QOL Changes I'd like to see!

Feel free to input your own ideas below. These are just some things that I would like that would save time and make things just a little bit easier/better.
- Perk search bar, I need it in my life... perks are ever increasing, and having to go through each page to try and find what you're looking for is a little annoying. I just wanna type a couple letters in and click the perk I want.
- If we could have a button that would just auto fill up the bloodweb with the cheapest path.... life changed. This would be so good, cause often I'm just trying to prestige characters to unlock their teachables and better tiers but I have to click one by one, spending a ton of time to level up a character a fair amount.
- If we select the furthest thing in the bloodweb, it would be great if it just created the shortest path to it, saving some time and straight away getting the item you want without clicking one by one.
- Allowing players to mix and match cosmetics in the store that aren't purchased (as of now and I think this has always been the case, you can't pair together unpurchased cosmetics to see how your outfit would look). Right now I have to go in photoshop and get a rough idea of what it would look like.
- A settings option to turn off chat. Sometimes you just don't want to bother with the endgame chat because of some interactions you get, but all you can do is essentially hide chat. It would be great to actually have a permanent on/off option.
- A way to select a specific charm in the same slot for all your characters simultaneously. For example, say you got a new charm and you want to use it on all your characters. At the moment your only option is one by one flipping through all the character screens, finding the charm, and putting it on. If there was an "Apply to All Characters" checkbox though you could check that option, set a charm, and you're done!
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Ooo yes! This would be very nice as I also tend to use the same charms for my characters.
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I love these! Especially the cosmetic combining in the store, that would be very useful and actually encourage people to buy more, imo. :)
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Since survivors have all the same items/add-ons in the bloodwebs, why not just have a shared pool of resources among your survivors.
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Id even take the ability to autofill for the most expensive options or just randomized and charged 20k extra
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I'd like it if iri stone, the trapper addon, got a little timer similar to what object has
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Doubt they would do 'cheapest path' but autofilling at random (prioritizing perk paths) would be a really good QoL change.
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I like these changes a lot! It would be very helpful for a lot of players.
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Yes agreed! I think you can close the chat window as it is right now (unless they removed that option). If you close the chat window, it should stay closed for the subsequent matches as well.
I really think the bloodweb needs some changes, and soon. I'd also really love an option in settings to a) turn chat filter on / off, and b) audio slider or mute-toggle for the bloodweb (or 'menu audio' in general).
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Definitely good suggestions.
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honestly I would be happy to see all of these changes, as well as see this post get even more stuff added to it.