survivor mains

im dyslexic
ok when it comes to survivor why do they tae bag clicky clicky ect
but when you start slugging tunneling campin ect the huff and moan and rage at you in chat
never herd the saying what gos around coumes around
Tbagging is the same as tunneling now
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Idk. I don't teabag or click my flashlight at the killer.
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they do that to get your attention and bait you into a bad chase (for example chasing someone with 0 hooks late in the game)
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Teabagging is meant to disrespect the killer, slugging is a strategy to win as killer.
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It's just a mindgame, bro! Get thicker skin!
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Pay no attention to the chat. Whatever you do, you were wrong and a bad person for doing it.
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They are just saying hello.
Ever hear of the saying an eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind?
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Survivors must've been saying hello to me after every dropped pallet and at the exit gates too, then. How quaint.
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after pallet drops and at the exit gates? you sure? or is this just an excuse for trolls?
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play ghostface and tbag them back
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Just train with Nurse or Blight. Get very good with them and they won’t have time to disrespect you during the match. They will still whine in chat, but that’s just salt. They don’t want to admit that they weren’t good enough to beat you.
Alternatively, you can Master Pyramid Head and just tunnel them out one by one or play Bubba and make them miserable. You just have to get really good with your saw and how to maneuver it while getting looped and down someone asap.
Been playing since Stranger Things chapter, and nothings changed since then. Don’t bother trying to understand it.
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Some survivors teabag because they feel the killer has played in a sweaty/toxic way and see it as a way of getting back at them; others teabag because they want to try and berate the killer and be toxic.
Likewise, some killers slug/tunnel/camp because from a game sense it's the best strategy at that point in the game; others do it to be sweaty and toxic (letting survivors bleed out, face camping and hitting on hook, etc.).
I will say, though: I think people make way too much of a big deal out of teabagging. Sure, it's a little petty/toxic but at the end of the day, it's just animation in a game. From a gameplay perspective, it doesn't inconvenience the killer or put the survivors at a competitive advantage in any shape or form. If it gets to the killer, that's more down to them allowing it to get to them. If it winds you up, just remember - it's a game, it's no big deal.
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Who sows the wind reaps the storm, as they say here.
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taunting is popular in multiplayer video games
slugging, camping, and tunneling are ways of playing. in a few cases its scummy, and it always impacts the game
clicking and tbagging, although mostly done to be toxic, do not impact the game. don't let them upset you or distract you from getting a kill. sometimes its best to ignore a flashlight spammer.
no matter what happens, even if you play "nicely", entitled survivors will find something to be mad at.
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It's really cringe to put the onus on the killer not to get offended by a gesture that is widely understood as something intended to cause offense.
"It's just an animation."
"It's just text."
"It's just vibrations in the air."
You can be reductive all you want, but all of these things are mechanisms of communication. Your attempt to dismiss the communicated message by trying to reduce it to the mechanism is ignorant, either intentionally or unintentionally.
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Because both killers / survivors in this ocmmunity like being cheeky and sassy with their Bm but can't take it back ^^ ignore them ,,If a survivor tbags me i will give them the nods when they go down and i make sure to throw some sassy Tbags while gettin chased as survivor and i expect killer to be sassy back to me as well ,,Like i beg to get those Tbaggin ghosties
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Guess I’m just reductionist with my rated M for Mature game.
I like the wording here though. I do put the onus on the killer, or any mature player, to ‘not get offended.’
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Congratulations on being part of the problem with this community, I guess.
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I’m literally mashing my ctrl key. Right. Now.
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They were probably just saying thank you at the end.
Survivors are often misunderstood creatures. /nod
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Survivor main here and I don't do any of that yet still get tunneled and facecamped. You tell me.
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I thought tea-bagging was goading them so they chase you.
It's really silly when they do is as disrespect to newbie killers though.
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Yes but we're not talking about any kind of communication mechanism here which has any sensitive social/cultural/moral implications, are we?
The difference is that with written and spoken communication intent is clear. People who write horrible/offensive messages in the end-game chat are morally bankrupt - the same as someone who verbally says something offensive.
The difference here is that 'teabagging' is used in the game in many different ways. Sure, some survivors do it to be petty and tease the killer, but people also do it to be friendly, to say 'thank you' if they're given the hatch, to get their attention for a chase, or to just be silly and not take a video game so seriously.
When you say it's a gesture 'that is widely understood as something intended to cause offense' - what offense is that, exactly? As I said, maybe it's a way of teasing or being a little cheeky towards the killer if they 'lose', but isn't that the very nature of these types of games? You'd be hard pushed to find an example of any online, multiplayer game where this doesn't happen. Bad manners, competitive banter... call it what you want.
As an example, I proudly wear the LGBTQ+ flag charm in all my games and have experienced on numerous occasions people write vile comments in the EGC about it. The intent to cause offense here is pretty black and white - inarguable, in fact. That's why there are report features and policies in place to (rightfully) investigate actual issues of offensive behavior within the game and ban the people accordingly. For starters, 'teabagging' isn't reportable, and if it was, what grounds would it be on? "The survivor annoyed me because they beat me and teabagged me to let me know they beat me"... "The survivor crouched up and down a few times when they dropped a pallet and it offended me"? It's a game, it's not the real world. Should we start saying tunneling is offensive? face camping? These things (along with teabagging) may be considered 'bad manners' or whatever, but calling it an 'offense' is massively overstating it.
I stand by what I said. I personally don't teabag, but it's such a frivolous/petty little thing and there are actual people in the game (through EGC, streams, etc) saying and doing offensive things - should our energy be put into deterring that, instead? In your own words, 'isn't it really cringe' to put so much meaning and so much weight in such a meaningless thing?
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It’s simpler than that: No player winning their match as killer cares about teabagging in that match.
Anything about teabagging other than people do-not-like-losing is extra dressing on they do-not-like-losing.
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It still amazes me how much prose people will write as a paraphrase of "I support people being jackasses."
"Worse stuff exists" is a poor argument, you can apply that to anything at all to justify it.
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Also, the one is only a visual taunt, while strategies like slugging, but more importantly, camping and tunneling, are just extremely unfun to go against, ruining gameplay, and very unhealthy for the game.
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It's an online game. Some people will always be toxic. It's an immutable fact of the internet and any type of competitive game. An unfortunate fact but an immutable one. Just gotta ignore it. Tbh I meet far more respectful and friendly players than i do toxic ones.
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To show disrespect for the PLAYER can be a taunt, yes. It is nonetheless displaying disrespect.
Keep in mind, when you read my text, that 90% of ma matches are as survivor. Camping and tunneling are not extremely unfun, they are not ruining a game and are not very unhealthy. You have to broaden your logic to that: there are 5 players needed to play a match of DbD. 1 person has to play to role of a killer and 4 persons have to play the role of survivors. How can you say that basic tactics of killers are extreme unfun if you keep in mind, that not all 5 players can win the match? Some players have to loose, some can win. You are asked to accept defeat. Survivors are not entitled to get free escapes.
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I play 80% killer, just so you know. at the exit gates can only be for trolling, yes. but if I have 0 hooks, there is 1 gen left, and it's going to be me or the dead on hook guy getting chased, I am going to scroll wheel my flashlight and tbag at pallets to try and get the killer off of my friend
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If you do not have such a problem with camping and tunneling, good for you. But obviously most people do.
I am a killer main, but I do play both sides, and know exactly how ridiculous camping and tunneling are. Not only are they completely unfun for most people, but they are also ridiculous in the way that they are just easy way outs for killers. It takes very little skill to just stand in front of a hooked survivor and wait until they die, and tunneling them out of the match also doesn't take that much skill.
It reminds me a bit of Bastion in the lower ranks of Overwatch, just far, far worse.
And a few people claiming that camping and tunneling aren't actually that unfun to go against does NOT change the fact that most survivor players indeed find those strategies very, very unfun. It also won't magically balance out queue times again. There are good reasons why killer queue times are clearly longer than survivor queue times.
Also, that last argument is beyond questionable. How does one come to the conclusion that the complaints about camping and tunneling are because survivors want free escapes? Just how? People complain about camping and tunneling because they are so unfun to go against them, that is the simple truth. And camping and tunneling nerfed certainly doesn't give survivors free escapes, not even close.
I also have no, absolutely no idea, how the fact that "not all 5 players can win the match" changes anything about the problems people have with camping and tunneling? The reason why people say camping and tunneling are so unfun to go against is because they simply are so unfun to go against, because you don't get to play the game in any proper way. Especially when you are just camped to death.
You can dismiss the opinions of what I am guessing is 98% of the survivor player base, but that won't change anything. And people that simply get too fed up with those tactics simply will stop playing the game, no matter how often you tell them that camping and tunneling isn't actually that unfun.
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You've changed the rhetoric of your original argument, though. 🤔
You stated that I was wrong to suggest it's the killer's responsibility to not be 'offended' by an 'action intended to cause offense'; doing something offensive and 'being a jackass' are two, very different things. The aforementioned is something that breaks social etiquette and intentionally inflicts emotional harm on another - being a 'jackass' is generally someone who's just a bit annoying/obnoxious (which is exactly what I was saying in regards to teabaggers).
I agree! 'Worse stuff exists' is whataboutism and is often a thinly-veiled attempt at justifying questionable behavior - in the real world. However, I would argue that within the context of a video game, then yes: worse stuff exists. If you choose to get offended by an animation in a game based on some abstract notion that they're antagonising you - that's on you. You can easily take a deep breath, say they're being a 'jackass', and choose to not let it sour your gaming experience or take personal offense at something so insignificant.
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Tbagging doesn't help you win.
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I document my matches. Camping happens so rarely that it does not need to be mentioned. Tunnelling happens more often. Honestly, I use "off the record" in addition to the basekit "borrowed time". If I don't escape with it, I have to certify myself a failure. And if you observe Mother Nature, a predator always picks the weakest link in the chain to hunt. It's the wounded animal, the old animal, or the weak animal. It's so natural and normal that you don't even need to talk about it. If a killer in DbD, who is imitating a predator, does not imitate the successful tactics from nature, he will lose, teabagged and bullyed in the exit and mocked in the chat. And this is not entirely undeserved, because he did not do his best to fulfill his task as a killer.
And on the subject of fun: I've been playing DbD since the very beginning, since 2016. And since 2016, a variety of survivor that I would describe as "selfish" and "entitled" has been discussing fun as a survivor. They never, let me repeat, NEVER discuss the fun of playing as killer. You didn't bring up the point either. The killer is supposed to play by the survivor's rulebook and get his own fun, despite bullying and teabagging from selfish survivors, and is also supposed to fun the survivor. This is complete bullshit. Survivors have to learn to lose, they have to learn to earn and work for their escapes, and they have to learn to improve if they want more escapes. And killers should not be nerfed constantly, over and over again since 2016. Killers have to be strong and should use all allowed tactics, otherwise escapes are worthless. And I've seen phases where so few players wanted to play killer that you had to wait 10 minutes for a lobby as a survivor. And then killers could dodge the lobby if they didn't like something. In Europe, where I live and play, there has been 100% blood points reward for killers between 9pm and 11pm for days. Already now, before the nerf.
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If you get mad at survivors t-bagging, clicking flashlights and typing at you in end game chat... idk what to tell you, they are just computer pixels and computer animated sounds lol if you think that calls for the survivor being slugged on the ground for 4 minutes "what goes around comes around" because that slugging system is getting nerfed hard and survivors are getting that unbreakable basekit.
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One of the definitions of obnoxious is "highly offensive." I haven't changed my rhetoric at all, you've misunderstood it.
Your argument pretty much boils down to "people say awful things in end-game chat, therefore it's acceptable for them to be obnoxious in the match." I'm not suggesting that you should be personally responsible for ending in-game toxic behavior, but I am suggesting that defending it with "what are you gonna do" puts you on the side of the problem: being an enabler, then blaming those the behavior is directed at for feeling upset by it, dismissing it as "just an animation."
The bigoted messages you describe in post-game chat are just pixels; by your logic you don't need to be upset by them either.
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so you are playing with peoples sanity over a video game. I dont care what side you main, trolls are trolls. At least be real about you just enjoy making people angry instead of trying to justify it with excuses.
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Maybe I would play him...IF HIS REVEAL WORKED PROPERLY
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But they aren't mutually the same. If teabagging is "disrespectful" all it does is possibly hurt the emotion of a person playing the killer, doesn't actually effect the game itself like leaving someone on the ground to bleed out, I mean "strategy".
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"it only makes the other person miserable and angry and dont enjoy the game. Its not that it serves any gamewise winning condition, so its fine" you are a true dbd player.
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If you want to relate being upset because someone is ducking in a fast motion with a mechanic in a game that even BHVR recognizes is pretty unreasonable, you're beyond yourself. But go off queen.
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Im not used to people being douches to me for no reason, respect is something that should be granted to anyone, only because your anonymous doesnt entitle you to be a douche. But then survivors wonder when they get camped from basement bubbas. Im not one but i surely understand why they do it.
If im mad i just use plague with 4 gen regression perks. Ez stomps.
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also by your logic why do you take it serious when killers do the bleedout? i dont do it because i dont want to waste my time with people that dont deserve it but again, its just a game right?
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If teabagging is so disrespectful to you might need to grow a little bit in life where a video game doesn't upset you so much to this degree, I mean that wholeheartedly. The same can be said on how killer plays and guess what? BHVR agrees with survivors. Being slugged is not a fun mechanic, so they are doing something about it to help survivors out a bit because it's used more as a crutch right now.
Killers shouldn't feel entitled to get 4k's like they do now. Either way best of luck with your Ez Stomps.
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Well Slugging creates pressure. I slug one survivor chase a second and a third or 4th will come and help the slugged survivor. That slows down Gen repairs.
Camping and Tunneling when used in the appropriate circumstances is a find strat just not tunneling or camping at 5 or 4 gens heck even 3 gens has to be a case by case scenario.
But T Bagging Clicky Clicks don't use that as strats but just a way to get under the Killers skin
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oh man, youre one who believes they adress slugging with ub basekit primarly too. let me make it short because im a bit tired of trying to explain it to people left and right:
moris aperantly toxic, moris gotta go. Animations need to stay, 4k mori basekit (yellow mori) but early sluggs could be an issiue now, so UB basekit. Its only purpose is to deal with the early slugg issiue, they didnt implement it because of slugging as a whole but because with their new mori system it would be problematic. They just overbuff two sides when they couldve really just get rid of moris and put yellow mori basekit.
And funny, whenever i say people who teabag are douches i need to grow in live, but how mature are people that taunt and bm others over a video game? it goes 2 ways my man and im not taking it.
Playing plague like that CAN be fun but i mostly do it when i have one of those days where i only get toxic groups, y know. 5 head on squads in a row and teabagers at the exit gate, so im not particularly enjoy it but its a good way to vent. teabaging isnt a viable strat, its trolling and bm, nothing else.
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yall always preach dont take it to personal but you never say HOW to not take it personal. you might be not snapping as fast as others, actually envy you.
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People using slurs/offensive language in the EGC is a clear attempt at inflicting harm and hurt on another person. In my case, the language used at me was loaded with dated and highly-offensive terminology. So no... the 'just pixels' argument is completely invalid because the intent was clear because of their choice of language (which is universally considered offensive and bigoted).
Teabagging at the exit gate because all four survivors escaped is not comparable to the above situation, nor the ones that are (sadly) happening regularly within gaming communities.
You're trying to put teabagging on this pedestal of being super offensive when the reality is it's only 'offensive' when the killer loses. And even then, I cannot in good faith use the word 'offensive' in relation to an animated person crouching up and down. So no, you trying to say to compare me saying 'its just an animation' in relation to other social mechanisms ('it's just a word', etc) is completely flawed. You didn't even answer my original question: what offense is caused by teabagging, exactly? Being annoyed that you 'lost' a game is not an offense.
Retrospectively, it's pretty silly that I'm having to justify the difference between experiencing bigotry/homophobia in the end-game chat to 'teabagging'. We will agree to disagree on this one, I've justified my stance, as have you.
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I won't lie, I used to take it personally when I first started playing the game. I remember getting my ass kicked by a SWF in one of my first games as killer and they all teabagged at the exit gate and I felt so frustrated and defeated.
Things changed when I had one really rough day as killer with multiple defeats and teabaggers - I shortly thereafter got a phone call with some sad news and I simply thought: perspective. I thought, am I really going to allow some anonymous person in a video game emote me so much, when the reality is, it's just that - a game. I took a break from DBD after that and when I came back I returned with lower expectations of 'winning' as well as understanding you can't police or control the behavior of people when they're playing fictional characters in a video game.
When it comes to in-game behavior (this excludes end-game chat as an intention to offend is clear) you can't ever take it personally. Remember, this game is essentially annonymous, so when a killer tunnels you or a survivor teabags you - it's not because they have some vendetta against you as a person, it's simply the competitive nature that comes out in this game. In an ideal world, everyone would play 'fairly' and consider others 100% of the time, but that's just not a reality in the gaming community.
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Stop making strawman arguments. If a player is teabagging because he feels like disrespecting another player, it is not just clicking a key. It is the intention like showing the middle finger, or throwing a shoe. "Ohh, it is just a finger". But it is a finger shown in disrespect.
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I'm not saying that teabagging at the gates and bigotry in chat are the same severity. You keep making that comparison as though I disagree that one is worse than the other, which I don't.
Again, "worse stuff exists" is not an argument for why the less worse thing needs to be tolerated by the community.