I'm leaving

I don't usually like to complain because I understand that being a developer for a game is a lot of work and effort to cater to everybody and everything that people want. However, being (most of the time) a soloq/2man survivor player, I can't play this game anymore. I have 2k hours, own a tiktok with over 15k likes and a Twitch channel just because of DBD, yet the game has grown to a state where it makes me feel 10x worse after playing than it did beforehand.
Killers are tunnelling all the time, I see the same few killers every single game and survivors just can't compete with all the stuff killers have these days. I don't necessarily blame killers for playing strong killers (because those like Pig, Ghostface etc are just boringly weak).
However I played 7 matches today with my friend, and we both have over 2k hours. ALL of those matches the killer got 4 kills and mostly ended by hitting on hook and nodding. I don't go around clicking my flashlight at them, I do gens and save when I need to, and I can loop the killer for a good few minutes, yet even then the match ends at 1/2 gens with all being dead.
I don't appreciate the excuse 'just get good' because I can loop and I can be useful during matches; with 2k hours of course I'm going to have some idea of how to do that. But nowadays, when a killer even just gets looped, they take it as a personal offence and tunnel you out and hit/nod at you. It's tiring and sad because I used to enjoy this game on both sides (I still agree that killers should have gotten the buff they did in the past), but now playing survivor against these killers just feels so punishing and leaves you feeling like there's no chance to win at all.
I'm going to stop playing because this game just feels like it's at a point where its stale and more toxic than ever. Thanks for reading and again, sorry that this post had to be so whiney and complainative, but I just had to say my opinion and viewpoint before I left. <33
Yea killers have been hitting on hook a lot lately.
I'm never toxic, play fair and I'm also a solo player, yet since the game right now favors high tier killers, they feel the need to show off too.
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"How can I add nothing to the conversation today?"
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Like this
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Me when I think I did something.
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I'm not going to quit yet
but I understand how you feel
I hope game is change and you come buck
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What is there to discuss? Person goes on a rant flexing their 15k tiktok likes (😮), states that killers bm and 4k when you have 2-3 useless teammates, and complains about tunneling. All things/topics that have been obvious gameplay issues for years and recited many times.
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well bye. Games are entertainment, not a job. You don't need to forward your resignation.
Plus it's not an airport, you don't need to announce your departure.
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If it has been a problem for years let more people complain so maybe it will stop being a problem.
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Come back and play during the Halloween event and then take another break. The game is in a bit of an awkward phase atm but I'm certain it will be worth your time after a few more updates.
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Sorry to see another gamer leave, hope you find something else more fun. In the end, a game should leave you feeling entertained, far too many people carry on playing this one feeling frustrated and annoyed, and that's just not right.
They may think leaving a post like this might help devs see a glaring issue with solo-q, if no one ever did people would just think the games fine as it is. BHVR should probably do more in game surveys to get real opinions and feedback though if they skip past all the posts here.
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Hi leaving
Im Shroompy :)
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Maybe you should try playing killer and play in a survivor friendly way. You know, be the change you want to be
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I feel your pain. This in combination with teammates ragequitting frequently has me playing less and less. This game has become more frustrating than fun, but yet somehow I can’t seem to find another game to replace this as my main. I don’t get it. I feel like this game will make me quit before I find something more worth my time, and that sucks.
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Killers on this very board said. It wont change anything....survivors wont quit........and now all we see all day every day is survivor incentive x100 all day every day. Steam charts show it happened. And its only going to get worse from here. I cant say i blame you at all for leaving. Every update that drops make the game worse than it was before.
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It's frustrating. Really frustrating. They've essentially balanced the game around bad/average killers but didn't make any discernable changes to survivor matchmaking logic. You still get the same mix of good teammates and weak links, but you go against these omega slowdown builds where you can't have any inefficiency. And the killers are rarely what I would consider good. They just have these ridiculous builds that carry them.
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This content has been removed.
I've seen the survivor incentive at 50% and even the killer at 100%.
Or this cursed moment:
the incentive being 100 for the survivor most of the time is not an indicator that survivors are leaving the game. DBD needs 4 survivors for every killer. If roughly half the playerbase plays survivor and the other half plays killer, well the survivor side needs more players. In order for their to be balanced queues, 80% of players would have to be queueing for survivor. In order for killer to see incentives you would need like 90% of the playerbase playing survivor.
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It's one thing ranting and letting off steam but then theres another when someone flexes thier stats or how many useless likes on a Chinese information gathering app they have.
But I get it the state of the game is in a bad place not because of balancing issue but entitled Survivors and Killers that thinks that BHVT owes them something and will ruin everyone else's fun until they get this perceived notion.
We all need to stop (all in the sense of all who actually do things to ruin people's fun and not in the general sense all) doing things that in general ruin the fun and not do Bully Fun games or smack on hook or face camp when it's not necessary. Then maybe some real change can happen....but these are thoughts of a crazy nutcase who thinks a discussion forum can be used as such.
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See you soon
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I don't remember responding to you.
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If survivor is so bad and killer so good, then why don't you play killer? This is a genuine question I have. Because the choice to quit rather than playing what one considers the "easy role" means there must be something else causing that role to be so undesirable that quitting is better than swapping to it.
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Don't bring math into this!
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Thanks Crowman. This is the best it's been explained. The community is likely about 50% split (which is fine and healthy) but some survivor mains have somehow twisted that into a "game is dying" mantra.
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Killer too hard lol. That's why
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Sounds like my daily experience. Getting stomped in solo is the expectation nowadays
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It's pretty obvious the game has enough killers. You know, the easy winning role?
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That doesn't answer my question.
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Thanks for the announcement.
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50% split is fine and healthy?
For every one Killer there is one Survivor, sounds perfect.
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They may not find killer their cup of tea, although it being much easier.
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And only the high tiers.
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They wouldn't make it far.
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I took a break, played again one evening and now I'm two weeks into my second break.
There are way more enjoyable games to play and better things to do with your spare time.
I think the hard part about walking away, for some of us, is the money we invested in dbd versus the current return on those investments.
I know that I wasn't excited to play dbd anymore, at all. I would rather mow everyones lawn on my street, honestly. So I did.
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Sad to see people leaving this community. Please don’t bother with these people on this forum who seem satisfied with the misery that is solo q and mock your post.
I’ve basically given up on solo q. I’ve been working on getting some steam friends and play with people I know can hold their own. It’s better this way, at least we have a chance and I know I can trust my teammates. If no one is online I play games with irl friends instead nowadays. Gives me much more joy.
Hope you find a new game and maybe you come back some day 😊
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yeah keep trying to convince yourself this.......lobby times at night here used to take minutes...they literally take seconds now..no matter what time of day.
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I’m taking a step away from DBD too, game feels so boring on both ends. A big break is always important.
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I'm not flexing, the point of saying that was to show my dedication to this game and the social media accounts I have created for it. You don't just earn 15k likes in one day; you have to post regularly etc etc. It sounds like you like to 'rant' a lot more than I do with this type of useless response.
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hi :)
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I do this. I hate solo q with a passion as survivor. But when i play killer I don't bm, and try to avoid tunneling/hook camping. And unless I'm doing a challenge or adept. I pretty much always give 4th survivor hatch/gate.
But if a survivor BMs me repeatedly i will tunnel the everlasting ######### out of them lol but I won't BM back. Just coldy and clinically put them on the hook and make sure they stay there 🤣
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I just learned it's a valid strategy to most killers to refuse to kill survivors and hold the match hostage. So yeah, I'm done to. I'm with ya
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Ah yes, the "easy" role despite the fact that good SWFS are tracking on 300+ 4 man escapes.
Sounds like a skill issue.
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Stop right there buddy my fun is the responsibility of everyone else!
It’s one thing to say I’m not a fan of X I’m taking a break but an essay of melodrama phew.
Why do they always announce their hours played and/or followers as if it makes them important to the game?
It’s almost a weird type of quitters narcissism.
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Perhaps the killers they are versing are babies. Besides, if it takes a perfect 4 man SWF to have a chance to win, it means the game is broken. There is way more killer mains that never lose than there are survivors. Most survivors I see are always losing.
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Apologies if it came off like this - the reason I said the followers etc was to make it clear how much effort and time I had spent on things involving this game. I did also write this post when I was quite stressed and tired with the state of the game, perhaps why it comes off as 'melodramatic'.