What's the reason for Blight having 115% speed?

Seems unfair, since he has insane mobility power and extremely strong chase too, which in every other case penalized with slower speed, like Spirit and Nurse.
Yet Blight gets a free pass.
Because you can't use his power at every loop. Sure you could argue that you can use it at most loops but it takes alot of experience with Blight to reliably get a lethal rush hit at any loop, more experience than the average Blight player would have.
Spirit and Nurse can use their power in virtually any normal situation.
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Because blight at release was far different than today. 115% blight with hug tech exploit shouldn't be a thing, so they should either fix the bug or make him 110%
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His power isn't the issue, it's the techs that people discover and utilize to make loops almost impossible for survivor play. His movement is just fine.
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Besides few too good addons, Blight is totaly fine imo. Leave him alone, at least his base kit.
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We already told you and keeps repeating the same thing over and over Blight doesn't have the same freedom with his mobility than Spirit who can move way more freely and easily.
There are some loops on certain maps if you use your power as Blight you're literally wasting time and throwing your game if you play against decent survivors that will use your power against you,so sometimes Blight has to play as a M1 killer in some loops if you want Blight to get nerfed look at his add-ons not his basekit.
Nerf C33 and Alchemist Ring otherwise he's a well designed killer and hes fun to play as and against don't butcher him.
Hug techs and others Blight tricks can also be avoided if ur aware and not clueless.
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Like Spirit or Hag, having to play as a 110% killer without using your power fundamentally kills your momentum. He has to be 115% or else 1 miss gives the survivors a mile and a half of distance on you, as opposed to the mile it gives now. More killers need to be brought to 115%, not less.
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Uhhh.... hug tech?
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I don't know what their logic design wise would be, maybe they didn't think Blight would be as strong as he became when people figured him out
I think BHVR just doesn't like making slower killers since they are extremely punishing for newer players, look at Trickster - he was the last 110% killer they made and he had the 2nd lowest killrate in the game at one point.
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So making 110% gonna gix hug techs,?
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You still can't just hug tech at every loop in the game.
And besides, it's not gonna be around forever so why nerf him to 110 because of a tech they plan to fix anyways?
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Even with his techs, his power is not usable on every single location and tile in this game. Which is why he’s 115%, because he needs to be a walking M1 sometimes.
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Only killer who needs to be buffed 115% atm is slinger. Otherwise all the 110% are fine
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The hug tech cannot be used at every loop. No even close. There are so many tiles with funky collision that will just waste your time.
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@Freddy96 : "115% blight with hug tech exploit shouldn't be a thing, so they should either fix the bug or make him 110%"
Could you see a difference between a 115% & a 110% ? How the 'hug tech' can be an exploit ?
A Hillbilly can slide in some specific locations as a Blight can do as well. I thing BVHR should better work on the collisions of their tiles & static meshes/3D models... I can fix many things but it is a very tougher affair...
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According to that logic Huntress too should move at 115% movementspeed, as she can not use her hatchets around the same small rock loops Blight can't rush around - but she doesn't, which heavily implies that your explanation is incorrect.
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4.4s have 24m terror radiuses. imagine a blight moving at 9.2m/s (as he does) but youre only just getting warned when hes 24m away. youd be complaining about that 100%
also the fact that devs have stated criteria for 4.4s before, i remember they said all ranged killers would be made 4.4s, however i dont remember what the other criteria was nor can i be bothered finding where they said it, but blight clearly didnt meet it
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Huntress can attack without physically being there. Blight can’t.
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Huntress is a ranger killer… you cannot even compare the two..
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Because there are tiles that he cant do anything even with his hug tech. Please dont make him utterly useless by reducing his speed to 4.4 m/s. Funny thing with this idea is devs thought giving Billy a purple addon that makes him 4.4 m/s for charge his chainsaw faster is a good idea.
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Devs clearly stated hug tech is a bug, so using that bug makes it an exploit
I said either remove hug tech or make him 110%
I'd rather have the hug tech finally fixed till then 110% is the only way to make it up for it
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Hug tech is weaker than bump logic anyways.
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Good so it won't hurt noone by being removed
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There’s no reason to remove it. Bugs can be accepted as features all the time.
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Why? Wasn't bump logic better, let's make sure that blight can be played at his fullest potential.
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Because it’s a cool flashy tech that’s fun to do.
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Survivors could also fly on top of the asylum and it was flashy as hell, that doesn't mean it shoudl've stayed
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That breaks the game. Hug tech doesn’t.
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Survivor spins is a bug as well. So we should remove that while we’re at it, since every survivor is “exploiting it”.
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someone forgot slinger exists!!
a 4.4 ranged killer with a 32m terror radius
sadako, a 4.6 killer with a reduced tr of 24m for some reason and she also gets a lullaby even tho she's not a ranged killer.
and wesker having a whopping 40m terror radius just cus he does a couple dashes but blight having 5 dashes and moving at a speed of light is gonna be a 24m terror radius if they reduced his base speed???
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He still has to chase normally whenever his power is on cooldown and his power isnt applicable for every loop even with hug tech. No killer is 110 just for mobility unless you count billy's addon. Its either useful at every loop + something else like mobility or territory control (spirit, nurse even though shes slower, hag sorta fits in here too) or being able to damage from anywhere with LOS (huntress, slinger(thought he shouldnt be) and trickster)
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Better yet slap on monitor and you have less than 2 seconds to react to his terror radius,
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Maybe so, but that's not the point.
I'm not debating their movementspeed here, what I'm commenting on is the reasoning given in the other comment being insufficient on its own.
Funnily enough you are further proving my point here by, instead of doubling down on their initial point made, bringing up another reason for her to be 110%.
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Whats the reason ?! The same reason you survivors do the gens quickly 👌
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My comparison of the two ranges as far as stating that they share a weakness (which they do) and nothing more.
All I am saying is that the statement "Blight has 115% movementspeed, because he can't use his power around certain loops" is incorrect, as Huntress, who is moving at 110% movementspeed, has the exact same restriction on her power. Therefore the logical conclusion is that this can not be the sole reason for why Blight has this movementspeed.
I'm not comparing the Killers, I'm not making any balance claims or propositions, I am merely pointing out the flawed logic in that argument.
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It’s almost like there’s multiple different reasons.
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Which is the point I was making.
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Because Huntress makes up for that by being able to pressure an area without being there, she can unintentionally pressure an area just through survivors understanding the threat of her power. Blight does not have that kind of threat. He has to be there to pressure survivors.
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That’s just not true. Huntress can hit over windows and over short loops. There’s are a ton of tiles that have cracks she can throw through. A window that you vault just in time to dodge a lethal rush, is a vault you’re getting hit with a hatchet.
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technically only ranged killers should be 4,4 ms. regarding this matter they should buff spirit and hag to 4,6 ms imo...
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Riiiiiight. Like how they eventually nerfed Dead Hard? Nerfs do not count until they go live.
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It's not even worth conversing about this anymore.
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Dead Hard being nerfed was a balance change, Hug Tech being removed is a "bug fix" in Mandy's own words. We don't see substantial perk changes nearly as often or frequent as bug fixes.
Are you saying Blight should be nerfed to 110 because you assume it will take them really long to actually remove hug tech?
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I do think Blight’s add-ons need some nerfs, but making him 110% wouldn’t really solve anything. Add-on nerfs and then we go from there.
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No. It will change little to good/great blight players and it will penalize massively unexperienced ones. If you have to nerf blight, just destroy half of his overtuned add-ons and we'll be in a better spot. According to the devs, they will fix hug tech, therefore being a 115% will be needed.
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Making Blight 110% would make him unbearable to play for new players. Learning to bounce right is hard, harder than learning blinks with Nurse. There many loops where it's hard/impossible to hit a survivor with bump logic (without using techs), so the blight player has to fall back to normal looping. With 110% MS, it would take three times as long to catch a survivor normally on a tight loop.
To sum it up: Making blight 110% would hurt new players MASSIVELY, while blight experts could just shrug that off, since they know how to bump efficiently (with or without techs) at nearly every loop. That proposal fails spectacularly on its intent, imo.
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I'm looking at Hag, honestly. She comes to a dead stop when she teleports, meaning she has to run for a few seconds just to catch up to someone, despite teleporting to them instantly. And she loses 5+ traps every time she decides to hook someone, so how's she supposed to recover from that as a 110%? We've seen how people who don't know how to play against her get crushed by her, and people who do know dominate her. Why is that?
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That is EXACTLY what I am saying.
And if that ever DOES happen we can have a discussion about restoring his 115% speed.
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I'd like to see you use her power around short rock loops then.
You know, the sort of loop where by the time you have your hatchet up they already turned a corner? The ones where your only play (that includes your power) is to ready it up when they pass through the pallet in hopes of them misclicking and animationlocking themselves.
The only way to beat these loops consistently is by holding W around them until the Survivor gets hit. Any time you try to use your power on them you just enable them to run one more circle around the rock.
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Which is a different point than the one I said was a flawed explanation, which further proves my initial point.
It's quite amazing to see how many people in here are trying to discuss Blight and Huntress's movementspeed and balance with me when I never touched on any of these topics lol