Off the Record must be removed

when a survivor gets free borrowed time after getting unhooked that's already too much saving a perk slot because the game gave you an extra slot with a borrowed time in it
If so Then the company needs to give extra perk slot for all the killers so they can Make it more fair tho generally speaking there's no balance or fairness in the game but you could at least make it look fair by doing this
So it's Either removing off the record and free borrowed time or giving killers extra perk slot
OTR and BT( base or perk) endurance do not stack
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Have you tried not tunneling? A foreign concept, I know, but you won't even notice off the record in that case
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The Point Is the whole endurance is broken and it shouldn't be gained this easily
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I wouldn't say removed, but put back to what it was before now.
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How do you know i'm tunneling?
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They just made survivors a living tank i literally hit a survivor 5 times during a chase
Off the record-Free borrowed time-Dead hard
Does this game have any fun aspect in it?
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Otherwise you wouldn't notice off the record. It's either that or the survivor has been running around for some time being absolutely useless just to preserve the endurance
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Also Have you tried not Genrushing or body blocking? It's also a foreign long lost concept But if you wouldn't genrush Killer mains could enjoy their game
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I would much rather be in this version of DBD vs the one we saw on the PTB where endurance effects truly stacked/chained together for 4+ hits. I honestly don't mind infinite endurance that turns off if you progress the game in any way.
If you as a killer want to take on that endurance/focus down one survivor then that's totally fine but you're gonna chew through an extra endurance state at the very least.
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You're Stating that Tunneling is a very disgraceful act yet survivor mains and Possibly you would genrush and call it objective
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You're not hitting survivors 5 times during a chase. You're hitting them, at most, 3 times. And that's if they manage to time the 0,5 Deadhard with a million latency, bugs, and hitbox issues this game has. You could push it and be hitting them, at most, 4 times if they happen to have MoM active in the 0,000000000000000000000000006% situations you manage to activate MoM without throwing the game first.
The "fun" aspect doesn't exist if you play Solo Q, so if you don't find killer fun, your only choice left is to look for a 4 premade SWF squad.
Good luck
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You see that's the problem why would we choose from bad and worse?
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Expected that you'd say something like
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Because you created post to remove 2 anti-tunneling perks that don't do anything more.
Anyway sure. Remove OTR and base BT. But remove also DS and DH nerf, revert killer hit CD reduction, add after-hit speedup to what it was.
It's not totally healthy from the point of how the game will be played, but it would get us closer to fair 50% killrate (over full MMR spectrum) like it used to be. But I presume that's not what OP wants. He probably wants even easier games.
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I most often try to get a hit onto the unhooked survivor asap, even when I have no intentions of tunneling them, just to get rid of any endurance. Some will try to bodyblock their friend and expect you to do some gymnastics to get around them and aren't ready for the consequences of being "robbed" of their protection immediately. Also, in my personal rule book if you body block you aren't protected by any moral obligations to not go after you, ie YOU yourself put you back on the menu and I am ready to eat up.
What is also interesting is how hellbend some survivors are to get value out of their endurance. Even when both could get away they will linger around and sometimes on purpose let you hit them before vaulting away, as if they wanna see "fufufu see, you fool? You can't hurt me! Fufufu", but in situations like these I think "jokes on you, fool" and keep pressuring them.
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Because there are two sides to this game that need to be give and take on issues. Take a look at VHS if you want to see what happens to an asym game that caters too hard to one side. Sub 1k players after having an insane amount of hype earlier this year. Survivors need to be able to have fun and recover from early hooks/camping or DBD runs the risk of becoming alt VHS.
I'm not saying base endurance is not annoying/abusable but it's a small price to pay to prevent DCS and keep survivors wanting to play and keep solo queue numbers up.
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i mean if they do nothing for 80 seconds im okay with that
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I don't know man, tunnelling is such a vague term, the killer using lethal at the start of the match might as well be tunneling 🙄
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ur joking right?
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Unless they get in your way. In this case: M1 and forget.
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"there's no balance or fairness in the game but you could at least make it look fair by doing this"
You want the devs to make the game FAIR and BALANCED by letting you tunnel survivors easily?
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Why would I be joking. People real deal be saying that kind of stuff.
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Totally fair. I would love to have killers like you in my lobbies
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Exactly you're understanding me because you play killer possibly
You see Survivors actual goal and objective is to get you mad this is their true goal
As someone who been playing for a year Don't give them what they want never get mad I try that myself but Eh sometimes i get triggered with certain players and gameplays but yea They just wanna make fun of you so play as dirty as you can
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Man, the only issue with OtR is when they use it aggressively. In that scenario you are definitely authorized in tunneling and camping the guy. The Pope said you still will go to heaven.
I love when, just after being unhooked they run towards me to bodyblock and expect me to simply hit them and keep chasing the guy i was chasing before, instead i hit them and finish the job i started and i wasn't going to finishe due to the protection of OtR.
99% they complain in endgame chat for tunneling. So much fun!
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Yea hitting survivors is tunneling simply walking counts as tunneling chasing someone is tunneling
I wonder why survivors are so innocent I mean yea we're the bad guys but damn why survivors are so innocent?
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Lol. Tunneling is the act of focusing one survivor right after being unhooked, purposefully ignoring other survivors. At the start of the game, nobody's been hooked...
It's a pathetic strategy, cause it's litterally an easy 100% guaranteed 4 kills. Funnily enough, although it's officially not reportable, it technically also is abusing a gameplay mechanic to get a competitive advantage, which is reportable.
I put a huge part of the blame on the developpers, which have stated they agree that it is a problem and needs to be fixed, but are doing an absolutely pathetic job at fixing. But waiting for the day they finally show some effort to fix this, we can only try to play fair as a community.
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Genrushing is okay but killers doing their job is wrong?
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Exactly wait for them to come to you so you can hit them and they just run away everyone happy and they just twerk at the exit gate nothing too important and end game chat they be like GG you're a great killer and all happy ending
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Body blocking you while you're trying to get a survivor that doesn't count as nothing
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So keeping survivors in game is more important than having a killer got it
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Tunneling is game abusing
What is Genrushing? What's Body blocking? What's sabotaging? What's Tea bagging? these are game's objective yea?
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Where's the 2 perks that remove genrushing and slow the game's speed? i wonder
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You can't tunnel when lethal is active by definition. It works only a few seconds at the beginning. There is no way you will manage to down, hook and somebody unhook at that time and lethal being still active.
And I am pretty sure nobody in this game complains about lethal allowing tunnel.
However - there is a thing called having tunnel-vision. That is something different though. If somebody "complains" about that one, he is more likely just laughing at you for throwing the game and ignoring all your objectives just to catch that 1 elusive survivor you should have left long ago (to pressure gens so that survivors do not "genrush" - but this in fact is no genrushing. If you totally ignore everything but 1 survivorsl, then what other thing should the other 3 be doing?)
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You got that for free already. +10s per generator without any perk at patch 6.1. that is 1s off of 2 people working on gens before patch with 4 chase perks and now 1 of them having proofethydelf (1 of 2 most complained-about perk in this section).
As for antigenrush perks. Call of brine, overcharge, eruption, discordance, plaything and thana if you play plague. There you have it. I gave you 6 instead of 2
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I developped more above about tunneling but I just have one question.
What in the hell is gen rushing? most generator repair perks don't help all that much. Just a few %.
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All those are gameplay mechanics that can be outplayed by good killers.
Except for tea bagging. I actually do facecamp and tunnel toxic tea baggers/spam clickers when I see them, but as a result, I let the other survivors farm. It actually feels good knowing that the toxic one might be watching the other survivors farm, while he's dead.
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Yes, I consider myself a killer main, BUT I also play 30-50%, depending on the mood, survivor. Its fun and its half of the game, so you shouldn't skip on it. It also broadens your horizon, and slipping into the other roles shoes helps a lot with empathising with their problems, because they are suddenly your problems.
When you play killer good enough to blast through the lower ranks, you will invariable encounter survivors who are hellbend on making your game as miserable as possible, thats just their "fun" and goal. But these players aren't the majority, so the real object is not only to not give them what they want, but especially not to project their mean tactics onto the next group of survivors, who might just be ready to play casually and maybe even meme around.
I once felt the same as you and let a Nancy bleed out for 4 mins that was the last player in the game to punish her for being such a bully ... but that game, she wasn't the bully. She was good at looping, yes, but she never t-bagged me and clicked her flashlight at me or mocked me. We had a discussion in the post game chat and this encounter sobered me up for the rest of my killer career. YES, there are some really dispicable persons in the game, but they aren't the survivors, they sit on both side of the fence. My honestly best advice is not to give in into the bitterness and anger, but try to enjoy the cool and fun parts of the game. Contrary to what picture some peeps might wanna paint here, I still enjoy the game immensely, more so since the big patch.
Killer is finally viable again and even soloQ ain't half as bad (IMHO) as many people make it sound, but you also can't expect to get out half of the time, when all you do is running with strangers and no means of communicating. Still, I had some stellar soloQ games were everyone was bringing their a-game and we totally stuck it to that killer. So give survivors a try and see for yourself how godaweful tunneling off the hook feels when there are still 4 gens remaining. Oh, but one thing: just because you are playing survivor and you just got into the exit gates area: please, don´t be one of THEM and just leave quietly without any stupid victory dance. Be the change you want.
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and none of them work Let's say you go full Anti genrush build
What about chase? What about healing?
Survivors don't need ANYTHING their overall objective is to hold m1 this is the way to win Simply hold m1
Killers= kick a gen-Gets repaired-Kick it again-Gets repaired and boom end of game and you're losing for what? Because Survivors can use Something called Toolbox
2 survivors on a generator with normal toolbox takes 30 to 20 seconds to finish a Generator
And then so on While you're chasing A survivor who uses every dirty and broken perk to keep you on chase While others work on gens and then endgame you get insulted for everything you've done and haven't done
This is the fact
You could say whatever you like But we all know This is the fact The game is survivor sided End of the line
You just don't want to believe it buddy but it doesn't make it a false Opinion cuz it's a fact and not an opinion
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Punishing a rescue isn't abusing anything nor is it a problem.
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Very nice outlook. Yet again - I want more of you in my lobbies :)
Just one thing though. You should not consider staying at the gate always wanting "victory dance". I do that to get those last free points (protection hits and late heals are quite nice - also and this is more important for emblems to pip up) - but I will never tbag. If I enjoyed the game, it is very possible I will give you my item to show respect :)
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Awww, thank you <3
Yes, getting some late heals and altruism points by staying in the exit area is totally ok, but nearly all of thoses "oh, I just wanted to give you a free hit, so that you got more points" peeps are lying into your face and are just in there for the bullying.
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You are just wrong. You can't make gen in 20-30s with 2 people and normal toolbox. Go to custom game with someone, take stopwatch and see for yourself.
I see you got frustrated from game, but that is more likely because of MMR. You won a lot of games after 6.1 patch and now you only get effective survivors. But they will be effective also without any toolbox or perk. It's even more likely they will rather take flashlight or medkit and just 1 perk for genspeed.
This means you need to get effective at whole game. Not just find survivor and down them. You need to pressure whole map. Sometimes slug strategically, but only to a degree so that they don't get picked up for free.
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This Arguement isn't going anywhere
So i'm gonna call it a day and move on
I said my opinion
I stated facts
Like it or Not it's my opinion and regarding facts you can deny them it won't make much difference to me tbh
As a Killer main This game needs adjustments it is what it is
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As for opinion/fact. I have quite convincing proof that says otherwise. Check killer/survivor incentives. Or check the only stats we have (last we got every killer but nurse had higher killrate then 50%) - mind you those were before killer buffs (and from full MMR range). Or check Scott Jund's tournament where killers and survivors were allowed everything (yet again this was before killer buffs).
Now you give me any such proof that the game is survivor sided. Or better yet - try to play 30 games of soloQ (you need first 20 to settle in some MMR range and last 10 to actually see how many times you get away)
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Giving Me Percents and advanced words don't cut it Dbd will never be a competitive game so the tournament is something delusional Go watch The failure tournament that all the famous streamers literally said that this game don't worth it and walked away
Play a Killer game with premades Lets see if you can enjoy it or not
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I have been there and done that many times. Mind you I am survivor main so I mostly play that. But I play killer too.
I used to play nurse and was able to win some even against 4-man swf with more hours then me (and that was also before killer buffs). But I had also quite a success with oni. Before that I mained clown (but he used to hit hard limit - I don't really know how he is now) and at the beginning I learned the game as Wraith. But I played most of killers and it's ok.
What I presume is the problem, that some games are more memorable then others. You tend to forget those 2 stomp games where you had 4k at 5 and 4 gens, then having another one where you had just 1 kill is not that important as the last game where you got 4 clearly better survivors that stomped you. Now comes the feeling like all survivors have everything going for them. But you just had 56% winrate out of those 4 games. Means you are winning and are actually OP.
You also leave behind 8 survivors that feel they couldn't do anthing and Killer is OP. So what now? Do we just buff one side (no matter which one) to make the other side stop playing? Is that the best solution you have?
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That's literally impossible, the free bt is overrided by off the record and endurance does nothing survivors are deep wounded, did you give them time to mend?
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Than it would be useless again.
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You and me both know that you won't get a convicning answer xD
But Let me answer this instead
Survivors Think that Killer Must be a puppet and Just keep chasing them and don't attack them at any cost just running around the map and look good
This is their Point of view.
I say this because i heard survivor mains Saying this Over and over and over Directly And Indirectly
Is that even possible to have a healthy discussion with someone with this View?
As a Killer main I'm telling you this
You're a killer ok? A killer KILLS
You don't Play by survivors rules
You do whatever you want
This is Your game You gotta Shape it into your own game
Survivors make a game and force you to play by their rules
So you'll make your own rules you Deny their game plan and make your own
This is the only Way you can enjoy
Survivors Say Ok no tunneling-No camping-No slugging but we can= Genrush-Bodyblock-Sabotage-Teabag-Abuse the Noise Notifications and so on
Take the matter in your hand and Enjoy