Razvan Member Posts: 185
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Disable the penaltys i get disconnected from host for no reason!



  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The game cannot tell if it was intentional or unintentional in a way that cannot be tricked to DC on purpose without penalty.

  • Kirahie
    Kirahie Member Posts: 354

    One DC is a tiny penalty. Just truck on. If it's happening more often it's likely on your end.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    You were probably DDoS'ed by a cheater. There is an ongoing issue with steam with vulnerability allowing cheaters to get your IP address, which they can then use to DDoS you, thus making you lose your connection and disconnect from the game. So if you are on steam, I would suggest you taking a break from the game until the devs do something about it.

  • Ciabe
    Ciabe Member Posts: 119

    If you are getting disconnected often enough, even unintentionally, that the time gets too high you shouldn't be playing until you fix your connection. You are ruining many games for others every time you disconnect. You are complaining about your time lost due to dc penalty, but consider the time you wasted of the other 4 players in the game you just ruined.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    If it happens once, then try again, but if it's doing it multiple times, then take the hint before you get a 72 hour penalty

  • Ciabe
    Ciabe Member Posts: 119

    To add to that. The game is not causing frequent random disconnects. That is an issue somewhere in your connection (that could include your isp depending on what country you are in), but most often is an issue somewhere in your home. Most players will see an unintentional disconnect for themselves maybe once a month or one every few hundred games. Are you playing on wifi 2.4ghz in a congested apartment building and you drop every time all the neighbors start streaming to their tablets/phones? Visit the troubleshooting forum and describe what steps you have taken.

    TLDR The disconnect penalty is there to protect other players from you ruining their game.

  • Ciabe
    Ciabe Member Posts: 119

    Yes you do. Vast majority of players do not have random disconnects often enough to acure dc penalty. If you are consistently getting disconnects, it is something wrong with you or your isp. Visit the troubleshooting section for help. I've even posted lots of guides to identify the issue there.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah but your connection does...

    should probably get that fixed before any more online gaming.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,132

    It sounds harsh, but it is something that bears repeating: if your internet sucks, you shouldn't be playing real time, online multiplayer games.

    If this happens to you a lot, it is 100% on your end.

    Your bad internet isn't a free pass, and if you keep loading up into games knowing your internet is an issue, you're being kind of a selfish jerk, and you have fault. It's not the fault of the service if you lack the resources to access it properly.

    I get it. From like 2002 - 2017 I lived in a mountain town where the best internet money could buy was like 10 up/2 down, on a good day, and never consistent. Games like DBD would have been impossible to play consistently, so I rarely tried. Not fair, but until we have some sort of global internet standard (lmao), it just is what it is.

    If you think you have good internet, try replacing your cables (this is often overlooked), your router, and reset your modem every so often. And avoid WiFi.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    I understand you, op. I've encountered the connection error bug/possible ddosers a few times now and I'm starting to worry that my timer will go past 5 minutes.