Blastmine buff misses the point

ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

The problem after the initial "correction of the bug" was never the 66% or the 45 seconds that got buffed to a WHOPPING whole 5 seconds more. It's the fact that if you're worth a damn at survivor and playing a killer who is worth a damn. Why should you ever get the stun? You literally need to play a killer who prioritizes kicks over chases..aka....a new killer who doesn't know the game.

Only killers lacking confidence kick gens before a chase. Then you run the killer and you either end up downed and hooked and hope he goes back to the gen all inside 50 seconds? Uhm no. This was the issue with the ORIGINAL version let alone this. The likelihood your trap would actually get activated was so small. But hey at least once you earned it you earned it. He HAD to kick it for you to lose it again.

Making it 16% easier to gain an ability you likely won't get to use makes zero difference. Nor does it lasting 5 seconds longer. Honestly, you could make the trap time INFINITE and it would barely because you need to have the gen HALF finished anyways.

If they're going to insist on a dumb timer. It should be even less than 50% progress needed to use it.

Or ya know, let it be how it used to be. A totally NON OP gooof perk I only use for stun challenges....

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Imo it and repressed alliance should be merged with one of them becoming something entirely different. Instead of just the boom it also blocks for a while to make it actually a viable counter to gen kicking builds instead of "oh no a 3 second wibbly wobbly thing on my screen. Anyways pop!"

  • LinkToReality
    LinkToReality Member Posts: 115

    I think the intended way to use Blast Mine is more if you have to leave a gen prematurely, not when being chased off by the killer.

    That way if the killer comes by while you're off doing your other task, be it healing someone or whatever, and he see the progressed gen he might kick it to apply CoB or other gen kicking perks and you get the blind.

    It can also be used if you know the killer is coming from aura reading (or SWF communication) and you place it and sneak away without him seeing you. Then when he kicks you get time to properly escape the area.

    I don't think it was ever intended to be used offensively.

  • EternalSinOfCain
    EternalSinOfCain Member Posts: 132

    "Only Killers who lack confidence kick gens before a chase." Or they are smart and are going to make the most of their time?

    Yeah, I saw you sneak off to the side there. So I'm going to pretend I "didn't see you", go kick the gen, lull you into a false sense of security I "Didn't see you" for an easy hit, because I know you're still crouched behind a rock or something. I'm going to make the most of my time, making sure that gen is regressing while I chase you.

    I also may have perks that I'm going to apply like CoB or Eruption so it regresses faster. (Which admittedly CoB is worth nearly crap cause 200% regression is only half as fast a single Survivor charge / per second.) Though when I do down you, that Eruption is going to come into play nicely.

    Not to mention most of the time, If I get hit with Blast Mine, even when the Survivor isn't close by, they are often waiting for me to leave. Nearly every single time, all I have to do is pretend to be leaving. They come running back ASAP. Most Survivors get a big head when they get a Blast Mine on me. Their ego is their downfall. Take the Blast Mine, kick it, pretend to walk away, and watch them come running back cause they think I'll just "give up". They have it in their head I'm thinking "Oh damn, they are miles away. Best just give up and go to another gen." It's setting my own trap, cause they'll come RUNNING back and I'll have them out positioned and surprised.

    Seriously. Why is it whenever a Killer plays with even a hint of intelligence, Survivors start to belittle them for it? Hook a guy and all the other Survivors are buzzing around the hook like flies. Stupid to walk away, "OMG CAMPER CAMPER!!!". Dude gets unhooked right in our face and is on Death Hook, go after him again instead of the one who's never been hooked yet, "OMG TUNNELER!" Now this?

    Why is it Killers are BERATED for not playing like an AI BOT for the Survivors to toy with? They want a Killer to play like they are programmed to play exactly how the Survivors want them to play, and lose most of the time because of it.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    "Dude gets unhooked right in our face and is on Death Hook, go after him

    again instead of the one who's never been hooked yet, "OMG TUNNELER!""

    Yes, that's litterally what tunneling is, an unfair and pathetic strategy abused to get a 100% guaranteed 4 kiils that doesn't require any skill.

    Behavior have been promising to fix it for years. Still haven't. All we can do as a community is not to tunnel, until tunneling is fixed.

  • EternalSinOfCain
    EternalSinOfCain Member Posts: 132

    Same way Survivors tunnel gens then. Why don't you stop repairing a gen at 33% and 66%? Just leave, go find one that hasn't been worked on do that one to 33%, then go back to the other one you had at 33%, and do that one till 66%? Keep swapping gens. It's pathetic and unfair you just concentrate on one Gen to get the whole thing out of the way. No skill Gen Tunneling.

    Bias Survivor Mains and their wonderful double standards.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517


    First, you're comparing Completing a generator, which is a virtual entity, to stopping a player from playing the game. Which is controlled by a human being. Any strategy that focuses on making sure one person doesn't get to play the game is completely unfair and unsportsman.

    Second, it's litterally actually non optimal to make generators together. In order to win the game, it's better not to "tunnel" the generators.

    Your comparison is terribly flawed.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    The problem is this makes the perk SO BAD that it is simply NEVER worth running. It was like this BEFORE the bug correction.

    I exclusively used it for stun blind challenges. I tried it yesterday couldn't get a single stun.

  • DustyPumpking
    DustyPumpking Member Posts: 34

    This perk went downhill so fast, I really miss it

    I never get any value out of it now...

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    Yeah its horrible. If they're so set on it expiring and needing to earn it again. There should be so many buffs made to it.

    Again, how does it make sense Flashbang ORIGINALLY only needed 50% repair yet you can KEEP the flashang forever. Put it down, or give it to someone else. Yet they thought it made sense Blast Mine needed to be 66%?

    Now its just laughable. They made it EVEN WORSE and corrected the wrong issue.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Name another time they fixed a bug and BUFFED something in compensation for losing the hack?

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840


    LOL you're that same person from my other thread. Seriously, what is your problem with Blast Mine? It is the most POINTLESS perk and it does absolutely nothing big picture. I only use it for challenges.

    To answer your question. Probably never? That should let you know even the devs think its kinda weak. Like I said long ago now. Had this "bug" been caught back then Blast Mine would've probably been buffed back into a proper place by now.

    lmao how does it make sense that Flashbang is better in every possible way yet it initially needed even LESS gen progression to earn?

    Keeping Blast Mine after the timer ran out literally made you like....25% more likely to actually get a stun blind? Big friggin deal. Be like having a perk that blinds a kilelr at a pallet drop automatically ONCE per match and people getting bent out of shap eabout it.