Distortion should not counter Object of Obsession

So I tried running Distortion and Object Of Obsession and I noticed, every time object activates I do not see the killer because Distortion prevents my aura being seen by the killer and therefore I do not see the killer with Object Of Obsession.
How cool would it be if this was not the case. Yes this could be overpowered, but when you consider that this requires 2 perk slots it is not as powered compaired to most builds. Like head-on + quick and quiet allows sneaky locker stuns which in it's own right, can be considered very powerful. But when you take into account that you have to combine two lesser powerful perks balances the build. Same is applicable here.
I suggest you Alert. Every time the killer breaks a pallet/wall or gen you see his aura for 5 seconds even if he's across the map. You can see him, he can't. Easy as that.
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You yourself already acknowledged it would be overpowered. Cool does not justify busted.
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OoO is a very bad perk in the actual state (cooldown, time to reveal the killer's aura,...). It worked so well previously (revealing constantly the position of the Killer, no cooldown to use it) that it was a nightmare to every M1 killers. Every match with a OoO's user, the killer was tunneling him to the death.
Actually, this perk is as useful as the actual Spine Chill or Premonition... As @Bot_Salvo88 said Alert or even Dark Sense looks better to reveal the Killer's aura...
So if you use of OoO causes for conflict or is interfering with some other auras perks, it is worst of it.
And does this OoO reveal you the Killer aura if you are using 'Sole Survivor' (Laurie Strode's perk) plus Distortion close to a hook ? I'm will not surprised if anything work as expected here... These perks was updated/reworked so much times...
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Except it actually would be overpowered, even for 2 perks.
Now that distortion recharges, you could actually use this combo to lose scratchmarks for 10 seconds in chase once every 30 seconds, AND see the killer’s aura for 3 seconds when this happens, if it worked the way you’re suggesting (and they don’t see you). That’s not balanced.
You can still do that now for the scratchmarks, but you don’t get the aura reveal which makes it more fair.
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I personally would keep Object on it’s own. Don’t worry too much about your aura being shown every 30 seconds because that only happens if you are actually the obsession.
I’m not sure if most people know this or not but if you’re not the obsession while running OoO you still see the killers aura if they see yours from things like Bitter Murmur, floods, BBQ, addons etc.. they will never know however because the 30 second aura reveal only applies if you’re the obsession.
Unless this has changed but I don’t believe it has.