Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Tunneling is getting worse and worse

We keep having all these updates that discouraged tunneling and buffs so survivors can make it a tiny distance so they don't die right away after a unhook.

Despite all these anti tunnel changes, it had gotten MUCH worse. Killers aren't even playing the game anymore they are just tunneling off hook or camping one survivor at a time and making it miserable for everyone with unfun gameplay.

I can think of one change to hurt the people that do stupid crap like this WITHOUT good reason.

BP reduction

Now hear me out, the system would work like this.

Upon hooking the survivor the survivor gains the distaste status affect. This status effect will go away after another survivor gets hit AFTER the survivor on the hook has been unhooked.

The penalty of hitting the unhooked survivor with the status effect will give no bp reward but the penalty will go down after each gen is done.

5 gens-100%

4 gens-80%

3 gens-60%

2 gens-40%

1 gens- 20%

Exit gates powered-0%

This would promote killers to switch targets and give everyone a chance to have fun.

I'm open to suggestions

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  • Member Posts: 54
    edited September 2022

    I think the ones who tunnel usually don't care about BP and are just going for the kills to try and win the game. Plus bodyblocking is usually a strat to try and prevent tunneling, so this wouldn't even do anything in cases where teammates are actually trying to help the one getting tunneled.

  • Member Posts: 271

    There is physically nothing you can do to stop hard tunneling that's shy of hard nerfing killers that try to do so which I, as well as many others, would be against.

  • Member Posts: 944

    Or make DS decent again ? DS was healthy for the game I don't care what anyone says, we don't need 10 sec basekit BT we just need DS to do something, anti tunnel perk should be good against tunneling, it's only 60 seconds and deactivate if you breathe.. it doesn't have to be so weak

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    -"Killers aren't even playing the game anymore they are just tunneling off hook or camping one survivor at a time and making it miserable for everyone with unfun gameplay."

    Why are killers doing this? Because survivors can easily rush 2 generators before they get a single hook. This has a high chance to break any three gens and then the only way the killer can win is to pressure one person out.

    Tunneling is a two way street. Survivors tunnel the gens so the killer has to tunnel someone out to "catch up".

    Not giving killers something like base kit corrupt is part of the reason killers are being forced to rush someone out of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    Im glad they nerfed it, I got real tired of getting hit with it when I wasn't even tunnelling. Even after the conspicuous action addition people were still using it offensively. The only way it should get buffed back up is if it gets disabled upon any survivor losing a health state.

  • Member Posts: 273

    Survivors should be using the built in BT to escape but I notice some think it’s a good idea to get a free protection hit.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I can see where you are coming from, but you totally overshoot the target. I am with you that a killer shouldn't sweat it like mad and and a game at 5 gens, but you never know what kind of survivors you are deal and when you finally realise and shift gears it might already be too late.

    Maybe some penalty could work for ending the game at 5 or 4 gens, but so many games are decided at 3 and 2 gens, why would you punish the killer for that? Thats like implementing an anti genrush feature (if the survivors are out at 4min or less -100% BP, 6min -50BP) and then still hit them with a penalty thats totally in the normal range of a typical game (-20% BP for a sub 10min game).

    If such a system would be implemented, it should only cover the most extreme cases, not just games were one side made significantly less mistakes then the other.

    Also, a 4k at 5gens normally only gives the killer a pretty minute BP amount, so halfing that wouldn't hurt that much.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Yes. All we need is mandatory slug of last 2 people to reach 10min mark /s

    Nah. The game was almost balanced before 6.1 at 49% killrate. Now it's 61% and it shows on so many issues. And killers will camp/tunnel for as long, as it is beneficial. Or until the game will loose all the options and diversity - because once killer starts to use OP addons and camp/tunnel, his MMR will raise and it will feel good. But once it gets larger, he will NEED to use those things, otherwise "survivors are OP" and "I don't have a chance without it". It doesn't matter how skillful the player is (if he is not like 1% of best players). He will get to this point and then feel tunneling/camping is fair to "even things out" and to "also have a chance to play the game". And as 6.1 changes made camp/tunnel so much effective, it is THAT much harder to not abuse it and getting boosted by it.

    BTW this is not just killer's issue. Survivors can also bring commodious toolbox with BNP every game to get same experience. The difference is, that if he does not go to game with 3 other survivors with same mindset, the result can't be felt to that degree. Also 4 BNP can insta-delete just 1 generator (which is definitely felt, but not as much as killer getting rid of 1 player at 3-4 gens).

    The solution would be to delete low-effort/high reward things like camp/tunnel/4BNP/range addons on nurse/compound 21 + alchemist ring, etc.

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