Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Please make obsessive 3-genning a reportable offense. Please.

OpalescentHare Member Posts: 59
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I keep getting in matches where the killer aims for a 3-gen... And that's it. They will hit people off gens, but will not commit to chases. They will down survivors, but not hook them. They just protect their 3-gen for over an hour. At that point people either actively refuse to be picked up so that they can bleed out and leave, DC, or meme around with each other. Because there is no way to progress the match due to how the killer is refusing to do anything that allows progress for either side.

This is becoming a semi-regular occurrence. Having it every rare now and again is frustrating, but not at all ruining the game as a whole for me. But the past couple of weeks it has happened on the daily. No one should have to DC to get out of a match that the killer refuses to hook or chase survivors in, or hold down the running button to avoid recovery just to get out of a match. At that point, protecting a gen should be holding the game hostage since they are pressuring gens to no end beyond bleeding out survivors for 4 minutes each at best.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Dead dawg saloon for one. That corner with the gallows seems to always spawn a 3 gen.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    edited September 2022

    I did this to a Claudette and Tapp as Trickster a few games ago, I felt really bad but they had genrushing builds so I couldn't afford to leave then 3 gen for even a little while.

    does not help the second i started to chase Tapp he just lithe away

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,134
  • OpalescentHare
    OpalescentHare Member Posts: 59

    Your money doesn't make sense when you read my post.

    My problem isn't the tree gen. It is killers refusing to kill so that they can exclusively protect their three-gen. I want them to try and kill me, which is my point. I don't want to be in a hour long match or more with a killer who just hits survivors off the gens when we try doing them, let's us heal by not chasing, and going back to their gens.

    I don't get why people think my issue is that I'm getting killed or with the 3 gen by itself. It's the problem of not having any way to progress the match

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,896

    This situation is rather a gray area. You could say defending a 3 gen can be an effort, a boring one at that but and effort to kill survivors. They're waiting for the opportunity to capitalize on someone getting too close while injured. I like to see it as old hatch stand offs where you could sit there for half an hour before eventually someone gets bored and lets the other persons survive/escape. In that situation they are technically both trying to further their objectives but how that scenario plays out can usually end up in stalemates until one side gives up. This 3 gen scenario is not much different to that other than its with more people. Either way 3 gens are still beatable.

  • OpalescentHare
    OpalescentHare Member Posts: 59

    Since I have to go to every single person who seems to have read the title and nothing else, my problem is not the 3-gen by itself.

    It is that even when playing as you mentioned, the killer is hyperfocised on only kicking gens and hitting survivors once. We can't (especially in solo without gen-focised builds) gain any progress, and the killer is not getting any progress by taking people out of the match by sacrificing them. That play style doesn't create any effective pressure beyond teammates standing in front of the killer and intentionally bleeding themselves out to avoid being a the match that has already gone for over an hour.

  • OpalescentHare
    OpalescentHare Member Posts: 59

    We are. We can tap them for a few seconds, the killer hits us once, kicks it, and then goes to the other two nearby gens and does the same. We can't finish a gen if the killer is only focused on preventing gen progress and injuring survivors. If they aren't killing anyone then it's just an unnecessary stalemate where they are kicking gens and hitting survivors to no end. It's not even pressure at that point since nothing beneficial for either side is happening for the duration of the 3gen.

    It's valid to play around a three gen, not to play like the exclusive goal is to keep three gens unrepaired. The three gen is a tactic to pressure survivors for the win. It isn't a win if survivors aren't being killed. And the usual result is that survivors run to the killer in hopes they will at least down them so they can bleed themselves out for 4 minutes. That is not healthy gameplay in any way.

  • OpalescentHare
    OpalescentHare Member Posts: 59

    Do you seriously think it usually takes that long to hit a survivor one time off of a gen? Or to kick a gen and patrol them so that no one can stop the regression? Seriously?

    That can be done in 10 seconds tops, assuming the killer goes for the hit instead of just pishing a healthy survivor off and kicking the gen. They usually only take the hit if the survivor stays on the gen, so there's barely any chase. If you run off the gen once they are close but not on you, they kick the gen but don't hit you.

    My problem—which a lot of price seem to not be getting—id that the match doesn't end with sacrifices. It ends with survivors killing themselves since no one enjoys spending over an hour in a single match if the killer refuses to down survivors normally and refuses to hook survivors. That is not normal gameplay considering that the goal is to kill survivors. It should be considered "valid" to make the match go on for long enough that everyone quits.

  • OpalescentHare
    OpalescentHare Member Posts: 59

    My point is they are downing Pepe because after a fuckong hour, the survivor runs up to them so they can just bleed themselves out.

    It's not pressure to make the game last long enough for survivors to actively get themselves downed. At that point it's the survivor doing the killers task for them.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    3 gens are certainly annoying, especially if its a killer that can hold them well, but I feel like most of these types of complaints tend to be ruined by their hyperbole. The more survivors there are, the harder it is to both hold a 3 gen and pressure the survivors at the same time, as 3 gen scenarios are a war of attrition. Seige defenses are designed so that a low number of defenders can protect against a larger number of attackers while using strategy to not spread themselves too thin, which is exactly what a 3 gen defense is. If the killer is not committing because they will sacrifice their position to do so, it is just as likely that they are looking for an opportunity to gain momentum without having to do so.

    I have never seen a killer flat out refuse to hook someone in a 3 gen situation unless doing so would give an opening for other survivors to break it up. I'm not going to pretend it never happened in the history of DBD, but even the simple act of downing an injured survivor, then carrying them to a hook can take a reasonable amount of time (barring killers who can shorten that step, like Wesker or PH) so slugging is sometimes just the better play, especially since it doesn't risk other factors like flashlight saves or saboing hooks.

    it sucks, and it grinds the game to a halt, but if it takes over an hour like OP stated, then they are either god's gift to DBD and never present an opening ever, the opponent is playing minecraft on their phone or something, or they're exaggerating.

    If they're somehow not, then you've reached the uncanny valley of the strangest form of holding the game hostage to date. Record and report, unless you know its actually just them using a valid strategy and your evidence will be discarded as hyperbolic. Either way posting it on here like its an everyday occurrence and not just misunderstanding whats happening during a valid strategy while trying to dress it up to look as convincing to your argument as possible isn't going to fix anything.

    TL:DR if you're not being overdramatic, record and report. If you are being overdramatic, learn how to counter the strategy (it doesn't take gen perks, btw.)

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,896

    So... then you would have 2 other people on the farthest of your gen so if the killer was really hell bent on kicking gens they would immediately go to kick the other one. That gives you enough time to slowly gain progress on the gen if each one has 2 people working on it. Because what you described literally keeps the game in a winnable state for survivors unless lets say its a hag.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,134
    edited September 2022

    You can call it whatever you want, but devs have stated that if the killer isn't making an effort to kill survivors for an extended period of time, that the "3-gen" is now a hostage situation.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited September 2022

    So... the survivors have so little map awareness they don't back off the generator early when the killer is coming for them in a situation where the killer is only cycling the 3-gen and they still can't even run the killer for more than 10s. And in all of the movement time it takes to go between each gen, you're telling me there is not enough chip progress on either of the other 2 gens for progress to steadily amass? And this is the killer's fault? For your information, a kick only does 2.25s worth of repair time in damage, and takes 1.8s to do.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    I have nothing really to add to the discussion, but this:

    this must be one of the most bizzare topics and resulting discussions that I ever saw here. Thats it. Bizzare beyond compare.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    They have never stated that defending a 3 gen is a hostage situation. Go ahead and source it if you're so confident but if the killer player is just focusing on defending a 3 gen that is not a bannable offense. Either the survivors break it, they give up, or they make a mistake.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    I understand that 3gen strats can be quite oppressive but they are not unbeatable. If you keep working on all 3 gens at the same time the killer will have a hard time defending them especially if they didn't get enough hooks earlier apply kill pressure. For most killers it's also not guaranteed they will get a fast hit or even a down as long as there are at least some resources remaining in that area.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Its a bit of misrepresentation. They're referring to a comment that was that any form of preventing the game from progressing in a way that will not resolve naturally being holding the game hostage, regardless of whether it was killer or survivor causing it. 3Genning is only this if they have some kind of weird smeagol killer hovering over their preciousssss, so i don't think it applies quite as much as they would think. If they do actually get someone who refuses to take golden opportunities just to prevent the game from progressing, that is reportable as it is holding the game hostage, much like two survivors playing the world championship of hide and seek is once enough time has elapsed.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I don't remember the devs ever saying anything of the sort.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 226

    Can we make playing killer a bannable offense?

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,495
    edited September 2022

    I swear I lose it everytime I go on these forums

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • AndyKuky
    AndyKuky Member Posts: 84

    Split up onto all three gens and the killer doesn’t control the match. It may take awhile, but the gen will get done.

    To say it took an hour… that’s either hyperbole or all four of you have zero map awareness.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    People have given you a way to progress the match, you gotta bait and focus on the gens separately.

    You can distract the killer long enough that a gen will get completed.

    Just don’t run straight out of the area when you get chased and you’ll be able to switch focus between distraction and gens.

    It’s just takes some common sense and teamwork, that’s all.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Especially if the killer isn’t committing to hooking downed survivors as the OP stated, it’s attrition that favours the survivors in that scenario.

    Providing they split up and pressure the gens separately.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    It takes forethought and determination to force a 3 gen. I always wonder why more killers don't do that, honestly.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    The scenario you are describing IS bannable

  • MDRSan
    MDRSan Member Posts: 298

    The killer herding survivors into a 3 gen situation is a strategic play on the killer’s part. It’s not an exploit, or toxic, or anything other than playing the game strategically. Putting someone in check isn’t an exploit in chess.

    Unless the gens spawn all together (which I don’t think is possible) the killer can really only pressure you towards a 3 gen setup. They can’t force it. Hopping off a gen, back on, re-repairing the regressed percentage will take longer than just sitting there from 0-100 but unless there’s only 1 gen the killer is protecting it’ll get done.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    It's going to be really hard to prove the killer was making no attempt to down anyone. Especially when the killer did eventually down survivors. If the killer has an area they are defending, leaving that area means giving up all current pressure unless you are absolutely certain there's no other survivor just hiding out nearby.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,134
    edited September 2022

    Now your putting words in my mouth. Me saying "If the killer isn't making an effort to kill survivors then it's bannable." is me clearing up the OP's confusion on whats bannable or not during a 3 gen game.

    On top of that top of that, you twisted what I said to fit your narrative. You are so sad.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The scenario Peanits described isn't the situation in this thread.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,225

    Dead Dawg gallows area+main building into town are both usually 3 gens

    Azarov's Resting Place will usually spawn a 4 gen on one side and a 3 gen on the other side

    Suffo Pit likes to spawn a 4 or 5 gen on main building side. Suffo Pit is actually pretty egregious. You pretty much win as soon as you load in as killer if you refuse to commit to shack side and hook deep in main.

    Sanctum of Wrath is sneaky, but you usually have a 3 or 4 gen between the middle shrine area and one side. Nurse can be nasty here and snipe from the high ground.

    Coal Tower is almost always a 4 gen by main. And it's kind of a throw if someone is working on main without SB or BL. No safe way out from upstairs if the killer goes in there unless you have one of those exhaustions.

    Those are just off the top of my head.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233
    edited September 2022

    The source for 3 genning post could be mean multiple things and mentions stalling with madness 3 specifically which completely stops your ability to repair which is most likely why it's brought up because the survivors can't actually progress their objective. "Only downing and slugging them when they refuse to move" is not the same as hitting people who touch gens/slugging them. Taking a chase out of your 3 gen is just bad gameplay you shouldn't be overcommitting and with slugging you will eventually die. Furthermore if the killer is refusing to commit to chases etc you can literally just get 3-4 survivors to rotate in to each work on the gens and just play it slow and safe by preleaving the killer will eventually just lose they cannot be in 3 places at once. It's not exciting or fun, but it is not some unwinnable situation.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    If something has to be changed it's game design itself, both survivors and killers are encouraged to stay in a place is just bad design.