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Why is Tombstone Piece still in game

Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

Why is it allowed for the killer to get a man out in the first 2 mins, before hooking anyone? Tombstone is ok, not the piece. That thing is a remnant of old moris.

Edit, since people won't read:

Tombstone PIECE is the OP addon that has no place in the game. It's the one addon which allows you to kill an unknowing survivor without needing too much stalk, at the price of losing a T3 for it lol.

JUDITH'S tombstone, on the other hand, is a fair addon that should definitely stay.

Post edited by Pukenplag on


  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    May I remind you that T2 Myers can stalk you without you being in the TR, so by the point he's T3, you're dead?

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    I hardly use it, but I would be so upset if they took it out. Just needs some small refinement.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    They'd need to heavily buff Myers at the same time. Tombstone Piece is the only thing that lets him see play at higher mmr.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    You could argue with such add-ons and the lowest base Terror Radius in the game, The Shape is one of the more efficient non-mobility killers in the roster.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    His tier 3 terror radius is normal.

    Personally, i love going against a Jump Scare Myers on indoor maps. Simply, because thats one of the few occasions, where the game feels like a horror game.

    Does that makes him efficient? Depends on how he wants to play.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Add-ons aside, yes he plays relatively normal at tier 3 having a 32m TR, but that's fair for what he's compensated. Outside of tier 3, survivors have to pay attention for his presence when tier 1 is pure stealth and tier 2 being pseudo stealth with a deceptive 16m TR. Basic attack only killer sure, but it's his hinderance to awareness that is his strongest ability on top of everything else imo.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    People may be talking about it, but I've only seen it once or twice. Me being an outlier is impossible, so how could it really be happening?

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I'd say its fairly okay. A little unfair? Maybe

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Leave Michael alone! It's already hard enough for him without your bullying! You should be glad your MMR is so low that you're still running into Michael.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    they can rework it or nerf it when they rework shape, because he sucks

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    I personally think it should become basekit when they rework him, but with obvious conditions, such as death hook

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Myers' addons is what every killer ought to aspire to.

    He has power jumps like Tombstone Piece that put him at a significant disadvantage in the early and mid-game, and only ever pay off by end game (and only if multiple survivors are all oblivious). He has options that massively change how his power plays (perma T1, perma T2) but which are fun to use and not game-breaking. He has addons that directly, MEASURABLY increase how good his power is. He has addons that help make his weaknesses less aggressive, if you just want to play normally. And nothing falls into the "recover from your power 0.001 seconds faster" camp that so many newer killers suffer from.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    honestly, they shouldn't touch it. hes weak af and the only one that can actually run out of his power. in my eyes his addons make up for that. if he gets a rework then maybe they could change it so after moriing someone he goes back to tier 1 instead of 2. until then its fine

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    Myer's really doesn't have addon variety. You can say he has more addons that can completely change how he plays which is a far more fair assessment.

    His only viable addons are Infinite T3, Faster Stalk, and Tomestone Piece. Maybe you'll see someone use a duration addon instead of Infinite T3, maybe you'll encounter a scratched mirror myers, and maybe once in a blue moon you'll encounter someone actually using Judith + Infinite T3.

    But as far as variety goes, it's basically non-existent since he is from old killer addon design that is higher rarity addon is just a lower rarity addon with higher numbers.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Having to pay attention is no reason for a nerf. Especially considering, that he isn´t A tier.

    Ironically 2 weeks ago, i had a match against a hacker. All 5 gens were completed and a survivor escaped through the gate before my Lethal Pursuer finished. Was it annoying? Meh. I farmed a bit in the 2 minutes of the endgame collapse. But i didn´t feel the urge to open a thread about it. Actually i rarely open threads.

    My issue with the nerf request is, that the devs won´t nerf only that one addon. They would give him a complete rework and considering how they did reworks in the past... i´d rather not have them change him.

    Thank you for your constructive contribution to this thread.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    His addons allow for 3 different playstyles.

    1. that allows faster stalking/longer tier 3
    2. that allows to kill
    3. that allows to wall hack.

    Thats more than more recent killers like Nemesus have.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    Myers has more game changing addons, but his variety sucks

    In fact I would even go far to say that Myers has the worst addon variety compared to most killers. Older killers like Trapper and Billy got addon passes that diversified their addon pools. New killers come with diversified addon pools.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    His addons allow for vastly different approaches/change completely how he plays.

    Other killers addons give more ability uses/faster reload or charges/some useless stuff.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    That's not even remotely true with other killers anymore. A lot of killer addons now inflict status effects, give aura reading, or even act as a mini perk. There's very few killers who majority of addons are just % increases to their base power since even greens are more unique addons now. I think you just need to pull yourself out of the year 2018 where that was true.

    Not to mention your complain about how other killer addons only provide increases to their power is the exact same thing with Myers except he has a couple of addons like scratched mirror and tombstone that do something else.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Can you name a couple killers from the last 12 months, that have addons which completely change the way they play? Instead of just changing timers on something?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    You need actually read what I wrote. I never said that other killers have more addons that completely changed their gameplay to the extent of Myers. Just that Myers actual variety between his addons is bad. Myers has a handful of addons that do the exact same thing, but with different values plus the mirror addons (though no on runs vanity) and his two iris.

    Most other killers have brown and yellows to be the minor buffs to basekit addons then green addons and above start to be more diverse. There's a couple of killers that have lesser variety than Myers like Wraith whose addons are largely unchanged since he came out back when addon diversity was not really a thing.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    You haven't addressed the lack of variety. I've already said that Myers has more game changing stuff with his addons, but outside those couple of addons that do change how Myers play, the rest of his addons are just the same thing with different values.

    I'm not wasting my time with you anymore, because it's very clear you have no desire to actually read my point.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    3 completely different playstyles are variety. More variety than just some percentage increases/decreases of abilities that most killers have. I really don´t get the point you´re trying to make, when i look at more recent killers with 3 addons of different colors, that just increase base stuff. Thats not variety for me. Whenever i play against a recent killer, i don´t go trying to figure out, what addons he might have equipped. Playing against Myers, that would be vital information.

    Anyway, i wish you a lovely evening.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Effiecient in terms of winning, definitely not. Effiecient in terms of sneaking up on people eh maybe but some maps you can see him from miles away. GF is my preffered stalker.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    Myers in general is very much a remnant of old DBD days. His base kit is far too weak for the current playstyle/meta; two gens (sometimes three against a coordinated team) can pop before you even get to T3, and he's arguably the only killer who can actually lose his power completely. If you use no addons, you'll eventually be unable to reach T3 as all survivors 'stalk' will be maxed out. After that, he becomes a weak M1 killer with no anti-loop ability. I'd actually argue he is the weakest stealth killer in the game: Ghostface's power is pretty much infinite (other than cool-down), and at least Pig has the traps as passive map pressure.

    In all honesty, I think he needs reworking from the ground up. Tombstone needs removing but they could somehow work his mori into his power (like Sadako or PH) so he still has that true horror 'fear' factor.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923
    edited September 2022

    Ehh purple and up sure some decent changes to them occur but green and below are still mostly % changes. The main difference is while killers used to have a brown yellow and green that did the same thing, typically newer killers have it more spread out around many aspects of their kits since their kits are more diverse.

    Dredge has 10 number changes but none of them overlap, Wesker has 11 number changes but once again only 2 of them do the same this and they are opposites, Sadako is the best of the 3 most recent with only 9 number changes. For comparison Myers has 11 (not including glass tree or rabbit due to them being too simalar to a mini perk.) with most of them overlapping except for 2. Wesker and Myers end up coming out with the same amount of number changes only Myer's has much more repeats and even his non number change addons repeat.

    The main issue is Myers doesn't doing a special move except in tier 3, like what is he gonna mangle you by stalking. The only way I see it working is entirely new funky addons like while you stalk someone they lose heal progression or snowball addons like blinding all survivors doing X after downing someone in tier 3 or survivors who have X% of their stalk juice drained get X status effect (Stalk Juice even being a thing is a hot topic however)

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Because you haven't kicked and screamed enough.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,286

    Just respect the killers, i often have people taunting or dancing around me on myers, instead of doing gens. when i being a tombstone fragment they all complain in the chat, if i kill just 1.

    Myers are fine as he is.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    I was literally doing a gen. Didn't hear any tr, when all of a sudden I hear T3 myers and he jumps on my ass to mori me. Tell me where exactly I didn't respect the killer.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    I guess in my head I was overestimating how many more unique green addons exist. But there are still some very interesting greens that exist that likely wouldn't have existed if we kept to old killer addon design. Like Billy has an undetectable addon in green slot. Ghostface has a recharge power on pallet/wall break in green. Dredge and Blight have an aura reading in green. Sadako has condemnation spreading via healing action in green.

    But even if that's not completely true, Wesker and Myers having the same number of number adjustments addons, but Wesker's addons impacting a lot more than Myers goes with my point about addon variety. Myers, Wraith, Doctor, Hag (older killers) don't have much variation due to their addons being better version of lower rarity addons. Trapper and Clown still have this "problem" after their addon overhauls, but did gain some more varied addons as well.

    Another thing that hurts Myers in the same way that Pyramid Head is hurt is that he also just has some largely useless addons as well. Aura reading for stalking a survivor in T1 or T2, better off taking faster stalk or if you want aura reading do a scratched mirror build. Movement speed while stalking, doesn't really need more than 1 addon for this. Make it a single brown addon since there is a situation where faster movement in stalk helps due to losing collision, but 3 addons that buff this is way too much. Judith's Journal is an interesting addon that syngerizes with his perks. Not necessarily better than just running Memorial, but Myers could always get more obsession based addons. I would love to see a consolidation similar to Ghostface addon overhaul. Make addons like faster stalk, or extra duration in T3 on the lower rarity and reduce the overall number of them to 1 or 2 so there's more room for interesting addons.

    Another thing is outside of Tomestone addons, Myers doesn't have anything that really affects his T3. Dead Rabbit increases his T3 TR, but that is more ran for the T2 TR. Legion has an addon for faster breaking in Feral Frenzy, so Myers could always get an addon for faster pallet/wall/gen breaking in T3 (though this could always be argued as a basekit buff).

    Myers also has stalks faster at short range compared to long range. Always an option for a Purple addon to reverse that so he stalks faster at long range.

    There's options for Myers to make his addon pool more diverse.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,286

    Im talking in general.

    But let me get this right.

    You want to get an addon banned because of 1 single event that happned to you?

    When im survivor i ALWAYS make sure i have a view to potential roads to the gen where the killer can come, and i always run 1 time too much than one less. (i am playing SoloQ most of the time).

    I really dont remember the last time i was toombstone killed by a myers, and i dont think its a problem.

    If you had met a scratched mirrors myers, would you then have mirrors removed because they give an unfair advantages?

    Mirrors and Tombstone/Tombstone fragments are the only reasons i bother playing myers. If you remove any of them, then you might aswell remove the killer.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    I LOVE facing ANY Myers, except tombstone PIECE. J. Tombstone? Great. Infinite tombstone? Great. Infinite T3? Great. Scratched mirror? Great etc.

    But there is nothing fun about the piece. You literally have no clue it is in game untill someone dies. It brings close to no downside, so the killer just gets easy kills.

    But nice assumption argument. I say I don't like t. piece, you assume I don't like scratched mirrors. What's next? You assume I don't like waffles if I say I like pancakes?

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,286

    Read again, im not assuming anything, im asking you a question.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454
    edited September 2022

    Which I have quite literally answered.

    But sorry if my logical skills are bad, but rethorical questions assuming an answer are pretty much the same with statements assuming a thing.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,286

    It was a legit question, you assumed i ment something that i didnt write.

    But this is off topic.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    I've been playing a lot of Meyers lately to work on his stalking achievement mostly, and found that I actually really like a lot about a killer that I've largely shunned.

    I'd be down with them ditching Tombstone piece by next week with whatever random alternative they cook up instead, sight-unseen, but I'm not really pushing for them to change it since I'm way more concerned that once they got started they'd end up going too far and try to mess with his irris and other stuff that's just delightful as is.

    There seems to be an aversion to small incremental changes generally, and that's really disappointing. Kind of a rough analogy, but sometimes you want that new paintjob for your house now, but still want to let the larger remodeling decisions simmer. Even if it means doubling up on some work later, it's often better to set out the parts you KNOW you want for sure already and let them give you that value/utility in the now.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Because Myers sucks and does even with tombstone piece. Pay attention, note if it takes a long time for him to tier up, and jump in lockers if you're being chased and suspect he might pop it. Nerfing a bottom 5 killer is not something that should be done without a total rework to him. Pretty much the only thing that can make Myers scary is tuft of hair or tombstone piece. Or scratched mirror, but that's more of a "AHHHH JUMPSCARE!" scary and not a "Oh no, this killer is hard to face!" scary.

  • Aubwie
    Aubwie Member Posts: 24

    Well ######### tell that to my last 4 days of playing survivor, I've had at least 2 a day and it's always the tombstone piece, so everytime I see that it's a myers I just assume tombstone now.