Not a Fan of the Mori & Dying State Recovery Changes.

MagiDavid Member Posts: 5
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I wanted to take a few moments and share my thoughts on the Mori & Dying State Recovery changes. I completely understand the Devs wanting to change how the system works now, it would be nice to be able to implement a Mori without having to bring an offering, Michael, or Sadako (though, I am a Sadako main).


The most important thing that bothers me about these proposed changes it that it completely takes away the killers control over endgame. No more downing a survivor and carrying them to the hatch or to an exit gate. If that survivor is already injured and you want to let them go, you can't touch them, and also can't get those last last few blood points from another down.

This also takes away the killers' ability to decide whom they want to Mori and whom they don't, forcing all games, all killers, into a narrow lane of how a game is going to end, and this is not appealing and not fun.

As for the Mori offering change of function, look, I'm not going to bring a Mori that might give me another 20k BP when I know for a fact that survivor pudding, bloody party streamers and event BP reward offerings are going to be way better, and a known percentage boost. I almost think if these changes are implemented, just removing the Mori from the game and give everyone X number of BP for each Mori they have in inventory would be way better.

Suggested Change: The killer starts the game with 1 token that grants the ability to Mori any, but only 1, survivor that is at second hook stage, once the token is used, the killer can no longer execute a Mori.

Mori Offerings: The Mori offerings would grant additional Mori Tokens based on rarity, so the killer can use an offering and get 2, 3, or 4 tokens to use during the match. This almost keeps the Mori offerings the same as they are now.

Recovery From Dying State: Um, NO!, not as proposed. As propsed this is way too powerful on the survivors side and I can see droves of killers leaving the game if this actually goes live (and I would be one of them). But I do see a need for a system like this in the game.

Suggested Change: Once a survivor reaches 50% bleedout state, recovery from the dying state would become available for the remainder of the match and would work as currently does in the game. A survivor could recover almost fully and either be picked up by another survivor or pick themselves up when they hit 50% bleedout. This prevents the system from being abused as long as the killer is prompt with hooking, and also gives the killer that needed advantage at the end of the game when slugging may be required to secure a victory. This would implement a system that would discourage slugging without it being overpowered and broken on release and also preserves existing perks as they are now.

Looking forward to comments.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • FizzieSprite
    FizzieSprite Member Posts: 21

    literally moaning over how well you worded this. Props to you.

  • MagiDavid
    MagiDavid Member Posts: 5

    Thanks, I did spend a few minutes typing it up in a word processor, wanted to get my thoughts all in a row for this one. The more I think about this change the more I realize if the base kit Unbreakable ever did go live, it would change how killers approach the game and may encourage camping and tunneling as this would become the favored way of keeping a survivor where you want them. Perks that increase recovery time would be part of the new meta.

    I just have a very foreboding feeling about these proposed changes, and the more I think about the more ways I can think of the abuse that would come to both survivors and killers.

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    Yeah i dont want to be carried to hatch and I dont want to be slugged and left for timer, lets just get on with it. You won, gold star! Now can I hurry up ive only got like an hour to play

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    The Mori mechanic is just largely unneeded.

    The unbreakable is also largely unneeded. At most it should be at least once or twice after reaching the stage of recovery where you need help recovering which the 45 would begin.

  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 378
    edited September 2022

    You forgot Pyramid Head in your list and I shall humpf in disdain for such a transgression.

    Edit: But your post is amazing and I entirely agree; ESPECIALLY on your Mori ideas. If they insist on making UB basekit, it should be as it is now, only once per match. Someone called it "No Mither without penalty" and it's basically closer to the truth of it.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Please apply for a position in BHVR - those are some great suggestions. The Mori especially, since the new system they are proposing is somewhat bizarre to me, and not really necessary. But if it was your rework, I'd actually be excited for this change!

    Also, your unbreakable change seems a decent response to slugging. I'd probably say a minute down before getting up ought to be enough time, but compketely see your reasoning and also be interested in the change.

    In short, your ideas are better theirs, and whilst their unbreakable idea I do feel okay with, their Mori rework isn't great - yours feels way more interesting and gives freedom back.

  • MagiDavid
    MagiDavid Member Posts: 5

    I don't know, BHVR probably wouldn't like my strong minded attitude. I'd probably be fired within a week of being hired. lol. All joking aside, we'll see what the PTB has to say, I'm on console so I won't be able to participate in the PTB, but will be keeping up with what others have to say. I just finished a match playing Sadako and ended up with a one for sure cheater, and maybe one or two others. The for sure cheater was lag switching and thanks to Sadako's stealth I was able to get him sacrificed, suspected the others as well and they also went to spend some time with the entity. I'm just thinking of the field day cheaters will have if the proposed changes to unbreakable go live, it's kinda scary.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    The systems they're putting in place may manage to deal with a fair few of the cheaters, so it might improve things.

    But in regards to the unbreakable, my fear is that many will be accused of cheating when they weren't, but just benefitting from the perk's boosted power. We'll just have to hope that their anti-cheat stuff will be fruitful. They'll never get rid of cheaters fully, but if they can make them extremely difficult to deal with, alongside wave attacks that knock out cheaters for good, I hope that aspect at least reduces cheaters significantly.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    This stuff wouldn't be happening, if the Survivors decides to go crawl to a corner and hide instead of crawling in the open and making it way easier for the killer to hook and get you to leave on deat,, instead of bleeding out.

    I would like these changes if only the proposal by the devs are much better they what they given us.

    Buffing Unbreakable perks and Giving Survivors the ability to pick themselves up a good amount times, to cut back on Killer's ability to slug for pressure is gutted... which in turn is going to make gen rushing more likely to happen.

    Meanwhile, Killer's new way of Mori Survivors can be quite a game changer as a experienced and strong killer player that runs the best killers like Nurse; that could have the potential to end the game prematurely without going for a single hook. Yeah... I am do not like that, I like have the way mori currently work, as you can put in some skill in two hooking everyone and having the potential to straight up kill them instead of killing them on death hooks. Sure, they are not as powerful as what the old Mori used to do, but at least I work hard to get my special kill.

    If anything, this update feel bit toxic SWF sided, as I bet Sabotage Squad with Power Struggle, Flip Flop, and new Unbreakable to abuse their new found base kit Unbreakable.

    Your proposal is definitely bit nicer, and would be nice; if killer is able to pressure a good amount of Survivors with hooks ans less gen progress for the satisfaction of Mori kill. More Skill and risky plays, amazing reward of killing outside of hook. Basekit Unbreakable is fine, but.... the new perk changes, especially new Unbreakable is not fine; as long as it can be abused swf

  • ProfSinful
    ProfSinful Member Posts: 271

    The mori change is what's unneeded. As it stands, moris are currently fine and often times no different from carrying someone to the hook in terms of time needed to complete the action (moris range between 7-14 seconds in duration, which is actually less than the average time spent carrying survivors to hook considering the fact that often times you'll find a hook within 1-6 seconds of downing the survivor).

    As it stands however, slugging can often be a problem and generally takes away from the fun of the game. That being said, having infinite and unconditional unbreakable in addition to having a buffed unbreakable is incredibly unhealthy for the game and the buff to unbreakable as well as the new slugging mechanic need to be looked at and adjusted. No reason you should be able to just up and pick yourself up without having bled out a certain amount (20-25% of the bleedout bar would be fair. At that point, you've already been slugged for a minute and there's no excuse for that, ever).

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    No buddy, ive been slugged then hatch shut then waiting for count down a few times, I hate it as its burning the limited time I have. Any changes that stops that I support

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    That rarely ever happens, that would probably happen if the killer is having a bad day or you or your teammate being quite toxic to them and they simply are returning the favor by letting you bleed put and let the Endgame Collapse kill you. The chances of the killer actually hooking you, are you more then likely, considering you make it easier for them to find you, instead of crawling in bushes or hiding in the corner.

    As much as this new mechanic would definitely end this, it still doesn't help the fact that it would make gen rushing more likely to happen, as their is no build in slowdown without slogging involved... and Gen Regression/slowdown perks are going to still be run and stack more often.

    Would also wish it would be nice, if the killer finds the hatch and simple close it; when their is a dying Survivor whom is the last one on the ground and just let the killer get a free Finisher mori; considering when I play killer and get into that situation. I dislike wasting time finding you for 3 minutes, I should get a free kill at that point.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,856

    If you're the last survivor alive and are currently slugged, you should have the option to surrender yourself to the entity. Doing so acts just like a hook would for game mechanic purposes.

    That would fix a lot of fear of being slugged for the full bleedout.

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    I completely agree.

    Mori changes ---> Abort, it is a net undeserved nerf for a killer that will make one of the fun part of the game (seeing the mori) boring after 2 days because it will happen to often

    UB basekit ---> Good idea but shouldn't be infinite. Once per trial you can pick up by yourself by default. UB can give you an extra pick up. No mither gives you infinite like before but should be buffed in order to compensate making that you start the trial healthy and once wounded you can't heal. No changes for SG. No changes for Boon:exponential.