Adjust Eruption

Eruption has a huge issue right now and that is it effects solo players far more than it does SWF players.
I think 3 changes should be made to eruption to fix this.
Change 1) Incapacitated status effect is 12 seconds instead of 25
Change 2) Incapacitated status and screaming applies to all survivors within 6 meters of an affected gen instead of survivors repairing it
Change 3) Increase regression from 10 to 15%.
This should hopefully maintain the perks power level while making it equally useful against SWF and solo survivors.
You know, this change is actually kinda solid, though I don't think the game needs another 15% regression perk. If the incapacitated effect was 15 seconds, with the same regression, and same aoe effect then it would be much less of a drag to play against (especially if the killer decides to stack on pain res).
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a different change 3 (i dont think eruption needs to regress more) - the cooldown goes from 30 seconds to 0 seconds (so you can down someone and kick a gen and immediately eruption will be on it, instead of you having to wait for it to come back)
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I'm not against this change at all, though I agree with an above comment that lowering the cooldown would be a better compensation buff than increasing the regression. Maybe not all the way down to 0, that might be a bit much, but I think it's a good idea to steer away from anything that takes too huge a chunk off generator progression.
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I think 0 cooldown would still be fair and not OP. You have to down someone anyway for the gen to explode and it's a one time deal until you kick gens again and manage to successfully chase and down someone again