Survivors are overnerfed

I thought I would play a game real quick and this is what happened. It was a train wreck from the very beginning. It was Legion, an oppressive legion, that was stacking so many perks we couldn't heal. The Clown perk, Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher, and I can't remember the 4th perk but it was very strong.
I feel like there should be serious discussions at this point about the constant survivor nerfing because I have no idea how stats can tell the devs something that does not match reality. The kill stat target is not healthy for the game. MMR is also not working because survivor having to survive is too out of reach. Killers are winning with ease and there are numerous complaints about how easy killer is now.
We need to stop catering to bad killers, neither should we be balancing around 4 survivors playing perfectly. The following screenshot is reminiscent of what happens most of the time. The buffs to killer have been too much and the nerfs to survivor have been disastrous. There is a reason survivors are leaving because nobody wants to play an unwinnable role. It should be the highest priority at this point to revert some bad changes. Make survivor more fun. The changes to perks lately seems to make me believe that people are playing the game like a job and not for entertainment. As someone else said about Dead Hard, "how is it fun to have to hit a 0.5 second Dead Hard, we are not robots".
The skill floor (the skill required to play) is way too high for survivor and it is too low for killers.
You should really start posting videos demonstrating how filthily OP killers are I think it would really help illustrate it :)
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Yeah man get that generator done while your entire team is on the floor
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lol if a Legion gets 3 people down your team must've made serious mistakes
He is a vanilla m1 killer against an injured survivor unless that injured survivor happens to have 3 bodyguards
Sluzzy get better examples and evidence please, nobody is going to believe you if you're using Legion as an example. Do what everyone else does and use Nurse or Blight
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I liked the screenshots you posted with you on the floor but this is even better
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Who's leaving exactly? Ques have been short except at odd morning hours.
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If we went by that standard then it should apply to everyone with an opinion.
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TLDR for anyone : Balance around Survivors who are bad because "game too hard for casuals." Meanwhile, balance for top high end MMR Killers cause they need to sweat their balls off for a 2k. I'm totally not a Bias Survivor Only player.
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What I just want to see longer content from my favourite forums user Sluzzy. Everyone loves Sluzzy :D
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Overnerfed you say I don't think they are. I have a few games that say otherwise and sure I get games that are like this but, it's not all the time. Look here Sluzzy here's proof that Survivor isn't overnerfed 5 games for you to check out enjoy.
These probably won't change your mind but, it's proof for ya.
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Short queues mean there's a lack of people playing on that side.
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I played against Sluzzy once. I was playing Trapper. His team was playing sweaty as hell on Gas Heaven, but I somehow managed to snowball into the finish for the 4k with a couple timely bear trap catches. I then beat him on the hook like a pinata and gave him the Trapper bags. It was glorious
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This seems more of a skill issue from your teammates. The only way you can really get a 3-man slug at the start of the game is if the survivors mess up severely. Especially since Legion is kind of meh on Midwich since Legion struggles in multi-story maps when using their power.
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I feel survivors are still over-nerfed.
Two simple fixes really:
1) Revert the nerf to the on-hit speed boost
2) Remove bloodlust
the game is really close to being in the sweet spot.
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Solo Q survivors are punching bags in this game. There is nothing you can do about it. It was already clear way before patch 6.1.0, but now that they buffed killers even more it is also clear that the devs do not see any issue and want the game to be balanced like this.
Just have some self-respect and stop playing solo queue. Seriously. After a few weeks your mental health will get MUCH better. Your brain doesn't want you to stop because you remember fun times playing this game, but these were from an epoch where the game still had a fair amount of casual players who weren't playing a 50-winstreak stomp simulator.
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I'm glad someone pointed out the glaring problem with that picture being used to make an argument survivor is weak.
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How dare you, sir. He is a national treasure.
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Here's the thing I see so many say Killer games are so easy but I have seen and had games where I got steamrolled or the game was a nail biter to get 2k.
But before some of you say oh your a bad Killer or skill issue know that I don't do camping or tunneling unless it's either at End Game or I find that one user who's Booming the map. I go for even spread of Hooks to "apply pressure" and that usually gets my steam rolled or low K games. Killer is easy if you focus on Tunneling or Camping as ways to net Kills because it sadly is the most optimal way to play albeit a boring way to play.
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a few things sluzzy
1- you're not supposed to heal against legion anyway and he'd be just an m1 killer except maybe if you're going for a save so a legion using an anti healing perk is pretty much hurting themselves as they want survivors to heal but if they're gonna stack heal slowdowns no one would bother which what you do against legion anyway they're not even using gen slowdowns
2- thana got nerfed and ever since legion haven't been that common as they all crutched on it so much.
3- the killer buffs are just +10 seconds on gens and some actions being slightly sped up how does this make killer oppressive exactly? it's a laughable change plus most killer meta perks are nuked same as survivors but survivors already got a lot of good perks to compensate (reassurance - otr - hyperfocus - dh (which is even better than the old one btw and timing it isn't hard) - basekit bt ..etc)
soloq could use some changes but survivor is not changed much than before just some nerfed perks they're still the power role.
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If we are going to call out perks then what you are running @Sluzzy are wrong for the situation you are in... plus the map didn't help the Killer by any means
What perks were your teammates running...
2 Hooks (3 downs) and 4 Gens... means either you or your teammates messed up
If Killers are so OP then why do they need to use perks in the first place
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Glass half empty. It could mean there's too many people on the other side. The game has a 4:1 ratio requirement of people with killer being the role that actually has gameplay variation. It's no surprise that killers outweigh survivors
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Short ques mean a lot of people are playing the game. Long ques imply people leaving.
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I love you Sluzzy
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huh cause killer quques are also really short. Weird.
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"The Clown perk, Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher, and I can't remember" You don't even know what the killer was running, only that you had a bad game and the killer beat you. Which means it's the game's fault because you would have won otherwise 100%. And you ran straight to the forums to complain about your bad game. Yeah I know these posts. You are just salty because you lost, and your team was outplayed by a better player. Come on now...
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Your team ALL went down to a Legion while only getting one gen done, seems like you and your team made some mistakes. Also, your entire team is on the ground and you're sitting there doing a generator, I mean yeah stick to gens sometimes but man not that much.
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Sluzzy is getting better.
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Well, someone has to do gens. That legion was very content with slugging. And all it took was someone trying to save one and it was a domino effect. Killers having a buffed animations, bloodlust, hitting through pallets, there's not much survivors can do in a lot of situations except lose. It's easy for survivors to make the slightest mistake and killer reaps in the benefits.
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If there's a lot of people wanting to play killer but not a lot of people wanting to play survivor, what does that tell you about the queues?
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You literally made that up. Out of nowhere. Because ques for killer are less then 2 minutes. That means that a LOT of survivors are quining.
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topic - Legion: killer instinct (outdated mechanic - easy to track/to injure )+buffs + stack all slowdown perks + nerfs to survivors.
All previously pointed out, and the devs are keeping quiet about the kill/escape stats
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Okay just for clarification.
The lobby ratio is 4 survivor and 1 killer.
So anything close to that give short queue times and the further we go away from that the longer.
Total amount of player would only really factor into that with less than 10000 i would think.
So, for example
40000:10000 players equal short queues
4000:1000 also have short queue times.
40000: 8000,
suddenly survivor have long queue and killer instant.
On the other hand:
30000:10000 and killer have insane queue times and survivor instant.
But reality looks more like a back and forth around the golden 4:1 ratio depending on the time of day.
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You got 3 man slugged against a legion on Midwich. Nuf said.
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dealing with a Thanatophobia and you chose to keep doing gen and not trying to reduce the debuff, way to go survuvior. Harsh truth for you . perhaps you will get a little bit better with lots of buffes because you are just not good enough.
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