Getting penalized for random disconnect and Steam issues?

My Steam crashed randomly while I was in a match and this caused me to disconnect from the game and subsequently receive a DC penalty AND down-pip. Why do we get penalized for accidental DCs/DCs that are out of our control? I know there has to be a way for the game to know whether it was accidental or purposeful.
The best is if you are in a match and the steam server reboot happens. This kicks you out immediately and gives you a timer.
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Because you are wrong. There is not a way for the game to tell if it is intentional or not in a way that cannot be tricked.
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okay but there LITERALLY are ways to do this. and most people aren't able to trick the system into thinking otherwise? LOL imagine.
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I just had the game itself crash on me. literally got a crash handler popup and everything. still got a penalty.
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It doesn't matter. @SuzuKR is right. There is no way how to distinguish it from games point of view (surprisingly even if your game itself crashed).
There is an exception to this. They could create a thing that would automatically remove penalty, if e.g. steam servers "crashed" (meaning tuesday maintenance). Or game servers did. It would help some, but it does not happen often. So maybe it doesn't really matter.
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I really love this arguement when poeople make it.
Ok so how would they do it then?