Let survivors/killers share their offering pool

I played Jill today and she is already out of BP offerings while I have hundreds of cakes on others, which I dont want to play at the moment.
It would be nice qol change and made people play more characters maybe, not just those that are stacked with cakes and puddings.
Same goes for killers.
Would there be any issue with this?
Not a problem for me. It's just a good QOL update
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Not a bad idea.
It would also be nice to be able to sell sets of items / offerings we don't use for a set bp price or BP offering. Seriously, I could build the Taj Mahal with all the hatch offerings and flashlights I have.
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100% Agree!
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Agreed. Survivor side should just have a pool of everything, they're just skins so there's no reason to keep everything under one survivor. Killer side offerings only since the add ons obviously can't be shared.
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I agree. When I started playing I thought this was the case actually.
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Yes, please. This will be very good QoL change. Offerings does not effect gameplay so much.
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I thought the same, I think is a great idea, being able to use the character we prefer instead of having to select the ones that have cakes (or whatever) left.
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Please... I want to play as the characters I'm in the mood for, not the ones who happen to have bp offerings.
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That's what DbD mobile does if I'm not mistaken.
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I want this, because I still have a mountain of cakes on Pig, from back when she was my main character. Unfortunately MMR happened, and BHVR nerfed her repeatedly, so I never want to play her again..... but I would like to use the cakes that are in her inventory.
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This doesn't change for me, I still have 100 something flan on doc that I use every match, but yeah, I'd love something like that
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How many brown medkits and toolboxes do you have on your most played survivor? I'm at 68 and 80, lol
This is just out of curiosity btw
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I don't actually have more than like 20 of each on my main girl Jane, mostly because i solo a lot and it's been so bad match making wise that i don't bother taking in the good stuff just to watch two (for example) no mither Leons who are not very good at chases go down like potato sacks while the 3rd player teabags me from across the field while im on my first hook lol. The few times i swf with a friend, then I'm busting out the yellows and greens. Browns are good enough for solo and they are good for one heal / one gen.