped out of the ground....LIKE DAISIES!" ~ Mushu*
Bubba + Victor = Bromance
Every little brother needs some time with his friends! Victor rides atop Bubba's head Ratatouille style. The Bromance starts the trial with 4 tokens. Victor can correct a chainsaw bump mid chase for a total of 4 times per match. In the event of a Bubba tantrum, Victor will launch himself at the offending target.
*"We didn't even realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun" ~ Winnie the Pooh*
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Pyramid Head + Doctor: Shock Therapy injures survivors, and survivors in madness 3 can get moried on 3rd hook.
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people will call you their cute puppy daddy myers and just let you mori them when you burst out of the ground.
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You are absolutely aloud to get silly with it, the sillier the better. I love both of those, btw. XD
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Such wholesome names for such terrifying concepts. Love them.
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Interesting, I'm imagining instead of the grab infecting you with Uroboros, it's snares or fake pallets that would do that.
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Tombstone Nurse.
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A simple fusion, but definitely terrifying.
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That is a bomb. You have just described a bomb.
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Ok Lets fuse and make the most Busted killer ever
Sadako + Dredge
..... Umm yeah i still just got Dredge nothing changed
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The Bledge
He can teleport to lockers and when he exits he breaks into a sprint that can be used to bounce off objects. He can also go from his sprint straight into a locker and reposition himself.
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Well....you could have survivors become fully Condemned during nightfall. Just saying.
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That just sounds cool. Imagine missing a skill check, then all of a sudden, the killer comes sprinting out of a locker right at you. Not to mention how grotesque it would look.
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Just making sure we're on the same page. Love the idea.
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We could perhaps cal this killer The Nemesis?
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Wesker and bubba imagine those chainsaws at that speed
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Well at least you get to leave the match quicker
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With undetectable also for jumpscares.
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Now would tiering up evil within increase your blink range?
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Dredge and Myers
Pop Tier 3 Open locker with perk to see aura teleport for insta down
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Nemesis and Twins.
Giant Nemesis spawns out lots of baby zombies and ends up looking like multiple boss battles with the Nazi baby from South Park.
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if i get on dbd and see a dredge jump out of a locker and sprint across the room into another locker at mach speed as i enter, im taking of my headset and grabbing a new pair of pants
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Plague and Artist so I can be their starving and screeching baby bird.
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Blight + Legion. Get really fast and refill rush tokens when you get a hit in. Still have the whole fifth hit gimmick. :>
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LOVE IT! That name is chef's kiss.
I think I'd like the Drag. Phantom Dredges EVERYWHERE.