Maps in this game are still heavily survivor sided

The moment I see someone burn an offering for the Artist or Dredge map I might as well surrender.
It doesn't matter if you're playing Wesker or anyone else (besides Nurse), it's an automatic win for the survivors. Now slap Dead Hard on top of that (it's as broken as ever again) and survivors are simply laughing at the killer and calling you "bad" for eating through their countless safe pallets and 3rd health states.
There's a dire need for a map update with the same scope of the meta shakeup, this aspect of the game needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
Garden of joy does need some work, but Eerie of crow is very balanced. I'd say it's difficult for survivors in soloQ because it's too easy to leave a 3 gen situation there.
Dead hard is still complete garbage and a waste of a slot perk. Especially when OTR is a meta perk and doesn't work with DH.
It does surprise me sometimes as killer, but it requires an insane amount of luck for it to work as it's basically a guessing game that is heavily in the favor of the killer. it only works against killers that launge from maximum distance every time, and don't take note of who's running dead hard and who isn't.
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every map since rpd has been awful and i don't know why it surprises me anymore
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yes everything is survivor sided and it's always automatic killer win. Hence 61%...
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Cowshed has an 80% escape rate...
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show me official stats pls. I don't remember seeing such a thing from devs
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Many maps need reworks.
Red Forrest and Shelter Woods are too large, The Game has too many strong pallets and only a handful of windows, Garden of Pain, Suffocation Pit and Eyrie have strong combinations. Saloon has basically 2 Gens which are difficult to defend (gallows Gen can be argued about). Other maps with these gens are both Asylum maps, Thompson House Springwood and swamp (wich needs an overhaul anyway).
Some maps have too many dead zones by default like Autoheaven (the one with the garage and just shack in the middle) and need better pallet distribution.
Also Scourge Hook placement should be fixed too since it happens quite often that 3 hooks are on one side without gens. The worst I had was 2 hooks on the Eyrie tower top floor.
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It's ages old now.
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anything before patch 6.1 is no longer relevant. Also devs tend to remove a pallet from some map every like 2 weaks so....
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There is currently a coding error with the new 2 window tiles on MacMillan which don't have a pallet, but they count as a tile with a pallet for the map generation system. Therefore: The more of these tiles you have on a map, the fewer pallets are available. An exteme case is shown here:
This video from Otz shows extreme map RNG and while I think RNG should be kept, it needs to be less extreme.
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I had shelter woods with 6 pallets even before this bug. And I am talking about things like - in temple of purgation - you cound count on the fact, that there would be 1 pallet somewhere on both small stonehange and on big stonehange. But that's not true any more. They just took one of these pallets away (I had multiple spawns where small stonehange did not have any - and no - it wasn't broken already - you can see that by debris of the pallet).
And this is just on top of my head. I know I noticed more things like these regularly. Also map reworks are considered only for survivor-strong maps (headonfield) - but keeping shelter woods or midwitch the way they are is perfectly OK...
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Shelter Woods is a map notorious for few pallets for it's size. On the other hand I see Saloon with both strong pallets infront of the main building. And I can swear that there was only one some time ago
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and yet most people say the map is either neutral or killer sided. It's small, has almost guaranteed 3gen behind gallows and both strong structures can be disabled by breaking the breakable wall + insane amount of hooks.
I get what you are saying, but to be frank - I did not notice any additional pallets on this map. But I will take your word for it, because I could have just taken them for granted without realizing. That would be something positive map-wise for a change (not counting new maps like eerie and garden that both contain quite some resources).
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Maps for the most part are either Killer sided or Survivor sided... not many Maps are balanced
Yes all of them do need adjustments... in one way, shape or form
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If you say dh is bad then you r not able to discuss about the game... Its a free hit that you can 100% take in front of pallets or Windows. And even in open space does it often work. And now you get even more distance with it than before the patch. Its one of the best perks in game. And everyone saying its bad just didnt understand how you have to use it yet.
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It would be good perk if it did not depend on killer's network so much. Most survivors I know are very frustrated from it even if they can get it to work sometimes.
But it might be EU thing, because you sometimes get killer from russia that already has very high ping and you have no way to know it. Other times it's someone closer so using it with that kind of prediction will get you killed, because you used it way too soon.
I already gave up on it and use perks that don't need stable killer's ping
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It's old news that the game itself is massively survivor-sided at its core, with new gen speeds still being unwinnable for killer. Of course, the maps also being awful for killer is just extra insult to injury.
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ππππππ Give me some more jokes. Heavily survivor sided π right. 61% and let's not count DC, because it would be 70+ killrate. Survivor sided πππππ