The REAL reason this game will ALWAYS be SURVIVOR SIDED . . .

When you play again against another person - you are matching their skill against theirs.
This is survivor from a killah's POV.
If you are UNSKILLED you might = not loop well but can still drop pallets and move to the next tile/play the W game, you will go down fast on mindgames and will make mistakes - chases must seem unfun for you. You cant use any items other than a medkit/toolbox. you dont know all the killers.
If you are AVERAGE you might = play it safe on loops and try for pallet stuns when able you can connect tiles and know where the strong loops are in the map. Mind games are getting harder and you know the tricks. You will get your money shot in with a flashlight if you can. You know the killers powers.
if you are HIGHSKILLED you might = milk every loop for what it's worth, connect tiles and exhaust their offerings, you might not drop pallets and can land pallet stuns, flashlight saves and can bodyblock. You have a good game awareness and understand hookstates and when to trade. You will know all the killers and their perks and exploit the gaps in their toolkit.
The problem with DBD is that there are 4 survivors and 1 killer.
If a killer gets a highskilled player, their game can be misrable. If you are an avearge killer and you get 2 or 3 highskilled players, it can make you wonder why those gens are going so fast. 4 skilled players is essentially a bully squad that makes you want to just quit the game right now.
61% kill rate
61 -
This game has a 61% kill rate, there’s a reason survivors are constantly getting the 100% bloodpoints - because everyone plays killer now that they got a lot of buffs.
The game is killer sided atm.
45 -
I love it when bad killers exaggerate how good survivors are. "I AM A HIGH MMR GOD WHO ONLY PLAY AGAINST COMP TEAMS EVERY GAME!". There are literally videos of objectively high MMR streamers 4King on nearly every killer with zero camping, tunneling, and slugging. Some of you guys are just lacking in skill and need to grossly exaggerate how survivor sided the game is in order to cope with your own shortcomings.
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You guys are at 61% how much higher do you killers want?
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clear survivor main talking smack. getting 1 kill is 25% or 100% of your ratio.i didnt see your working.
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I play mainly as survivor. 61% kill quote means that most of the time 2 survivors can escape. Technically this is a tie and not a victory for the killer. Wins for killers in terms of MMR are 3k or 4k. So killers need at least 75% kill quote. I myself playing bad as survivor still have a 30% escape quote. And I feel pretty happy with this quote.
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I started a little less than 2 months ago and am currently silver grade, dunno if it matters at all. But I would assume I'm not high mmr but sometimes even we know to pressure gens. Doesn't take 3 high skilled players. That's just survivor objective and killer always tunnels the baby meg who has no prestige (or dwight etc.). There are other mistakes survivors on my level make, like not recognizing certain strategies early on, or 3-genning ourselves etc. Not everyone is good at loops and some maps are more killer sided than survivor sided and sometimes by the time it's your turn to loop there are no pallets left close to you.
It's possible to play a respectable game as long as everyone is on the same page, but many times we are not and people do stupid things. I also do stupid things or get tunneled or die due to teammates mistakes and vice versa.
The game is quite easy to get snowbally for killer especially if they have gen slowdown and we don't have gen perks, not everyone is playing Hyperfocus + Stakeout + Toolbox because it is indeed behind a paywall.
Killers have an easier time at end game with Noed even if they did bad all game. Survivors have a more difficult time unless they're sharing a braincell.
You can't always be beating up newbies you know. I don't find it fun when the game matches me with a killer with 1 perk who keeps missing that attack cause he thinks it can reach me, nor do I find it entertaining if my team is tea-bagging them. Nor is it any fun when killers afk to tank their MMR so they can stomp newbies again.
The game can't be as fun as it was when you first started playing it. That's why some people play it once or twice a week. So they don't get frustrated at it, others find enjoyment and satisfaction in honing their skills.
Just like killer goes for weak link because it's the most strategic decisions, maybe they should be able to recognize when they're chasing the strongest looper and go find someone else. There's no shortage of aura reading perks.
At least you only have you to count on and don't need to telepathically communicate with others the most basic of stuff.
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how many hours to jund have? people who no life play this game cant be used as the norm as they are not. There is like 100k people playing this game or something, its problly like 10-20k repeat gamers and 60-70% casual gamers then say 10% total noobs/first timers/people who put 3 hours into a game before they quit... or maybe less repeat gamers and higher
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Get 4 friends (I know for some it'll be hard but for other not so much)
Play a round of perkless KYF
Then based on who get killed... they get one perk (the ones that escape don't get a perk)
Then for Killer: if it's a 0K or a 1K they get a perk (or they can change which Killer they play as)
If it's a 2K they get either one addon or two (make that decision at that time)
If it's a 3K then they can use an offering
If it's a 4K then they get nothing
And see who gets a full build first... you might be surprised (or you might not be)
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My only advice for going against highly skilled survivors is to just throw out the survivor rule book for killers and try your absolute best to create pressure when and where you can no matter the tactic, in the matches your playing against 4 man swf sweat squads the only thing you can do is try your best to get a 2k or get a lucky 3k if they get sloppy and make massive mistakes. The game shouldn't only be balanced around high rank play however it can be frustrating as a killer to go into a match with these kinds of teams and be forced to have a insufferable time getting flashlight stunned and T bagged from people who abuse the game. In the terms that it's just a match against random survivors and 1, 2, or 3 of them are good then just try to play around the weak link and set up for late game when you have more control, I don't think the game is all that survivor sided anymore its just the issue that survivors who are highly experienced at the game still have the ability to abuse certain mechanics in a squad and that most killers are still unable to counter those tactics. Overall the "61%" quote I see isn't really meaningful since for killers your goal is to get a 3k or higher to "win" a match, although it doesn't mean that killers should be able to consistently get a 3 or 4k in games unless you are playing considerably well and even then at that point you will run into the bully squads doing so, best you can do is relax and have a good time playing and when you run into toxic players just use whatever you can to take them out even if it means camping or tunneling.
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stats won't show the truth about how things are... always for stats then we should buff nurse and nerf pig... are you really sure that's worth to take them as absolute truth?
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i'll gladly give you a couple of my killer matches... you'll change your idea rather quickly, i'm sure of it...
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you should look at the players that they were facing... i'm able to 4k with a no perks/addonless trapper, but that doesn't mean that the survivor that i faced were even remotely skilled... quite the opposite.
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Killer has 100% bonus at night sometime though when americans play I quess.
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Nurse has above average kill rate in recent stats in site which tracks them. Onryo has highest though.
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Go ahead. Maybe I should give you some of my survivor games? That doesn't mean anything in the bigger picture.
Stats will give you an overlook of how things go. Obviously the average match right now is a 2K with 61% kill rate, with more 3-4Ks than 0-1K. That doesn't mean most matches is a 2K.
I would like to see an updated chart killer by killer and their pickrate and killrate like we saw a while back. It is interesting to see but we shouldn't only use the stats to balance the game.
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The game is not survivor sided.
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B-b-but 61% kill rate!
Read this topic:
There's a reason why a higher than 50% kill rate is actually balanced.
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4 skilled players do not make a bully squad ? A bully squad comes with the intention to make the game unpleasant to the killer. It comes with BM. Survivors outskilling the killer is no more bullying than a killer outskilling survivors.
!t's easy to feel insecure and humiliated when paired with people who are way out of your skill level, but it does not make them bullies. They're not responsible for matchmaking, unless they hacked their way into the killer's lobby.
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If a game balanced at 75%, which 1 escape, then the game is about 4 survivors fight each other having who dies last and get the hatch. There is no point to work on Objective anymore.
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Always has been /astronaut meme.
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Bro there's probably 95% killrate on extremely low MMR. What is even that argument of a blurry stats XDDDD
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- Survivors are Blank Slates, they need everything else to help them. Be it Maps, Perks, Items.
- Kill rates don't mean much when Matchmaking barely works. You'll clap survivors who are new comers when you yourself are a new comer killer aswell, which means you'l go up in MMR before them when you don't deserve it. It's far easier for a killer to go up in MMR than it is for Survivors because of the 4v1 ratio and in early games killer is easily far superior to survivor. Also matches where you 4k will boost the kill rate even tho you might have less of those matches.
- RNG screws both sides equally. I can't count the times i've spawned on Ruin or Devour and screwed the killers whole match in a matter of 20 seconds. I can't count the amount of times i couldn't find a Totem to get my Inner Healing. I can't count the times survivors had pallets everywhere and i can't count the amount of times i've wanted 1 pallet and didn't had any. Actually my last survivor match i cleansed Hex: NOED the exact second the last gen spawned. Teammates were finishing gen so i just did a Totem next to them and what you know, the gen Pops, NOED procs and i insta break it. Lucky us.
- You are right when the skill level of the 4 is similar and it's a higher skill level then killers will struggle but that's to be expected. That's where the game needs to improve. Stop hand holding bad survivors and make the game an enjoyable experience when everyone is good at it. Make the changes that need to be made so when 4 equally high skilled survivors are together their potential input doesn't surpass that of killers.
- Treat Survivors as a team instead of individuals, this make survivor Balancing much easier and adjusts the MMR level accordingly.
- Create a protection system for new players. They can't be directly inserted in MMR yet, you can't just give them a base MMR of 800 for example and say they are ready for MMR matches when they haven't played it. At best they had 1 bot match in tutorial, they don't know how all the killers behave, they don't know any other maps aside from the from tutorial, etc,etc. They have 0 knowledge and experience about the game.
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Ok, how many survivors escape most of the time at a 50% kill quote?
You shouldn´t talk about thinks you dont understand, because just the kill quote tells nothing about distribution, which is what you are talking about
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That's not 'technically a tie' at all, not even close. A 2 kill two escape match is defined as a win for both sides by BHVR. Killers feeling like they need a 4k to win and expecting BHVR to build their game around that is a them issue and they're going to live very angry lives until they stop expecting it. So, 61% kill rate taking into account 2 kills is what BHVR are using as successful criteria.
I don't expect to escape every match, I don't expect all survivors to escape every match. That is an example of an exceptionally well played match. A 4k for a killer is the same: result of exceptional play - not I'm just gonna slug these last two people so 'I win'.
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Whatever helps you feel better about your lack of skill.
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Yeah I dont understand how we all just accepted the killer needs 4k or its a loss....
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It is... Or to be more precise it's SWF side
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the real reason this game is survivor sided is 3 things
1- horribly designed maps
2- swf
3- underwhelming killer powers
you barely ever lose to survivors because they were skillful, you probably lost because you got a bad map (and those are 99% of the maps in game) where a survivor can just take you from one loop to another and dh whenever you finally were able to catch up
or when you play an m1 killer and yet you have to deal with medkits and toolboxes and coh in addition to not having any chase/or map mobility power.
also it doesn't help that most players in this game are pretty casual but when you are a casual survivor the game holds your hands if you are however a casual killer not only you have to deal with your own inexperience and work on getting better but also have to deal with elements outside of your control.
Maybe the custom bot matches can help killer players learn the role better without having to deal with most of these issues so they can better handle it in real matches until maybe in 1000 years bhvr actually start balancing their game and maps especially
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Play solo for a day and tell me you still think this game is survivor sided
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Done, now what?
0 -
Well, dont you think its a little frustrating?
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The amount of teammates that suicide on first hook? Yeah, it pretty much is.
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Another lazy and unskilled killer main complaining
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The issue is that this game has far too many variables to ever truly 'balance' it. If we're talking about solo-queue, four complete strangers enter a lobby together which means straight away there are 16 different perks in use, and because MMR is very unreliable/flawed, these four people can be of completely different skill levels with varying degrees of game sense/knowledge. Then you have the killer: there are 28 different killers in the game with unique abilities who all vary in difficulty and skill, then, of course, we once again have the player-specific skill levels and which four perks they've chosen out of the hundreds of perk choices.
There's then a whole other array of variables: maps, player behavior, items/addons, etc.
The game isn't perfect by any means, but I feel BHVR try their best to improve gameplay for both sides. The other issue, however, is that everyone has a strong opinion on matters in the game. Look at this last year: killers were very vocal about their dislike for Dead Hard so it received a nerf in the 6.1.0 update, and killers also received numerous base kit buffs as well as improvements to some perks. Many survivors have now started saying they feel the recent update was heavily killer-favored and made many aspects of the game worse for them (solo-queue, versing Legion, etc.) Now, there's this upcoming PTB which has caused uproar amongst killer mains for the 'base kit Unbreakable'. You see the issue? No matter what happens, both sides always have strong opinions about it.
Equally, all it takes is for a survivor to play solo-queue and get some really sweaty killers to decide the game is killer-sided. Whilst a killer just needs to verse a couple of SWF's with Hyperfocus and toolboxes to say it's survivor sided. Both sides have significant issues and what they feel are inequalities in game-health. This game will never universally be considered 'balanced' as someone, somewhere, will still have an issue with certain perks/killers/maps/items/addons, etc.
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You obviously didn't read OP. The point is that the AVERAGE survivor is bad at this game, but at the highest of highest level play, killers who aren't nurse are lucky if they even get a hook or 2 against top teams. Watch the matches that tru3ta1ent did against team oracle as wraith. It's a bit old and before the killer buffs, but the same thing still happens, or this match where a comp team played against a nurse:
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Doesn’t happen frequently in my solo q matches and I’m pretty sure I am high mmr.
Just because survivors can be able to beat a killer doesn’t justify playing nurse all the time. Sometimes you lose as killer and there’s nothing wrong with it.
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For most of this game's life cycle the game has been survivor sided at max skill level. Literally every content creator has been saying this for 6 years.
Survivor is the "weak" party when you are inefficient on gens and don't know how to loop properly. Maybe you're the one with a lack of skill. I bet you don't even have 3000 hours yet.
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We've arrived at different conclusions.
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No camping, tunneling, or slugging? Those survivors must have been out for a laugh.
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I get what you mean. Killers have to play so much better than survivors to beat them. I use this analogy: If we score survivors and killers' skill on a score of 1-10, killers need to be 2 higher than the survivors to beat them. 4/10 killers beat 2/10 survivors. 6/10 survivors beat 7/10 killers. The problem is that when the survivors reach 9/10, they can no longer be beat, because 10 is the highest the killer can go. The killer literally can't beat them because they literally can't get any better. The game simply isn't balanced for 4 good survivors. Survivors want to make bad plays and throw the game? They can go for it. But don't mistake their failures killer allegedly being "fine."
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The problem is that this community doesn't get what should be blatantly obvious. If you want kills, sometimes you've just got to tunnel or camp. They're always claiming, as they are above, that "you can totally get a 4k, easily, without doing those things." It's like a bad joke.
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23% kill rate on nurse
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Thats cause everyone DCs as soon as they hear her.
0 -
Must be your nurse.
A standard nurse easily surpasses the 61% killrate
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In denial
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I think you are missing the point. That match is just an example of what a super high level survivor team can do. What i'm saying is, that unless you play nurse, you stand no chance against a team of that level. Just because it isn't common that you run into a team like that, doesn't mean it is fair. That is exactly the point OP is saying. Yeah, it's a 61% kill rate, because the average survivor player is terrible at this game. But what do you think the kill rates are against teams like the one in the video? How about when they go up against the top killers who aren't playing nurse?
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would be relevant if it was high mmr data, not all around