What if we add a side perk for killers?

Like a 5th slot but it's generic sort of thing? Let's say that you can pick a general perk from.
I would say, the only perks you can choose from are these:
- Deerstalker
- Distressing
- Insidious
- Shattered Hope
- Unrelenting
The other perks, I think they're a bit too good to be a 5th side slot:
- Whispers
- Spies from the Shadows
- Sloppy Butcher
- Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine
- Jolt
- Iron Grasp
- Hex: Thrill of the Hunt
- Hex: No One Escapes Death
- Fearmonger
- Claustrophobia
- Bitter Murmur
Maybe I'm wrong with Claustrophobia or with many things. What's your thoughts on this?
Also add Shadowborn in the list of potential 5th side slot perk and I probably forgot other perks that could be added to the list.
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(This thread is gonna go into "Suggestions and feedbacks)
I don't really think A or S-tier killers needs even more buffs. xD
So I'm going with no on that one.=)
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Interesting idea but adding these as a free 5th perk slot makes for a lot of good synergies. I think it can be a little too oppressive. This will be a indirect buff to STBFL (Unlrelenting), HEX: Pentimento (Shattered Hope) and basement insidious Bubba.
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They can't add more power to the killer side without fixing how lopsided the matches already are at low to mid mmr. I get that at high mmr with seal team six as the survivor swf, it's may still be hard for killers. But the game is borderline hopeless for the rest of us.
I've already reduced my playtime to less than 4 hours a week, and that only with friends (swf or not, we aren't very good and get annhilated). I used to play 2 hours every day, and occassionally more on weekends. The game just isn't fun to get stomped every match.
Plus who needs bloodpoints at this point. That seems to be the only tool Behavior has to try to lure us to play.
So no, I firmly vote no more killer power for free.
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I generally don't agree with the idea of a 5th perk slot, even for general perks as a lot of them find their place in perfectly nice builds.
Only a couple of perks in that list of general perks are in my opinion valid to be equipped in a 5th free perk slot :
Deerstalker, because it's literally just quality of life that doesn't really impact negatively on survivor's chances. I'd even argue that it could be basekit. (That way I could stop accidentally slugging people because I can't find them and their teammates are blind from Third Seal)
Shattered Hope, because no one would use it unless it's free.
Distressing is relatively harmless, so maybe that one as well. It would make a 5-perk-ISC Doctor though, which could be funny.
Insidious and Unrelenting I don't know. The first one would make camping that much more annoying to deal with, and the second is just. Too much quality of life to have for free, and actually would be more punishing for survivors.
But since so little perks would be able to be selected for that 5th perk slot, all killers would soon use one of these perks, and since people have managed for years without using Deerstalker, I'm guessing about half the average killers would have Shattered Hope and the other half Unrelenting, with at low mmr killers choosing Insidious a lot to camp discreetly.
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Oof.. that 39% Escape Rate will drop to under 20% REAL fast with 80% of these perks being side slotted.
You are literally asking people who play Survivor to just Uninstall the game lol
Edit: Shattered Hope is the only one that needs to be Base Kit, not even a Side Perk and Spies would be constant Notification spam which will irk the absolute HELL out of a lot of people
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-"Shattered Hope is the only one that needs to be Base Kit, not even a Side Perk"
The fact that the devs made this a perk is insulting. The killer should have the option when kicking a boon to either snuff it (if they want to use the bones for say noed) or to remove that dull totem forever by default. But likewise the killer should be able to relight any hex on a dull totem by interacting with it.
Or killer should be able to remove boons forever with a single interaction because hexes likewise die forever.
The only time killer really feels "lacking" in the perk department is when facing against SWFs. You get too much info for free when you are in a SWF.
I think killer would be fine with a "5th perk" slot but it is limited to one of the killer's natural three perks. So every Nemesis would likely be playing with Lethal, every LF would be using BBQ, Every hag would have Ruin, etc.
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The only 3 perks I would agree could be base kit or side perks are: Deerstalker, Whispers and Shattered Hopes but 5 perk slots would make killers too strong and some killers unbeatable. DBD is not really balanced but builds being limited to 4 perks is what makes it somewhat balanced. I can make a gen regression build or a utility build or a meme build.
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Yeah, if they make 5th perk slot for killers, they will need to make for survivors too, like selfcare and... Well I not a survivor main but you got the idea.
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Id rather give killer's a Hex slot. So they can run 5 hex perks.. which wouldn't be ideal for a lot of situations.. but... why not? Plus, it opens room for a LOT of builds, which as a solo player i could still handle. What i have the biggest issue with is tunneling and camping. NOED is a joke and rarely am I worried about it in the slightest because i've typically done 2-3 totems.
i've spent several hundred hours watching streams recently of small and large content creators streaming, since my GPU ######### the bed and ive spent some time shopping around and waiting for it to ship and i have to say, VS a competent SWF, killers have the same win rate as over all survivors. 39%. Their saving grace is Solo players take up a huge majority of the queue.
I'm no longer bitching about real balance because the difference between SWF and Solo™ is sheer whiplash. I've changed gears and wish them only to fix the cheater issue we have atm. but I honestly think Killer's should have a dedicated Hex slot.
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Hex perks suck. The only way a "hex slot" would ever be viable is if you could run Shattered Hope in that slot to counter boons. And then people would basically stop bringing boons because they would be as useless as 99% of the hex perks.
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make shattered hope base perk and boons immediately die. ALL OF THEM. CoH included.
Boons instead of hexes are super easy to find (blue color is much easier to spot especially but not limited to corn maps + all the noise it gives), take a lot of time to set up (including finding the totem) and then you still have to use it (healing in CoH in this case is kind of OK - but all the other boons require to be used with killer being inside = killer knows the position by sound = easy to destroy = at most 1 chase usage).
Also why the double standard? If killer uses some tactics - say unnerving + colourphobia killers say bring autodidact+this is not happening (which are also total trash in any other scenario). When killers slug everyone, they say bring unbreakable. When survivors bring boons, killer say shattered hope should be base kit? Well... Do I smell double standard?
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Honestly... I think insidious should be base kit.
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Killers don't need a drastic overall change like this.
Also, killers already have unique powers. That's kind of the whole game. Pretend it is a perk and you already got what you wanted!
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Shattered Hope should be base kit. Shattered Hope wouldn't go in a "Hex slot"... since its not a Hex...
Do people even proofread anymore or do they just face check the keyboard and hit Post Comment? Your % is a hugely staggered blob of nonsense. if all hex perks sucked, no one would ever run them. I believe you just utilize them poorly.
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Well considering your name I understand the statement. But you can outright delete all the boon perks if shattered hope was basekit
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Its situational actually.
My name is a meme. I'm a Survivor main.
You get the option to Snuff or Extinguish when using Shattered Hope.
It should be basekeit, especially with some of the perk suggestions i'm working on(ie: Survivor perk allowing them to piece a Dull totem back together)
This means you can't just willy nilly face blast totems everytime they get blessed, because say you have NOED. And you just clapped 4 totems. They Boon the 5th. You have to extinguish that boon before the EGC, instead of just stomping it out of existence.
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Ok. That would actually work. But it would not fix the underlying issue - killers want to be able to destroy booned totem so that survivors can't use boon on that spot ever again.
If survivors were able to recreate destoryed totem, then they would be able to boon that same spot again. What would be the reason to have shattered hope then? Also you are now buffing inner healing a lot (and also pentimento - which is indirectly buffed twice with these changes)
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Shattered Hope to destroy totems instead of snuffing them, for obvious reasons. Boon totems are supposed to be just as easy to get rid of as Hex perks, except for most Hex perks unless you have that supportive perk, are gone once cleansed. You can reboon until there's no more totems. That was and still is the biggest issue for Killer's running into Boons.
So instead of Nerfing Boons more, Shattered Hope is basekit. There's no Killer perk to change, so its a simple fix. The perk i'm going to suggest has a built in one time 'pentimento-esq' ability. That way only a max of 4 totems can be rebuilt by survivors to Boon in case the Killer gets stomp happy. This way, Survivor's can't reboon the same totem over and over again, gives counterplay for both sides, and adds more variable builds.
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It doesn't work. Boons are loud. Boons are very visible. Boons take time to find totem and time to actually boon. Only after these things can the boon start to be useful. Also survivors can't defend boons.
In comparison hex is already lit when the match starts. Hex gives much higher value than any boon in existence while it's standing. Hex takes a lot of time (considering that killer might want to defend it) to cleanse. Hex is much more quiet and makes much less noise. Hex works on whole map instead of some area.
These are the reasons that boons can be reapplied on same totem. If you want to make boons 1-time usage, you are providing the ultimate nerf to them. I seriously doubt anyone would use boons even if you created new perk that would allow applying 1 boon 2 times on a same spot. It takes a lot of games that I see any other boon but CoH in my game anyway (and it's exponential or shadow step WITH CoH. I have never seen dark theory in my games ever).
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Imagine how strong that would be with Devour Hope lol
I already have trouble keeping it up with haunted grounds and undying
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Can 61% just be enough?
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Look at big streamers who get paid to run all hex perk builds. They almost always do better with a build of their choosing - not because it is comfortable and they are used to playing it but because they know what actually works better. Overall Hexes rely almost entirely on RNG for their activation and placement. A good hex in the most open spawn is a dead duck.
Furthermore Hexes are fundamentally weaker vs SWF friends. I played 10 games last night as killer waiting up to 5 mins per game. Most of the games were against 3 man swfs that I could visually see each other on their friends list. I had about 2-3 games that were solo players. I ditched the lobbies where I had no info, was going to face a 4 man twitch streamer or they were swf+ many items.
Survivors have "Shattered Hope" for hexes built in - but imagine if they didn't. Imagine if survivors could not cleanse hexes and had to have a perk that allowed them to cleanse hexes or required a boon to write over them. That would make Ruin incredibly strong even in its current form. Note I am not asking for this I just want to mention it as a thought experiment.
Almost anyone who runs 20-100 games in a row with DH will tell you that 80-90% of the games that hex does absolutely nothing or that that gave up almost all the gens to get one use out of the perk before the survivors left.
With NOED revealing its aura it is now pointless.
Ruin was nerfed to oblivion - not that it has been good for anything but noob stomping for a long time.
Huntres Lullaby is a noob stomper. People who are hitting multiple hyperfocus checks laugh at this perk.
You could use crowd control or you could use Bamboozle and no one can ever take that away from you.
The Third Seal is overal a weak perk that might work against solo players but does nothing vs a SWF. It is largely reserved for meme builds or very niche killer setups.
About the only hex that is really nasty is Blood Favour. Good survivors will look for it immediately so you can only use it on killers that can actually protect it (like demo + killer instinct portals) or you need to risk losing it and bring Undying.
Hex Retribution is a perk that really only works in a full perk build and while it can be good for getting information there is no telling when you get that information -meaning it will often come at the wrong time. This perk really only shines in a full hex perk build in which case you are telegraphing to the survivors to keep looking for totems.
Haunted Ground +Retribution is a good combo assuming they don't get the Retribution first or it comes during the wrong time and you can't even really use the expose because the person you are chasing is already hurt.
Another favorite is Pentimento+Hex Plaything. A good SWF is going to have a boon player and they will boon cleanse all your totems completely ruining your combo. Some of the Strongest SWFs I have lost against had two boon players. On its own Plaything does almost nothing vs a SWF but will frustrate solo players to a small degree.
Needing two perks to make one perk work is pretty trash in my book when you consider Survivors do not even need a protection perk to protect boons nor a specialized perk to remove Hexes.
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If they bridged the solo q gap and wanted to buff killer more as a result of this then I actually think provided balanced any perks were used this would be a cool way of doing it.
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You've clearly never played survivor at a high mmr, because finding totems takes less than 30 seconds once you understand their spawn logic.
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I agree it does not take minutes. But consider all the timing - 20s to find boon, 14-28s to actually boon and 32s to heal. Or 30s traveling over the map injured spreading all the scratchmarks and 32s heal (on possibly well-known place for killer that is already expecting you. And I am talking about boon with best value according to everyone). + You have risk of shattered hope, someone cleansing all the totems (inner healing or overzelaous) or killer running hex build (everyone is cleansing everything and killer actively tries to interupt you).
Now compare that to medkit, ally healing you or even safety of selfcare (possibly with botany). In worst case compare it to inner healing if you want to cleanse all totems (but that is risky move on it's own).
Boons are just different way to heal. I don't think it's even good way - absolutely not the best way to heal.