Are there any killers that DON’T proxy camp & tunnel anymore?
1) I'm agreeing with just about all of you - the camping and tunnelling is a result of flawed game design that incentivizes it.
2) What I'm considering 'proxy camping' - Guarding a hooked survivor less closely than face camping. e.g. The killer is clearly not leaving the area in order to guard the hook. I'm not talking about a killer who remains in the area because there are other reasons, like gens. Yes, you can tell the difference. I use kindred ALOT. You can see where the killer is facing, how he is moving, what his priority is. It's obvious as hell when they are guarding the hook and trying to prevent saves and/or get easy hits on rescuers.
3) What I'm calling 'loose proxy camping' - Mostly used by high mobility killers that can leave the area but return to the hook extremely fast and they do. Be real, if a proxy camping trapper takes 3 seconds to get back to the hook from 15 meters away but a blight can be back there in the same amount of time from 150 meters away, they are both proxy camping. If the killer focus is still GUARDING THE HOOKED SURVIVOR from a distance and they will run back to the hook immediately upon unhooking fast enough to either tunnel or hit the rescuer with near certainty, that's proxy camping.
Some of you killer mains act as if we can't tell what you're doing. And I know a lot of you on the forums are different than the majority of mediocre killers out there. But because of ######### matchmaking I face a ton of mediocre killers as well as good ones and they are clearly, intentionally, specifically, primarily using the hook as their watering hole and playing the majority of the game proxy camping/tunnelling.
Why is Wesker doing it so much? I'll guess because it's a crutch when learning a newer killer to take the easy route to ensure that 4k. So even though proxy camping/tunnelling is already very common it's even more frequent with new killers with good mobility for it.
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umm... i just left a long comment and went to edit a typo and my post disappeared saying it will be posted if my comment is approved.... so yeah... maybe i'll retype it later if it doesn't reappear.
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Well your loose proxy camping definition tells me all I need to know. "How dare you RUSH? Filthy peasant. Run like the rest of your kind". So sorry I have a power that allows me to cover a wild area good sir.
No wonder you complain about Wesker specifically. Ever met Blight? Oh you're in for a treat.
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TFW people make the smart call instead of intentionally handicapping themselves by making stupid decisions.
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IKR. The nerves. The AUDACITY.
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It may be worth making clear that these killers will literally drop whatever they are doing, chasing someone, setting traps, gathering blood orbs, whatever... to return to the hook the second someone is unhooked or they see someone heading to the hook. And if they are of the tunneller persuasion they ignore everyone else... sitting on gens, taking hits for the tunnelled player... to only hit their target.
I dont respect these players because I've played killers that dont do this but win through good pressure and strong chases. Yeah, these killers could win the easy way but they resist the urge to do the easy boring thing and play in a more natural, more intended way. Just go kill survivors by being a badass. Camper/tunnellers... as i've said... turn the game into 'Big bad killer... who waits by the hook for hits'. lol. This isn't what the game is supposed to be. Every killer is supposed to have unique strengths that they use to run around and beat survivors. By turning every killer into some variation of gollum that protects his stuff.... these players just ruin the game. We need more killers to stop being lazy and try to be better. Yeah I get it... it's not the most efficient... camping/tunnelling is logical and smart the way the game is designed... but lighten up and improve the game ffs....
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Proxy camping is such a silly term. If a killer is not in chase they should be expected to patrol between the gens and the hook, as those are the most likely places they will find survivors. If you happen to get caught while going for the unhook should the killer just look at you, nod, and walk away to do other things? No, they should chase you and someone else should go for the unhook.
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Are you asking all killers and survivors? Check youtube you might find someone who plays different, and then you don't need to ask.
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If someone use a dirty map offering ofc im willing to play unfair
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I don’t but I’m on break right now.
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I try to play “nice” as far as the survivor rule book is concerned and when I lose I still get people teabagging and flash lighting me at the exit so like, why should I play nice if survivors are gonna be rude to me anyway? I will still play nice because that’s just how I play but I can see why other killers have decided to just play to win because survivors are gonna be rude to them either way so might as well try to win. 🤷♀️
Going after the unhooker isn’t a cheap hit btw it’s just strategy. You can’t complain about literally everything killers do.
The balance in this game is bad and playing “nice” isn’t particularly viable. It’s why I barely play it anymore. I play for like 2 weeks and then abandon it for several months. I’m certain I’m not the only “nice” killer who has stepped back from this game because it doesn’t feel fun to play anymore. BHVR keeps adding perks and killers to an already unbalanced game and it just gets worse and worse, meaning more “nice” killers will either leave or change playstyles.
Post edited by scorpio on1 -
Using proxy camping as an insult in this game is literally just whining, I'm just wondering why people are caught up on the definition of a term i used to hear in UT 2K4 nearly 2 decades ago. Like has been said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it as a strategy, and its not even an oppressive one. It's just strategic control of an area of the map.
Is it because of how much the term camping invokes fear and anger or something? I'm not OP, but maybe people are conflating our arguments that I must somehow agree with them?
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I don't.
Played against 3 TTVs in the last week. 2 were super chill and lovely folks, saying that the killer was playing nice and respecting hooked people, all round wholesome endgame chat. The third one called me a little ######### after I gave her hatch.
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I'll tunnel if the survivor is already injured and I feel like I have a chance to down them, but I don't go on for too long. Or if they are the weakest survivor and I'm struggling with the others, I'll work towards getting them out of the game quickly for pressure. I also proxy camp if my build or killer relies on it. I don't face camp and I ignore survivors who want to be chased instead of doing gens till the end of the match. I also play both killer and survivor so I know when it's acceptable and when it's not. As killer, if I see someone get unhooked, I don't usually go for them unless there is an opportunity to down them again without just endlessly chasing them. For example, accidentally running into them again not to long after being unhooked, which is usually what happens. Some survivors get mad because they think I'm tunneling when I'm not. It's just bad luck on their part.
Very few times I'll face camp when I down the a survivor after all 5 gens are done, but I don't literally stand their face to face with them. Also, they'd have to be hooked near a gate and I sort of face camp/proxy camp in a way. The only time I'll literally face camp someone is after I wreck their team and they are the last survivor and I hook them... AND they were constantly clicking their flashlight the entire game, being outright annoying and not doing anything productive. Play toxic? Get toxic back. And lose in the process.
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And the moment you leave, they're back on the gens. Most of the time they're just close to a gen, it's really not that hard to find them.