

What new licensed chapter should be added?

Member Posts: 89
edited September 2022 in Polls

What new licensed chapter should be added? 110 votes

The Creature from The Black Lagoon
5 votes
The Shining
8 votes
48 votes
The IT Chapter
17 votes
Army of Darkness Chapter
7 votes
Other (Comment what you'd like to see in the game)
25 votes

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    Stranger things part 2

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    Child's Play / Chucky

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    Who would even be the killer for a second ringu/ring chapter? Survivor for it would most likely be Reiko Asakawa (Yoichi’s Mom)

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    The IT Chapter

    Of the ones listed in the poll I think It is the best fit for a new chapter. A cool, popular killer with possibly unique game mechanics, a decent choice of survivors and possibly a good map.

    Outside of the ones in the poll, my top license choice is probably Supernatural. Winchesters as the survivors, a Demon that can possess people and fast travel as smoke, and the Bunker as the map. It practically writes itself. 🙂

    And finally for an unlicensed one, I'd love to see a Medusa and Perseus chapter where the Medusa automatically inflicts negative conditions on survivors that have her in their field of view. So the longer you can see the Medusa on your screen the worse it gets, you slow down, maybe get Blind and Exhausted or Exposed, etc. She'd be the only killer that you actively try not to look at while running away or hiding from her, it would be pretty tense! Perseus, the hero who slew the Medusa, would be a natural choice for survivor. And her map could be a cavern system or topiary garden with statues of her victims scattered about. Plus as a bonus, you'd potentially have a good map and survivor to go along with the Minotaur skin for the Oni! 😄

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    Clementine from TWD the game (With lee as a legendary skin for her) For a killer, It would be minnie from the game or negan IDK, or she could be a paragraph.

    Orphan, It'll work since the killer is technically an adult. And Kate as a survivor

    Danganronpa, Makoto as a survivor (Maybe hajime as a legendary skin) and Junko as a killer who uses Monokuma with her power, somehow.

    Conjuring, with annabelle or the Nun as a killer and Ted & Lorraine warren as the survivors.

    Those are the ones I'd like to see in DBD, especially danganronpa & TWD the game. I think negan & clementine would be a neat addition since it'll please both the game & show fans.

  • Member Posts: 161
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    shocking choice @username JonathanByers, lmao

  • Member Posts: 161
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    Chucky or Friday the 13th. It's probably not going to happen, but it would be nice to have the big 3 all in one game for the first time.

  • Member Posts: 12

    Yeah, Danganronpa would be nice

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    Little Barbershop of Horrors.

  • Member Posts: 696
    edited September 2022
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    Other - Another Silent Hill Chapter with Walter Sullivan as the killer. Or maybe Valtiel or God... I don't know who would be best suited.

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    Dead Space

  • Member Posts: 897

    Valtiel is not a killer tho... He's the helper of god and the symbol of rebirth...

    Another Silent Hill would be nice, and tbh I would like to have Alessa as the killer. Her power would be as in the first movie with the barbwire + Being able to move to the Otherworld. Even if not Alessa, the possibilities with Silent Hill are endless, yet it needs to be handled with care since Silent Hill is paradise and everything about it should be perfect.

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    True, but I was thinking as the Entity as God, so Valtiel helps God? He's probably my favorite character from the series which is why I picked him. Definitely a lot of choices to pick from and I hope we see more content as well.

  • Member Posts: 275


    Make solo q playable

    I know you said "licensed chapter" but I would be willing to pay for this, if that's what it takes to get focus of the dev team

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited September 2022
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    What i wouldn't give for a Phantasm chapter.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • Member Posts: 17
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    I would love to see DBD and Dead Space linked together.

  • Member Posts: 897

    Imagine this: the killer is just a necromorph. BUT, if they mori a survivor (ability to mori them in their base kit/perks), the mori'd survivor becomes another necromorph 👀

  • Member Posts: 320

    Games: Dead Space, The Evil Within and Outlast.

    Movies: Alien, It, Friday the 13th, The thing.

    I'd like to see also characters from other media like Creepypastas/urban legends (Slenderman) and literature (Deep ones from Lovecraft's universe)

  • Member Posts: 320

    I think Walter Sullivan would be cool too! since he's already a killer, but I don't know what his powers could be, but Behavior could think of something like they did with PH.

    Unfortunately I don't think they are as popular as RE characters for ppl other than SH fans :(

    And I'd love a killer or map that swaps between the normal world and the "other", something like Freddy with Dreamworld 🙂

  • Member Posts: 897

    the change to the otherworld would be so cool, I'd play that only to witness it.

    As for Sullivan, I haven't played the room yet, so idk how it is :(

    I was thinking *maybe* the butcher or bogeyman could fit DbD, but they are pretty unknown

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    I'd love to see Predator in DBD, along with Harry Mason as a legendary for Cheryl

  • Member Posts: 66

    I would love to see the Predator in DBD. I'm honestly shocked that the Xenomorph and the Predator aren't in the game already.

  • Member Posts: 65
    The Shining

    My picks would be

    Friday the 13th

    Until Dawn

    The Shining


    The Thing

  • Member Posts: 89
    Army of Darkness Chapter

    Friday the 13th won't be added, they already made a game called "Friday the 13th" The Game

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    Jason having his own game will not stop him from making an appearance in other games, what would hinder it however was the lawsuit the franchise found itself in, which has ended sometime ago now.

  • Member Posts: 2,773
    The IT Chapter

    This, and Chucky are my 2 most wanted chapters. Those could come out, and never update the game again, and I'd be perfectly happy.

  • Member Posts: 1,679
    The Creature from The Black Lagoon

    I'm still itching for a The Mummy chapter (but I say that all the time in every post about this topic lol), and enough people have been wanting Alien that I didn't feel the need to vote for it.

    With that in mind, The Creature from the Black Lagoon would be cool because it could open up some really creative ideas for it to have its power. For instance, would every map be covered with a thin layer of water and the creature is able to use that for good map pressure? (Having little pools of water for teleportation would be too similar to Demo, so the devs would have to come up with something else.) I like that creativity and possibility. And I like the idea of what an original map for him could look like.

  • Member Posts: 89
    Army of Darkness Chapter

    I posted links for each of the killers, if you click it you can read the killers power. The whole first level of the map will be covered in water and swimming will become a feature.

  • Member Posts: 136

    I’d love an ancient Egypt theme map and killer. ‘The Mummy’ chapter with Brendan Fraser as the survivor would be awesome.

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    The Thing (1982)

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    I highly doubt BHVR even knows what this game is but I would KILL to get Simon from Cry of Fear added as a killer.

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    I know it may not happen but I would still love Jason from Friday The 13th to come. I know I keep saying this and so has others. But again I think it would be super cool for Jason to be standing with his fellow slashers.

  • Member Posts: 89
    Army of Darkness Chapter

    Kate probably wouldn't be added because there's already a survivor in the game named Kate Denson. Two Kate's would be confusing.

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    Still want Detroit: Become Human. I asked the last guy who tried to say no to that why Cage was seen as a creep and they ignored it. Until a reason is given, I will not stop wishing for this. I WANT CONNOR TO HUNT SURVIVORS LIKE DEVIANTS!

  • Alien

    I LOVE the movie ideas, Alien would really cool in my opinion, the thing has alot of potential especially for adaptation and shapeshifting properties, and Jason, who wouldn't love having myers, ghostface, and jason? I think jason should be almost have a brute force themed power.

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    Either a FNAF character or lady Dimitrescu

  • Member Posts: 3
    The IT Chapter

    A new chapter based on "IT" is easily my number one pick. A creepy sewer map filled with red balloons would be sweet, and there are so many cosmetic options they could do with all the forms his face takes in the new films, plus a classic Tim Curry Skin?!

    What kind of abilities could they used for him in game though?

  • Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2022
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    I already made a post in "Feedback and Suggestion" about an idea, I think it would be great to see Lara Croft as a survivor with chest related perks, like "Guarantee aids kit when you open a chest" and Himiko as a killer, but no body upvoted :(

  • Member Posts: 89
    Army of Darkness Chapter

    You should look at all of the perks, Pharmacy is a Quentin perk that guarantees a medkit on the first chest you search.

  • Member Posts: 89
    Army of Darkness Chapter

    I'm not sure how that would work because the Entity likes survivors and killers with human emotions, a robot doesn't have that.

  • Member Posts: 96
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    Oh my god wow, I didn't know that thanks for the info

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    Clearly you haven't played the game, then. You'd be amazed.

  • Member Posts: 89
    Army of Darkness Chapter

    The androids have artificial emotions, something that isn't an organic being cant have real feelings because they don't have a brain, they just have code that mimics emotions.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
    The Creature from The Black Lagoon

    For the originality of it. I like non (or barely) human killers.

    Shining is hardly a horror movie, more psychological if anything, and I don't think Jack would make a very interesting killer. Just another man with a weapon.

    IT feels a bit on the nose, but I'd take it. Especially if they play up Pennywise's shapeshifting into fears aspect.

    I don't really like Alien, but I like nonhuman killers, so why not.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited December 2022
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    I stopped believing that we're ever gonna get any modern horror licenses or horror cult classic licenses, if it's not some big 80's/90's name with a serious horror tone to it or some big video game horror name then bhvr won't care about it one bit.

    Hell they'd rather make their own universal monster inspired skins for existing killers than adding the actual characters.

    I fully expect them to take the fortnite route and start adding all kinds of stuff that is anything but horror related once they run out of big horror names to acquire.

  • Member Posts: 240
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    Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.

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    *** Return of the Living Dead. ***

    - Has it all:

    1. Unkillable, running super zombies that can plan their attacks.

    2. Surivors would be punk rockers from the 80's. Exactly what the roster of survirors needs right now.

    Killer- Tarman

    Slimey zombie that escapes military canister full of the chemical 2-4-5 trioxin; the forever chemical that reanimates the dead.

    Surivors - One of the punks, Trash, Suicide, Scuz, Spider or anyone really? They are all amazing.

    Level- Garden of Joy

    Plays into the toxic chemical spill vibe. This level begs this chapter to be made.

    Bring DBD back from the dead!!!

    Repost this to get it out there!

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