People complain about killer being frustrating and unplayable, yet surv has 100% BP incentive 24/7

Before the core buffs and perk overhaul changes, killer queues was on average 3-5 minutes at day time, while at night it was always instant.
Now queues for killer can be almost 6+ minutes on day time and 3 mins night time in the EU region.
There has been a few times killers did have BP incentive but you only saw it for one match then it was instantly back on survivors.
And dont give me that "4:1 ratio" bs, in that case BP incentive would be around 25-50%
People are just playing SWF, cause soloq has been stated as "unplayable" when its really now, soloq is just a gamble if you get good team8s or not, if u dont trust a lobby, just dodge and look for another, its not like u as survivor have to wait more then 10 seconds to get a lobby.
Either revert the BBQ + WGLF changes, or buff soloq to the point they are on SWF level so I grind BP as killer again. IDC MAKE GENS 40 SECONDS, GIVE SURVIVORS 200% MOVEMENT SPEED I JUST WANNA PLAY KILLERS AND GET MORE THEN 2 bloodwebs worth of BP again.
I been playing so much survivor just trying to level up my Huntress, Billy, Nurse and Twins to prestige 20 while also mix-max spending BP on survivors for items and prestige 3+. I am losing my sanity
Bhvr: Nerf pig
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BBQ giving the blood points also actively discourages tunneling as you are trying to get max bbq stacks
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Survivor queue time is like 20s and killer queue time is like 30s for me.
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And dont give me that "4:1 ratio" bs, in that case BP incentive would be around 25-50%
Why do you think the incentive wouldn’t be 100%?
Hypothetically say half the people in queue are survivors and the other half are killers. That means the survivor queue is four times smaller than it needs to be, they need 60% of the killers in that scenario to switch sides. Do you think that many people would switch if the incentive was small?
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I Swear it's bugged again (and not the confirmed if it swaps during a game you lose that 100%bp) and they don't want to admit it because it rarely goes to killer at all but survivor almost every time I check is 100%
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Do not
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in that case, the BP incentive would never be on killer ever, but u will see it times from times switch to it, but again, it will instantly go back to survivor. few patch prior, survivors also had very long queue times during night time while killer was instant. welp, not anymore
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Not at all. Since you were able to just tunnel the first person out and still got the Stacks for the other 3 Survivors.
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I just love the fact that everyone that wanted bp incentive was a killer player and yet till this day i've seen killer bp incentive for 1 match only.
Facts speak more than words, if killer was THAT frustrating bp incentives would be 24/7 on killer
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Survivor might have the BP incentive up far more often than killer, but it doesn't show a lack of players. There are 4 survivors who are needed to start a game. Only 1 killer to start a game.
As long as there's less than a 4:1 ratio of survivors, survivors will have the incentive up. When i've queued up as killer, my queue times were not honestly that run. People need to stop using the number itself as an indicator of anything.
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I JUST WANNA PLAY KILLERS AND GET MORE THEN 2 bloodwebs worth of BP again.
You got more than 2 with just BBQ before?
The max you could get with BBQ alone was 64,000 and most level 50 bloodwebs cost around 50k.
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I heard many killers want to play for 12 hooks, sounds reasonable.
I didnt think they also mean the first 3 hooks are on a single survivor.
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Unpopular opinion; Killer is not as frustrating and unplayable overall as people say it is and neither is solo survivor.
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Those games that ARE frustrating tho...
This game knows how to kill a good time real quick.
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Yeah they need to buff soloQ immediatelly and maybe revert some buffs killers got. I think reducing survivor speed bonus after hit was unneccary so that should be reverted back. I hope we get BBQ bonus back for killer as now if you want more bp you have to play survivor. Right now you can earn as killer 20-35K usually. But as survivor 30-60K.
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I still don't understand how bp incentives work. Is it based on the entire playerbase? Is it MMR based? Is it Region specific? What determines bp incentives?
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Currently a big fan of the Survivor incentives.
Playing wayyyyy more survivor and making bank.
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Here is the thing. +100% Matchmaking Incentives really dont mean much. There is a lot of nuance in Matchmaking Incentives.
Incentives are MMR based since it is based on the more demanding role but some MMR levels might require more killers or survivors; Incentives are based on regions, some players from regions might entire killer more than survivor and vice versa; Incentives are influenced by time of day, typically for me, survivor is the more demanded role at night while killer is the more demanded role during the day.
This isnt even considering the fact that Matchmaking Incentives do not work visually in comparison to how they work... this is partly because of the nuance mentioned. You can go into a +100% Bloodpoint survivor queue and not get +100% Bloodpoints. You can go into a normal killer queue and get +100% Bloodpoints as killer. It literally doesnt matter what it visually shows up as because of how independent the visuals for the Matchmaking Incentives are from the actual incentives in play.
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Wesker is not even 2 weeks old at this point so of course lots of people want to play him.
Wait until the hype dies down and we'll probably see more killer incentives.
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Why is everyone acting like SoloQ is bad now? Bad players existed since the game came out.
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Its based on all of it for what I know, so EU survivors above 1600+ MMR can maybe have 100% BP while EU survivors in 1300+ MMR might only have something like 50%. Its determained on whatever role is in need of players in the region AND mmr range
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Survivors were really upset by the slight killer buffs. I honestly say we should just revert them. As a killer, the difference is negligible regardless. So I do not care if we lose those buffs. But the survivors are clearly distraught about them. I do not see a reason to not just change it back to how it was mechanically and decrease gen times.
They could also make the incentive 200% instead. Sweeten the deal and make survivor the way to grind BP. Might be healthier for the game.
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Because matchamking needs 4 survivors for every killer and Im pretty sure the plkayerbase isnt a 80/20 split
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Where are you located because mine can be 5-10mins when I play
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Because killer queues have skyrocketed so people like me who just want to play killer have been forced to play solo q to earn BP in an acceptable time frame. More people are starting to understand the state Solo Q is in right now
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The problem is and always has been SWF vs solo. Solo is pretty terrible right now, and so is SWF (for the killer) The reality is the top of the top SWF groups destroy killers unless they play a god nurse with ridonkulus perks and addons. But the problem is you don't know you are going against that till it's too late.
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It feels like it's finally viable grinding as survivor, around the same amount of bloodpoint per match on average than playing killer.
With the ratio, it will most likely remain like this most times, which is not bad in my opinion.
I hope the killer queues get eventually on par with survivor, but I don't have any objection to the bonus being more on survivor since it's more of a harmonization of bloodpoints gain than anything else.
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The problem is ridiculous changes like making killers recover faster from successful M1 attacks. Does literally nothing but benefit facecampers when paired with STBFL. All killer needed was dh nerf, longer gens, and faster pallet breaking. The rest was overkill.
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Not only is it 1 killer for every 4 survivors, but more people play killer now because "Solo Queue is unplayable" and thus there are more people playing killer in order to experience just how miserable it can be as killer sometimes.
"Sometimes" being the operative word. Killers still 'win' a lot of their games, as in, get at least a 2K and a boatload of BP.
Funny thing is though, Solo Survivor isn't that bad if you're actually a good survivor and don't rely on team chat and second chance perks to get by. Play smart and cautious, do gens, and you will get to end game and likely escape a lot of your games. The thing is, if you don't win, you lose, there's no such thing as a draw' for survivors, you die or your survive, so it can be more disheartening.
If you just accept that sometimes you will lose, neither side is all that bad to play.
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Yeah, I am loving it. My surv queue times used to be several minutes ( and so long late at night I didn't even bother), and my killer times were instant.
Now my surv times are like instant-10 seconds, and my killer queue times are in the 30-45 second range. I will take that change all day.
I see surv BP incentives up until about midnight, then it usually flips for me. I've just started planning around that cadence.
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I've only seen killer twice ever since the update. Maybe you're onto something about it being bugged
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You are not serious right?
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Well it also helps in chases but yeah it's problematic in unhooking situations. Making unhooking faster would solve it. But what I find too weak is the current speed boost after hit. Sometimes you don't make it to pallet or window in time and if you happen to bumb in object in front of you well...
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Around 8pm a lot of SWFs were playing :)
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People always say "so and so isn't as bad as people say it is." for everything. Solo survivor is truly as bad as people say.
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I disagree.
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My killer ques are still only a few seconds, I wouldn't call that "skyrocketed".
It really depends on a lot of factors how long your ques are.
Roughly same.
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So, people are already forgetting that killer queues were instant and survivor queues were quite long until right before the latest mid-chapter patch came live? There were clearly far more survivors, but the situation got changed with the many killer buffs, including the much waited nerf to gen speeds. More people decided to play killer and less as survivors because of the buffs, and then more wanted to play as Wesker. People playing killer this much is just a recent thing and might not even last that long.
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I hope so. I just want to play my Demo
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Some people are simply in denial. Killer queue times are super long for all my friends who live in different regions.
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Difference is, when the incentives were first added, it was 100% for survivors all the time, despite having survivor queue times of multiple minutes. And killer was instant, although no incentive. Now, when you queue the side with an incentive, you get a lobby pretty much instantly. So that part definitely works now.
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My guess is the BP incentive remains on survivors because of all the swf groups; mm needs those solos to plug groups and adjust the sbmm rates.
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Disingenuous much or just clueless? People have wanted soloQ buffed since forever and they never have buffed it, this time around they actually made it much worse, hence all the ruckus.
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Had that one match for killer today but the swf I was facing just gave up and two of them dc:t so that really sucked.
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My favourite part about the BP bonus, and often steam charts, is how people use them as evidence that something is wrong with the game…
that survivors are quitting….
or the game is dying…
when the reality is they just failed math in high school.
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Ask yourself one simple question.
Do you think it's more likely for four Survivors to switch to playing Killer or four Killers to switch to playing Survivor?
Honestly, it's not that difficult to figure out why the bonus is almost exclusively on one side.
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You do realize that it will almost always naturally gravitate to survivor simply due to them needing 4 for every one killer?
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YES. Bring back BBQ and WGLF stax. That nerf was so unnecessary.
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It is so easy to address tunneling and camping, just make it against Terms of service, get your OBS recording out and ban players, boom