I honestly don't understand.

I love the 45 second unbreakable basekit. It allows survivors on the floor from having to sit there doing nothing for 4 minutes while they bleed out. Granted it didn't happen often but it did happen and there really wasn't any need for it. Giving the survivor a way to counter that seems great.
I don't understand the unbreakable perk interaction. Why change unbreakable? Keep it the same as a one time use. Then allow the faster healing so your team can get you up quicker but don't allow infinite self jump ups in 22 seconds. Unbreakable is a powerful perk. Slugging is a powerful strategy (one that can be abused hence the 45 second pick up). The proposed change makes unbreakable super powerful and slugging almost useless.
Moris. #########. I mean I love the auto mori the last survivor. Great. But why take that ability away from the offerings and devour hope. I am indifferent on the rancor change as being morid after last Gen pops only because rng made you obsession kinda sucked.
But the best part of devour was the mori. I get the perk does the same thing but some of the moris are fun to watch. If I'm going to mori someone I really don't care about how much longer the animation is.
And the offering changes. Why? Why burn an iridescent mori for a chance at 20k blood points only if I 4k over an uncommon survivor pudding that gets me 20k without having to sacrifice anybody? Not to mention if a survivor dcs there isn't any way to get the 4k. (possibly. I'm using the mmr system that doesn't count dcs as kills for reference)
I just don't understand these changes.
Did anyone complain about the mori offerings after they were changed to only work after 2nd hook?
Again I understand the whole being left to bleed out for 4 minutes is horrible and the 45 second pick up is a good change to mitigate that. I just don't think it needs to interact with the current slew of perks that allow the same ability. (tenacity and unbreakable may be a really strong combo with this change now)
Am I wrong? Am I missing something? I'm not trying to over react but just going by the info in the update it just seems wrong.
Mori offerings are going to be meh, the BP rewards are a bit stingy for the condition - and it's going to lead to very sweaty play.
Unbreakable...I'm completely okay with allowing self ups, but as things stand, there are too many scenarios where you basically have to slug people. Spots where you can't pick up survivors still exist, ditto areas where you cannot realistically hook people or where it's literally impossible to avoid saves (double locker flashlight groups). Plus - Twins.
Devour Hope and Rancor are going to be weaksauce now, and will need some more adjustments.
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Devour hope literally doesn't change at all
Rancor's best use was the information provided during the match anyway, the mori was just the icing. I really don't know who would ever use it for the end game part more than for the information it provides, unless one has to do a daily and doesn't want to bring offerings
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The loss of moris is the thing I'm most upset about, because it's pointless. It's a change for the sake of change, not because it helps anything. When they announced a mori rework, I was thrilled! I love moris and want to see more of them! But then the rework turned out to be a mandatory cypress mori and the removal of every other form of mori, and my main thought is... why? What was the point in removing every other possibility for fun? Why does Devour have to lose its style? What was wrong with me getting to mori several people in one match? What was wrong with me picking a location or mori-ing survivors in a big pile?
Unbreakable concerns me because while I don't slug very much, I've frequently encountered situations where I had to slug due to tactics survivors were using on me, and I see no way to emerge victorious in those situations now.
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There is a distinct difference between the Mori right from the ground and having to pick up and carry to the next hook.
Even the roughly 10 seconds extra to break the hex totem.
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I did. Free mori, yes please.
On the subject, a simple way to make the basekit UB better: Make it work like UB, only once. Then MAYBE once more during last one standing stuff. But not permanent 24/7.
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The unlucky timings happen even with current devour hope. The duration of the animation and the time to pick up + hook are on average very similar too. I still don't see the difference
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If the hex gets cleansed mid Mori animation you at least get one kill, not with the new version.
Plus flashlight saves, bodyblock, sabo and so on aka more save chances for survivors after the change.
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Flashlight saves? Body blocks? You mean people around you while exposed who could be immediately sacrificed too, and not looking around for the totem?
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There are up to 3 other survivor, not all of them have to look for the totem at the same time, right?
And yes I was to lazy to erase the bodyblock part when i remembered the exposed but it's probably still possible with the new dh or something. At least i wouldn't be surprised.
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Keked at the lazy part, would've done the same
I still disagree though, situational cleansing happens with current dh too so it's not like it's more likely, it's just *perceived* more likely
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Devour Hope loses the thing that makes it great. For me anyway. I'm not a sweaty killer usually. I don't have to 4k. Will often let last person go.
I almost always use DH as I like the thrill of attempting to get to 5 stacks before it's cleansed. The reward is a fun animation. Some moris are just plain entertaining and limiting them to only the last survivor upsets me. True DH gameplay wise is mostly unchanged. But the reward for the hex actually lasting is just another hook.
I hate it.
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Same. Even if it's mechanically almost identical to how it was before, this change will turn me from a frequent Devour Hope enjoyer to someone who will rarely if ever use it. The mori was the point and there is no explicable reason to take the fun part away from it.
Also... in the upcoming lay of things, I may never see a mori again, because I like to let the last survivor go, but that's now the only way you're allowed to mori anyone.
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Something I thought of that won't effect me. Slugging for the 4k. If the last survivor not downed is good at hiding, the game will take absolutely forever.
I do like most of the changes outside of moris. I just think the unlimited unbreakable in 22 secs may be a little much as I've stated.
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BHVR probably imagines that Last Standing will be these exciting duels between killer and survivor. In reality, it will often just be the 4th person hiding, while they wait for the 3rd person to die, so they can try for a hatch escape.