Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Freddy ' s addons rework idea !

Hello everyone ! I am a DBD player who plays a lot of Freddy and I think we can all agree that Freddy needs a bit more love in the addons section ! So theses are my ideas ! DISCLAIMER : I AM A NOT A GAME DESIGNER JUST A PLAYER WITH AROUND 1000 HOURS AND A LOT OF THEM ON THE NIGHTMARE !

Some of the weaker killers got a lot of they're fun factor in theres addons (Clown, Doctor, Pig, and Myers) wich is why it could be a good thing to make Freddy a bit more fresh and less "basic" without reworking the whole character's abilities.

Let's start with the addons that I believe are okay and doesn't need a rework :

Wool Shirt : 4% is a bit low, I think this addons should be like Ghostface's "Philly" in the part were it's a straight forward addons that buff a little bit the killer

Dresses : The dresses are ok overall and become good in certains builds, maybe 4% is a bit low tho, maybe make it 8% for the yellow rarity one and 10% for the green rarity one

Nancy's drawings : Like said in the png above, 8% at most for the yellow quality ones is not even 4 seconds saved on a 45sec cooldown. I think that if the yellow rarity one is 5% of recovery per survivor asleep it could become a lot more usefull but not overpowered because survivors are rarelly all 4 asleep, maybe make it 7.5% for the green rarity ones so it saves 13,5 seconds AT MOST when all 4 survivor are alives. If theses two addons are combined Freddy could be a lot more oppressive with his teleportations and it will be a good reason for survivors to try to wake up, it could be a "passive" slowdown like Sadako and Dredge got

The Red paint brush : It's already a good addons, even Freddy's best but for a iri quality ones it's a bit meh. No idea to make it better tho

(maybe a bit controversial)

If pallets really become basekits thoses three addons would need completly different utility , I'll let you guys thinks about thoses three if you want to changes them in the first place !

To finish thoses :

Z Block : Once a snare is triggered reveales the survivor's aura that stepped in it for 5 seconds

Black Box : Once a survivor is a sleep for more then 100 seconds they become exposed + killer instinct. It will make this addons very good without making it overkill. It would force the survivors to wake up !

Cat Block : No idea

Green Rope : No idea

Yellow Rope : No idea

Pills : Survivor asleep see fake Freddy's walking randomly walking around and hear a fake lullaby

Sheep Block : No idea

Swing Chains : No idea !

That's the end ! Thanks for reading me this far (sorry if there is so mistakes englis isn't my first language), like I said I am not a game designer, theses are just my ideas to make Freddy feels less basic and stale. If you have ideas for the addons I don't have ideas for, feel free to suggest them !

Goodbye ! 😀

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  • Member Posts: 271

    Freddy's addons definitely need to be looked at because the way that he was gutted just ain't it tbh.

  • Member Posts: 271

    Here's a few suggestions I have for some of those addons. Though I think some of them I think are fine and just need to change rarity to fit their effect.

    Cat Block: Injured survivors are inflicted with deep wounds when triggering a dream trap. Injured survivors are suffer from Hemorrhage and Mangled until fully healed. Rarity is changed from uncommon to very rare. (yellow to purple)

    Green Rope: Keep current effect. Sleeping survivors are Exhausted for 5 seconds after performing a conspicuous action.

    Yellow Rope: Keep current effect. Survivors suffer from Oblivious and Blindness for 20 seconds after waking up by any means.

    Sheep Block: Keep current effect. Survivors interacting with Dream Traps are hindered by an additional 2% for 3 seconds.

    Swing Chains: Leave as is, move rarity to uncommon from very rare (purple to yellow, as compensation for cat block)

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    Maybe u will like my previous post a lot.

    Its time BHVR, more and more players try to show you his problems.

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