Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Survivors holding Victor hostage, Victor should incapacitate survivors.

I just watched a video of a survivor player holding Victor hostage for 2 minutes, I don't play the Twins because I don't find them fun to play but it was still infuriating to see survivors being able to take away the Twins' main power for so long and the poor Charlotte couldn't down the survivor who had strong looping tiles and Windows of Opportunities, I can't imagine how miserable that Twins player was feeling.

I know BEhaviour doesn't always come up with the best ability designs for killers or the best balance decisions but I believe they have an obligation to make the killers they're selling in the game at least decent, why pay for a killer if they're F tier or too frustrating to play?

Victor should apply the Mangled Status instead of the Broken Status while on top of survivors or better yet, make it so that survivors are incapacitated while Victor is on their back, they can't vault windows or drop pallets until they remove Victor from their back.

The only reason I would ever play The Twins is if they get a Jennifer & Chucky Legendary Skin with voicelines (Please, BEhaviour), which I believe is how the devs came up with the concept for The Twins in the first place.

BEhaviour is actively listening to their Community now so I feel more encouraged to give Feedback and Suggestions because maybe it won't be entirely ignored.

Hopefully The Twins get well deserved balance changes, I don't think they're actually badly designed killers, I think they're one of the most unique killers BEhaviour created, they're just too frustrating to play because of how easy the Twins can be outplayed by survivors.

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  • Member Posts: 512

    I believe the Twins are up next for the mid chapter PTB, so hopefully we get some good stuff.

    Regarding your post though, Charlotte can recall Victor after 30 seconds, so the only reason a survivor has Victor for 2 minutes is if the killer choose not to recall him. Which can be a tactic to use at times, as that survivor is not doing gens or anything useful for a long time.

  • Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2022

    I almost forgot that Charlotte got the buff where she can recall Victor, that Twin player must have been new and didn't know, I still think Mangled would be better than Broken since it does gradually reduce how much you can see on the screen. I thought Incapacitated meant unable to vault or drop pallets like Doctor's Shock Therapy.

    Post edited by HagAdamMain on
  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Mangled does not do anything to your screen. You are likely thinking of Deep Wounds.

    Doctor's Shock Therapy doesn't inflict incapacitated and is it's own thing.

  • Member Posts: 43

    That killer player must have been new because there was no good reason for them to try and catch the survivor on such a strong loop. I completely forgot that BEhaviour gave Charlotte the ability tor recall back Victor in a patch update, I haven't played the Twins much or seen my favorite streamers play much of them XD

  • Member Posts: 43

    Yes, I meant Deep Wound. I tend to mix up the statuses, even the Emblems, I'm embarrassed and sorry.

  • Member Posts: 755

    If I wanted to Rework Victor different; I would add additional debuffs to Victor most Incapacitated status effect like... losing the ability to interact with any pallets or vault locations; when a Survivor has Victor on that Survivor back. It would make Twin's a deadly anti chase killer, as well as adding a hindrance speed debuff to make holding w a weak strategy.

    Injured Survivors whon get attack by Victor, will instead be pounce down to thw ground and be actively mauled by Victor. Imagine the down Survivor doing a Unique animation of which Victor is on top of them and holding them in place. This animation makes it it impossible to do any Recovery progress, ans it forced the Survivor to fight back and do a series of skill check to kick Victor off; or get a nearby teammate to come assist them and kick Victor off for down teammate. The Down Survivor's aura is reveal to the Charlotte, and any nearby Survivors will be detected through killer Instinct, too. It would allow Charlotte to punished Aultristic Survivors, and also allow her to pick up Survivors with victor on them; without being Aultristic saved by pallets or flashlight. (A unique buff, in which Victor will be able to prevent any guarantee saving plays; just by being stuck by Victor.)

  • Member Posts: 43

    I think The Twins would be actually scary if survivors couldn't drop pallets or vault windows while Victor is on their backs, it could actually give Charlotte a lot of anti-loop potential if she catches up to them.

    I can't stop laughing about the idea of Victor pouncing survivors to the ground and biting them, that animation would probably be hilarious, but I don't think it should last long and the nearby survivors triggering Killer Instinct would be too much information for Charlotte.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Well I don't know how much you play this killer, but twins are actually very very very strong killer as is if you know how to play them. The reason why nobody plays them is actually because they are clunky (freezing you to wait too often) and they make for very boring slugging 30+minutes gameplay. I am pretty sure buff is not the answer for this killer. They should be completely rewritten to be more enjoyable for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    They mainly listen to heavily suggested suggestions like the bloodweb QOL change

    Random bug reports or suggestions such as these will likely be unread and ignored unless many other people start posting the same thing

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    If a survivor held Victor for 2 minutes, that's literally the player's fault that the match is now a 3v1 instead of a 4v1. They become the one person you least have to worry about. Leave them be and recall Victor if/when you need him.

  • Member Posts: 271

    Holding Victor hostage is literally hard countering the killer and forcing them to play as a basic m1. The fact that its a 3v1 doesn't matter as much as long as the killer has no power. Just run them at a basic short wall gym or another decent tile and 2 other people can work on the gens. Pretty basic twins counterplay tbh.

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited September 2022

    Depends on how good your M1 killer game is and/or how good your opposing survivor is in chase.

    If it does become a problem, recall Victor and you're back in business. Hence "recall Victor if/when you need him."

    A survivor hanging on to Victor is a survivor who can't do anything, can't hide from you (because you see Victor's aura after a time), and will give away the position of any survivor who comes near them via Killer Instinct. If you don't actually need Victor at that point in time there's no reason to recall him when that survivor is so obligingly helping you.

    It doesn't deny you your power, just gives you a different way to use it.

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