Stop. Camping. Seriously, It's Boring.

To those that camp:
I main Spirit. She is one of the better killers in the game. I can easily get a 3-4k if it's not a 4-man SWF. I don't need to camp. It is not difficult to follow scratch marks and mind-game survivors into the downed state. You do not need to camp the hook for dear life as if your own life will fall apart if you don't. If you are sweating hard at 3 Gens or even 5, you're not as good as you think are. You need to reassess. Improve your chasing, improve your mind-gaming, step it up.
You're making the match a pain to play, just to satisfy your egos. If you're not at 2 gens and below, what do you get out of proxy camping a survivor? Especially if they weren't being toxic? I'm genuinely puzzled at how many players do this. I get playing toxic back with toxic survivors, I get that. I also understand if it's endgame and you feel as if you have to kill something. But if they're playing the game as intended, then there should be no reason why you are camping except for what I mentioned.
Whenever I switch to survivor, I am tired of facing against killers that refuse to chase you (the point of the entire game), but would rather leave you to camp your teammates on the hook one by one. That is incredibly boring, I cannot and will not play like that as killer. The worst part of it, is that these same killers will be rewarded for it by 12-hooking with a nice 30-40k on the scoreboard. I thought this game was designed to play like cat-and-mouse? Tom and Jerry? No? Anyone?
Moving onward, BHVR needs to take more action against camping. It is ridiculous and antithetical to the point of the game. Tunneling, I have a different perspective on. But I'm not sorry to say this. I will stick my head out and die on this hill.
I just finished a game where I got literally face camped by a legion with 4 gens left. It is annoying, but they don't care about your fun tbh, and it won't stop. Some killers want to have a boring game that doesn't require any skill and that's probably how they live their real life.. simply.
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No thanks. If it's the situationally best play to camp and I feel like playing efficiently, I will camp.
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Yes playing spirit getting across the map is easy, play trapper/pig/a regular m1 killer and going across the map for no reason rapidly loses its appeal. To be clear face camping is awful but based on how you rail against proxy camping I imagine the killer hanging out on the half of the map with the hook = "camping"
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Yay another fellow Spirit main 😁😁😁
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Facecamping as Bubba is really funny though
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I quit tonight after 3 games. I actually had time to play for a few hours but I just couldn’t take it. It’s just not worth it at this point. The First game was nice enough, a pretty new Nurse who played fair, 3K.
Then the fun began. the next match was a Huntress who downed me pretty luckily near shack and took me to basement. At 5 gens remaining she Camped the stairs with exhaustion hatchets. Ended with 4K at 3 gens left.
The last game was a sweaty Deathslinger, tunnelled the Claudette first. We tried to save her but a tunnel is a tunnel. Then went on to tunnel me. 4K at 4 gens left.
Ugh, I can’t take this ######### anymore. I’m actually happy I won’t be playing until Monday. A break will be good.
Hope you guys are having a better time ❤️
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when survivors stop clicking and taunting after every pallet I'll stop camping them
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Posts like this are useless. Don't get me wrong, I hate campers and tunnelers, and I think they shouldn't simply be allowed to play, on any game, as the only thing they can do is going the cheesy easy no skill way and ruin the fun of everyone. But they don't care, because they are self-absorbed, because they are noobs, because if you take the easy way out of the game, they end up doing nothing even when facing bots on easy mode who are also afk. That's the truth. They are the reason why this game's commuity is so toxic, the reason for you to have the most fun on DbD when you turn it off, and there is no denying that. If and when BHVR will finally balance the game properly, these people will, more than likely, rid us of their unneeded presence.
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Not me ignoring the post but acknowledging the fact that you're a Spirit main, I automatically have respect for you! 💗💗
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"Situationally best" would imply that you are losing, which is why I mentioned certain situations that would be efficient to camp. As I said in my post, if you need to camp then you need to improve as a killer. A 4-man SWF that knows what they are doing renders camping utterly useless. It hurts you more than it helps.
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Did you read my post? I said toxic play warrants toxic play.
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I don't post for usefulness. I post for me. But I very much agree with what you've said.
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Whenever people say this the message i understand is "Don't camp because it makes the game unfun and harder for survivor players".
My response to that is why should i care?
I don't play this game to entertain other players i play it to entertain myself. I play games because i like being rewarded for efficiency, tunnelling and proxy camping and rarely camping are the most efficient strategies. If i ignore these for the ultimate sake of positive reputation then it comes at the cost of me having fun. It's not worth it for me because i like i said i don't play the game for that.
If people aren't having fun playing the game then i suggest they play a different one. I do the same myself, i respect all players regardless of how they chose to play, because i look at it from their perspective.
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Nobody will stop camp and tunnel till devs wont start serious works on game balance in terms of gen repair slowing down and chase process upgrading.
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Stop.Gen.Rushing, seriously
Its broken.
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"One of the better killers"... LMAO
She is Top3
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Even if I'm losing pressure, or have a Surv that's acting toxic, I still choose not to camp. If they all decide to play the chase around the hooked person, then I don't have a choice, but that's a totally different subject compared to a Bubba protecting his first hook like it were treasure.
It's not a fun tactic to use, nor to be victim of, especially early on. It's a shame when the killer has a lot of mobility or the ability to seek out and catch other survivors too.
But we have Reassurance, that's the absolute counter to camping by itself...Anyway, all that we can hope for is that the other 3/4 survs just work on gens and the hooked person can waste the killer's time enough, but something concrete in the code to actually deter facecamping would be lovely.2 -
One of the better killers, like I said? Lmao.
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Doing the objective in the game is not toxic. That is what survivors are supposed to do; it is the crux of their escape plan. I'm not sure what you are requesting here. Are you demanding that survivors not escape by doing Gens, stand by and let you kill them instead? On the other hand, there are no specific add-ons, offerings or anything else that is specifically designed to enhance camping. There may be some by side effect, but that was not their intended purpose. Therefore it is abuse of the game mechanics and should be punished. Bringing in a BNP coupled with a toolbox is not abuse, it is a literal item in the game. Camping is not an item, nor was it an intended feature.
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There is the Kinship and Reassurance perks that are designed to counter camping. Therefore, it's not appropriate to consider it an exploit.
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Skill issue. Git good.
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I won't camp unless:
I see a couple quick saves (that means there was another Survivor around)
I see scratch marks nearby
3 Gens are done and I haven't gotten anymore then 1-2 hooks
Or if 2 Gens were done back to back (cause that would mean that 2 Survivors did one and the Solo finished off another Gen)
Like honestly I've only started to use Call Of Brine... but I haven't played since before the Dredge was released (So yea... chuckle)
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They are designed to counter camping. Counter camping...counter camping...counter camping. So I have your consent then, OrangeBear, that camping is not an intended feature and is abusive? It is very appropriate to call it an exploit if more than two perks have to be designed to work around it. It's the same with gerrymandering in politics. Does that make it okay? No. Should more be done about it? Yes.
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So, then your version of camping falls within the reasonable range I already clarified above. That's good. If you continue to play like this, then you are contributing to a healthier game.
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Obviously. They. Don't. Find. It. Boring. Or. They. Wouldn't. Do. It
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What. Does. That. Have. To. Do. With. Addressing. Camping
It's about balancing the game to ensure the quality of a game remains consistent and enjoyable to play for everyone to some degree. That is why the gaming industry exists, right? No one wants to play a boring game.
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If it wasn't an intended feature wouldn't they just remove it from the game instead of making perks around it?
Looping wasn't an intended feature either but they decided to incorporate the strategy into the design of the maps and perks.
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Where did you learn that? How can looping not be an intended feature in a game of cat-and-mouse? Looping is a part of chasing, we do it in real life in a game of tag. I think you mean infinite looping.
If it was an intended feature, then it would have been announced to be officially a part of the game. However, with the inplementation of 6.1.0 there was a section literally called "camping and tunneling" which the devs themselves acknowledged as problems in the game.
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Why would it imply that? Survivors hovering near the hook is a reason to camp, because they're on the timer, not me. And I'm going to burst your bubble, but even the world's best players need to camp in some situations.
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Ok... cool
But still have backlash for it... so is it a "good" thing?
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That's not camping. Recently placing somebody on the hook and stopping them from being taken off within seconds is not camping, that's playing the game. Camping is intentionally refusing to leave one survivor on the hook for an extended period of time. Also, that wasn't a bubble to be burst. It's quite obvious that sometimes you'll need to camp, and those exceptional reasons were already mentioned in my post. This might burst your bubble, but most of the world's best DBD players/streamers have all come out against camping and tunneling.
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When the game first game out it was intended for survivors to hide and play super stealthy all game, only doing gens bit by bit when they were certain the killers weren't around. Infact the balance of the game was that survivors actually escaping was a rare occurance, and gens were really just there to give them something to do.
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oh see this twice a day at most
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I mean, you'll never be able to appease everyone, yeah I agree camping is "boring" although I personally think people just like throwing that word around for a tactic they don't like, eg. Camping, bodyblock, tunneling ect ect but like...all that exists because it's fun for someone somewhere
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so you have fun just sitting in front of a hook...sounds about right
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right stop doing the objective....sounds like a fantastic idea
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its a huge problem. go play solo q for a few hours and see for yourself
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Yes, my incredibly one-sided views of "accessibility is important", "solo queue information desperately needs to be improved", "maps have design issues that hamper both sides", "weaker killers/perks/items/add-ons should be buffed" and so on. Amazing observation.
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Cool you play Spirit and dont camp, congrats on effortlessly winning your matches.
Other killers dont have the same amount of pressure and shouldnt be forced to play a stronger killer.
Camping is a strategy in a lot of games, yes it can be boring but you will live and move on to another game.
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I haven't played a game at high mmr that didn't have a taunting survivor
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Tell people to stop looping and I'll stop camping.
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Didn’t that change largely because people complained about how difficult it was to find immersed survivors? Blendette is pretty much a hallmark of that time in DBD’s history,
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Im 90% solo, idk, I guess I just don't care as much as I should about in game stuff
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Why would you use this post to bring up an entirely unrelated issue? I understand that some killers have better mobility such as Spirit, but that is not the premise here. You could camp with a Trapper or a Doctor and still be just as deadly. Explain to me how camping is a legitimate strategy at 5 gens. Go.
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You should be addressing the devs not the killers. Why would they not to what is so conveniently there without any downside whatsoever?
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Translation: "I'll do my objective how I want, but you can only do your objective a specific way."
Post edited by EQWashu on8