Are the Prestige portraits unlockable?

-or were they just an exclusive reward for having varied characters P3-50 pre-overhaul?
They are exclusive
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Exclusive as far as I know rewards for prestiege end at 9 with the final perk charm
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They are now unobtainable, yes.
Of note, you only had to hit P3, not p3-50.
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The legacy portraits are no longer unlockable.
Players with legacy portraits can turn it off in settings.
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That would undo the whole point of them.
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Exclusive to players that has presteige their characters before the update. I do wish there was a version you could get currently, though.
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It would be nice. All my killers have a flashy red background, except Wesky boy bc he could never get one.
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I only managed to get my Trapper to P3, but I'm proud of that.
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I think both people who got them early and those who missed out would be fine with that.
Nope, not at all.
The whole situation was handled worse than badly by BHVR, making the "amazing" and EXCLUSIVE reward obtainable by everyone would put the last ######### nail in the coffin.
Although, knowing this community, BHVR could get away with doing that somehow.
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Man wait till you hear about legacy outfits
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I only have three (Spirit, Plague, GF), but that's mostly because I decided prestiging under the old system wasn't worth it for me pretty early on. Would I like them for everyone? Sure, but I understand the reasoning why I can't have them. I decided my perks and add ons were worth more to me than the the P3, so here I am.
It is a reward for people who did P3, and as such shouldn't be available to everyone.
I think we have an epidemic of people who think everything should be available to everyone; but then get mad when something they earned is given away to someone else. There's just no pleasing everybody.
I do think there should be some cool rewards for milestones like P25, P50, P75, P100, but people who maxed out prestige under the old system should have their own thing.
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No they're not, but dont worry. They're probably going to make them unlockable again in the future if we're going off of past "exclusives"
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They could be the P50 reward.
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Nah. Have some other cool portrait or reward for p50 or 100 or whatever. People do a thing and get a thing. People who do a different thing, get a different thing. Maybe a better thing, and that's fine, but you didn't do the first thing, so you don't get the reward for doing the first thing.
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"get away with" Yeah because giving it out as a P100 reward (which takes way longer than even getting P3 all perks before the progression update) is such a terrible crime.
I mean, it would be plainly wrong to give out a reward that was previously advertised as exclusive.
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All my survivors have this, but killers are a suisse cheese.
I habe custom icons anyway so it is just a red glowing border
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Should've given everyone blue ones or something for prestiging their characters to a certain point.
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