Rework (Nerf) Pain Resonance

A flat 15% for just hooking someone on a scourge hook is already the best regression perk in the game that doesn't require kicking. Getting a scream as well that sets off both Dead Man's Switch and Merciless Storm is just a ghastly garnish making already strong perks into an overpowered combo.
Here's how I'd love to see Pain Resonance:
- Lose the scream altogether.
- Make it 10% regression.
- Bring back the notification from before 6.1.0.
This would make Pain Resonance only a decent regression perk but a better information perk.
Also it would give killers a target so they leave the hook. It would be better for the game.
I dunno if I agree with your suggestion but pain and dms is still filthy and overused.
Pain didn't really receive adequate nerf compared to other stuff that got nerfed.
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It, like most Scourge Hooks, are very snowball like in nature. I wouldn't be opposed to this idea, although I think the current version is fine. Remember that the only reason it got semi-reverted to this state is because of a niche interaction with Merciless Storm. Instead of capping the time on Merciless, we got the wombo combo with Deadlock back that they sought to remove. Because of that I don't believe they will make this change on that basis alone.
In general I think the access to Scourge Hooks is too feast or famine. They should be a bit more high risk high reward. I think retooling Scourge Hook Spawn AI with semi-fixed RNG (ala Pig) to guarantee 1 hook per "quadrant" of the map would provide much more fair access to using or preventing Scourge Hooks.
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I heard they reverted it and gave it it's scream back because of its overextension of the Merciless Storm skill checks to over 40.
My version would still double the Merciless Storm skill checks, but killers wouldn't get the lockout for free no matter what. If the survivor stays on it and hits the checks they get the gen done but the killer has the opportunity and information to go over there and pressure the gen to get Merciless Storm value. This encourages the killer to leave the hook to interact with a different survivor which would be good for the game. Instead with the current version the killer can choose to camp and still always get Merciless Storm and Pain Resonance value.
I also think that Scourge Hooks should lose their Scourge after being used 3 times. One well placed Scourge Hook can win the game by itself for the killer. Perhaps it causes the Scourge to choose a different hook, or perhaps not.
Something should be done about the famine scenarios, your quadrant idea is a good idea.
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I disagree with bringing back the notification; I don’t think it should have any informational aspect whatsoever. Remove the scream effect/interruption as well. If combining it with merciless storm is really a problem (it wasn’t tbh), then put a hard limit on the number of skill checks it can create.
Keep it at 15% but remove the effect that it causes the generator to be unable to gain progress for 3 seconds (similar to failing a normal skill check) if a survivor was working on it at the moment it triggers. I don’t know if this is even intentional or not, but Surge also does this. This means even in 6.1.0 when there was no scream effect, it was still optimal to briefly let go of the gen as you saw the survivor’s aura going onto the hook to avoid this, which is kinda stupid. Then it would truly be 15% and not more than that.
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I just run breakdown since I know pain res is gonna more than likely be in my game and boom. Problem solved for 180 seconds
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This and then scourge hooks can be adjusted accordingly (I.E. pain res getting nerfed)
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I really just dont get why they brought back the dead mans switch combo
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Because they did not change Merciless Storm. Instead, they destroyed Dead Mans Switch ON ITS OWN. Without PR, its the same as Deadlock (30secs)... and Deadlock is for free and 4times per game guaranteed.
Idea: bring Dead Mans back to 45sec (Rewarding the killer for hooking + screwing survs away from a gen), but remove the synergy with Pain Resonance. For that, give Merciless a max. number of skill checks possible. The past version was fine (before the current DMS nerf and with the de-synergy of PR, just sparking instead of screaming).
Pain Res however can go down to 12%, but for that, it should spawn better. On some maps like Swamp, its always at the edges of the map....
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But... this is a buff...????
The information it gives is way better than the regression.
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The dms combo legit does nothing if you just let go of the gen as the surv is being hooked.
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I don't mean only 3 uses by the semi-fixed RNG, I only meant the spawn AI RNG. The current RNG is any hook, and semi-fixed RNG would be the quadrant concept. It is good for both sides to clearly see that one hook is Scourge, so Survivors can go down away from it, and others have a chance to bodyblock or sabo. If they still go down near that hook when they know it is a Scourge, then the killer deserves the higher reward it is meant to entail.
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I honestly don't think SH:PR should be nerfed. I also think Pop was fine at 25% max. Both of those require a down and a hook in order to get value. That seems like a fine cost for the rewarded value. Now against the highest end of effective killers in pub matches (which pub matches are most games) that can be a bit punishing. I think the problem is with those killers as opposed to say Legion and Trapper using those same perks.
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Is that a joke post ?!
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I think that it comboing with dms is a problem tbh. The numbers are fine
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Yep, it was a problem the devs even wanted to address when they originally did the perk shakeup in 6.1.0. They then went back on that since the Merciless Storm unique interaction was a harder nut to crack than its combo with DMS.
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The funny thing about that is that you're punished significantly less with merciless storm than you are with DMS
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Yeah, plus I am unsure if they changed it, but I think Merciless Storm doesn't count as a failed skill check if you let go and hit the lingering skillcheck. It just blocks the gen and that can move PR regression somewhere else instead. So you can reach 91%, let go (if you are afraid of Pain Res), wait out the 20s, and then finish the gen.
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Nuuuuh! I want to use other perks! Why not give us a 1min breakdown basekit?
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But on a more serious note, I think that the info part of old Pain Res was what made the perk balanced. you hooked someone on a scourge hook, got the notification on some far gen and then moved over there to check it out, therefor leaving the hook.
Right after the big patch Pain Res felt incredible empty: you hooked someone ... and nothing. "Did it work? Did you do something wrong? Did you miss something? What do I wanna eat for dinner tonight? I should stay here."
Now you get at least a scream, but thats so hard to pinpoint that you might as well stay at your gen. I think the explosion plus notification would be more healthy for the game, as it incentivises to leave the hook and might do both: reward the killer for leaving the scourge hook and offer the other survivors a shot at a rescue attempt.
The combo with DMS was always pretty nuts and I wouldn't mind losing that if we got explosions and notifications back.
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Yay! Someone who gets it.
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Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance was nerfed enough already, the scream notification was removed and it's still only 4 random hooks. Y'all just don't want killers to have any strong gen regression perks while y'all complete gens in 40 seconds with strong toolboxes and perks.
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They already nerfed this perk. You basically need an info perk to know which generator to go to make use of it.
Also this is the only instant regression perk that you only have a small chance of using when you hook someone due to the RNG of white hooks - unless you also bring Agitation or Monstrous Shrine and hang out by the basement. So you need one perk for info of which gen you plan to interrupt and one perk to make sure you get to a white hook. That's already very limited.
Imagine if Dead hard said: you can only use DH if within 10m of an unfinished generator. That would give you an idea of how limiting Pain Resonance is on its own.
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Nah, I don't think it's healthy to nerf one of the few good perks that rewards hooking survivors over camping.
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that would not be healthy for the game at all.
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exactly, it's almost as if the people who made the pain res change in the first place have 0 clue what's actually problematic.