One Change I Would Make To Dark Devotion...

Dark Devotion is a perk based around deception, but even then, I feel as if the perk only goes so far.
Dont get me wrong, the perk is fun to toy around with and can fit in a few builds really well, but it is really easy to recognize whenever it's in play.
For starters, the Terror Radius is given to the Obsession when they lose a health state. However, I feel as if most people can recognize that the perk is play whenever the killer leaves chase and the Terror Radius is still there.
To make it harder to recognize for others, I feel as if the Obsession's Entity Tendrils in the HUD should move as if the Obsession is still within chase, and the Obsession will still have the chase theme instead of close proximity theme playing for it's entire duration.
I think that would be a really nice QoL change for the perk since I think in its current state, there's not too much that's actually wrong with it. (outside of the fact that SWF literally just shuts the perk down)
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It has the classic issue similar to the blindness status effect in that it becomes so much worse in a swf. So I think this QoL change is just fine and would make the perk a bit nicer to use (reminds me a lot of the MYC scream they added, not a huge buff but a nice QoL).