Hot take: I like Garden of Joy map

As both sides, I like the feel and look of the map. I don't dislike the gameplay of it either.
The only thing I sometimes bit mind is how dark the main building is or it can be bit annoying to chase someone there if they can loop it well. Some few pallets can be too close to each other. But that's it. I don't get the hate.
My issues are the lighting in the house (at this point I'm just gonna have to put Nvidia filters back on, which I took off when they nerfed Claudette), the multiple very strong windows/strong setups in general, and little bits of shrubbery made out of diamonds just as a 🖕to anyone who felt like playing a ranged/chainsaw killer.
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I don't know why people hated it but Garden of Joy decent is map. Main building is a bit problematic but it is not big deal. Most of loops are fair for both sides, map is not so big. So it is easy to pressure on gens.
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I also like the map, for me it feels pretty balanced in my games. The Killer most often comes up at the top but the gens are spread out pretty good so the survivors have some chances to finnish some. The house has a lot of strong windows, but most Killers can counter them pretty well.
I agree, the house is way too dark.
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The main building needs a bit of changes as well as new lighting but overall I think the map is balanced.
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Try playing a chainsaw or ranged killer and test out the reddish bushes. Those hitboxes are far from fair for killer. Also there is an excess of pallets all throughout the map, with too many requiring Bloodlust before being mindgame-able. I would say when the survivors are dumb enough to pop main gen early it isn't a problem, but otherwise those windows are disgusting. I will say I do like the aesthetic, and is a very fun map to play against Nurse on, with plenty of simple LOS blockers. It also is a rare case of having enough grass to actually play Trapper on, unlike other recent maps like RPD and Eyrie.
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I really like sitting by the fire. I love the aesthetic of it, and aside from the darkness of the house and the big bushes I feel it's pretty well balanced.
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I want a middle ground on the darkness. Please stop making the game bright, but doesnt need to be nearly pitch black.
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Giant size, far gens, lots of safe pallets, busted main building.
Kind of Eyrie of Crows 1.5
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I don't play chainsaw killers, so i don't know about them. But i play as Nemmy and Nurse. Yeah, it is strong map against Nurse but you still can do well if you can read survivors.
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Looks great and I love playing on it as survivor.
Feels awful when I spawn in as killer though.
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I wasn't around when it first came out. So when I came back from hiatus just as Project W came out, I thought it looked pretty damn cool. Then I got in a chase with Wesker, ran to the house, and it took me about 2 seconds to realize "Awwww crap, I'm dead" because I could barely see anything. I don't think they should brighten it too much, but enough to not be able to walk past a generator and not see the damn thing.
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It's an objectively awful map.
The team designing how it looks does great but the balance team once again fails to deliver a playable map.
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Uh the main building is probably the strongest in the entire game. Extreme amounts of collision/ line of slight breakage. Map is terrible. The only thing killer's got going for them on that map is the 1 dead zone near the edge of the map by the big construction machine with a window vault. Every map after midwitch is pretty survivor sided, though some killers are exceptions to that as always.
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Garden of Joy is small as hell wth are you talking about? It's gotta be up there with Coal Tower and Wreckers Yard as one of the smallest maps in the game.
Also Eyrie is not very big either. For all the flack that map gets, the one criticism I'll never understand about it is people whining that it's "too large" like I can think of at least 10 maps that are bigger.
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It’s a shared fifth biggest, tile wise.
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Only because of all that extra space in the far back corners next to the house. Those corners are usually just giant deadzones with nothing in them except a bunch of large bushes and rocks, so players don't usually ever go to those spots. All of the major points of interest feel very centralized. You have the main house and the little garden house next to it, and then across the street you have killer shack and the little jungle gym that connects to the car loop. All within plain view of each other and those are the four spots that everyone is always at anyways since that's where the main objectives always are.
Just the other day l played on Garden of Joy as Ghostface (a non-mobility killer) and I found myself being able to traverse back and forth on the map just fine. Never once felt like a chore to get across the map as opposed to something like Gas Heaven.
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The map is littered with pallets, of which every single one is safe and not mindgameable (outside of a few anti-loop killers); two god pallets; tiles chained together from one side of the map all the way to the other; a main building with a god window chained into one of the aforementioned god pallets, which makes the killer shack (which is also on the map) look like child’s play, and is just about the closest thing to old infinites possible (without actually being one). And a main building that also puts 2016 stealthing around rocks and the environment to shame (no perks or Blendette outfit needed either).
Yeah, I see no problems here at all!
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i like the looks of the map, the loops are good but not OP.
that house needs to be torn down tho. its awful ruins the whole map for me
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I don’t mind Garden of Joy except that the house is way, way too dark. I play with my brightness turned up a notch because the game is generally too dark for my tastes to begin with and even with the slightly brighter screen the upper floor of that house is so dark I literally can’t see the walls in a bunch of places. There’s even a breakable wall up there that I had no idea was there until someone broke it on a game I was watching, it’s really annoying how dark that second floor is.
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Against good loopers the map is pain. Against people who don't know how to loop/chain tiles it's not too bad.
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Map sucks. When I play killer, I 100% never chase at the main building and try to stranglehold a 3 or 4 gen. It's extremely fun gameplay when you go against a team where they slap a boon in the main building and then immediately run there as soon as they get chased off a gen. You are throwing if you chase in the main building if the outcome is still in the balance
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It looks great, but plays terribly. Mostly because the hitboxes are some of the worst ones yet. It could be good if they had time to trim the hitboxes, but the map team is like 3 dudes and a hitbox generator
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I hope they change last gen Garden so that the House is just as dark for them haha. I love the pitch black house.
Map feels really open, range and mobility killers feel pretty strong here.
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I just want them to fix the lighting in the main building and add some breakable walls to counter the 3 god windows in there (you know it's bad when I'm literally begging them to put some breakable walls in there...).
I like the map outside of that, but the main building is just busted right now.
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Honestly I just hate how many little pallets there are scattered everywhere that are also fairly safe, and they all chain either into other pallets or the other tiles there. I also hate how many little things with hitboxes there are.
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I like a lot of the ideas of the map, like having a psuedo-bayou southern mansion with warped reality is an interesting take you rarely see, most residential settings in horror games tend to be either urban, suburban, or a farm so having variety there is neat. I've always liked the idea of using more varied archetecture in that regard, and always loved when games try to use those types of locales in a way that works. Sometimes its done a bit more tasteful than others, and this one is definitely one of those good ones, unlike running through a bombed out city in the middle east or the standard fare you see in military FPS for example.
The problem lies with how its resources, flow, size, and most importantly lighting were designed. Much like haddonfield (both versions,) its problems far outweigh its thematic choices, which is why most people kinda hate it.
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The corner tile that the downstairs god-window vaults into should spawn a deadzone or a pallet loop.
There is no reason why a window that strong is frequently given a longwall facing the same direction.
Also, the god-pallet on the porch should be removed--the house doesn't need a god-pallet. Replace it with a vault on the railing, if it needs something, but the pallet is too much.
Change those two things, and the map will feel more balanced as killer.
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You are joking, right? There's no way that this map is even remotely fair for both sides... The HUGE amount of safe pallets near each other paired with jungle gyms, killer shack and the central building make it one of the most survivor side maps in the entire dbd existence...
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Looks like skill issue.
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So what I wrote isn't true at all for your thoughts isn't it? Go with a friend in a custom match in that map with windows of opportunity and count HOW MANY pallets/loops that you can chain in that map if you have doubts about my statement...
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Any survivor who likes easy wins being handed to them by awful map design would like Garden of Joy
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I like it too, it's got some cool aesthetics on the borders
It's really just the main building that could do with some lighting changes
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Never even played it lol. Genuinely has never come up for me yet.
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Have you seen those loops? That gen placement?
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Is the aesthetic great? Sure. The balance of the map is not.
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The lighting in the house and some of the windows it has is abysmal.
If they fixed those two issues, the map would not be that bad at all.
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The hitboxes on those large round bushes are atrocious. I find nothing more frustrating than when one of those bushes eats one of Bubba's chainsaw sprints or or a Legions frenzy lunge for no good reason.
Also the god window next to a god pallet on the main building is horrible.
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That was exactly my point, it is a rare fair map to play against Nurse on.
I would recommend going into a custom lobby and just testing out the hitboxes on those shrubs. They feel like they get 2 extra feet from the visual and that just makes the map feel horrible to lose on. You didn't lose because the survivor outplayed you or you misplayed, you lost because the map/your eyes lied to you.
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I don’t enjoy Garden Of Joy at all. I’m sorry to sound like I’m ranting but that map is such a pain to play as killer on. I know I sound killer sided but I’m sorry that map is again a pain in my opinion. I wish they fix some of the weird bugs, god like loops, windows, and tiles on there.
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I think I've only had one game on garden were survivors lost and that was a slugging twins.
The tiles at the back connect to eachother very well, from shack to the strong loop by the car. The pallets infornt of the house cannot be mind gamed at all with the house itself having strong windows that can connect to more pallets.
It has 2 dead zones at most but any survivor who has even the slightest bit of common sense would not run to them if they are being chased. And ontop of all that, the bushes and objects have ridiculous hit boxes that screw over alot of killer powers.
It looks great, most of the maps do. The art and design team are really good with the aesthetic of how moas should look. But the balance of it is just abysmal
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This Bubba would like to have a word with you...