Stop. Camping. Seriously, It's Boring.
The point is that both gen rushing and camping are ways for each side to complete their objective. The survivors want to escape, the killer wants to kill.
Picking and choosing how each side gets to complete their objective is ridiculous.
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just went against a bubba camping with insidious, he got zero kills lol
he was really awful and It was solo Q lol
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Down a survivor at 5 Gens left: killers camp because survivors will not able to complete Gens before the camped one dies.
Down a survivors at 2 Gens left: killers camp because survivors are doing Gen effectively.
Down a survivors when Gates powered: killers camp because there is nothing else to do.
Camping is efficient in every situation
2 -
Why dont you stop camping those gens? Then we can talk... Lol
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Genrushing does not exist. I don’t care how much you want it to. If you can’t generate and control map pressure, then that’s a skill issue. Do Gen times still need work? Yes. But you can only get “genrushed” if you tunnel, or stand still and do nothing. Camping defeats the entire purpose of the game. Chase, down and hook. Not hook one and stand still for 5 minutes until the others come to save.
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now I went against a camping ghost face and got tunneled out of the game
days of glory and days of defeat
and another one
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When did I say I want genrushing to exist?
You are requesting that killers not complete their objective a certain way. Can I not do the same of survivors? If not, why not?
On a side note, you've said that camping is not an intended mechanic because there's nothing in the game that buffs/supports it. That's pretty much exactly the sole purpose of Insidious and Monstrous Shrine.
This community reminds me of the shooter communities of old complaining incessantly about spawn camping. People trying to gatekeep what constitutes valid playstyles will always amuse me, because it's a pointless endeavor.
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So I can just camp and get a 4k?
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keep saying that genrush doesn't exist, you are only making yourself a fool... start giving killers the time needed to chase, then we can talk again regarding camping and tunneling
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Exactly why BHVR needs to finally nerf skillless strategies like that, so they aren't the most efficient ways to play anymore.
One can't blame the player though, it's BHVR's job to actually solve the problem.
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"But but thats a highly specialised built, not everyone plays like that" /s
Even when not "actively genrushing" with a specific built, once they priotise finishing a chosen generator over other generators or other sideobjectives like unhooks or heals, they are doing the same they criticise killers for: tunneling/camping.
One is totally normal, the other is tahxic. Community survivor bias is rather obvious sometimes.
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Killers still camp the ones who don’t do anything toxic so…
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How would you remove it then? Because the problem here is that you can’t remove camping without affecting gameplay for the ones who aren’t camping.
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This change will be help a lot imo, and thats not a perk:
If killer hooked a survivor and not leave the hook area @15-16 meter away in 15 second other survivors get a buff what give 250-300% repair speed bonus.
Gens done exit game opened and theres a goal the camper cant camp any other ppls.
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What I meant to say with that was not that you are not allowed to voice your opinion on the countless flaws this game has. Just that it really won't change anything, as those who play like that don't care and the devs are unable to make things right.
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Campers are trash.
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isnt killing the Killers Objective?
What is the easiest way to secure it? Right, let the survivors come to you.
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They could have at least made Reassurance basekit. But they used it as a selling point for the chapter instead.
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Hey, guys, if you don't play survivor or think being camped is fun or can't imagine what it's like to be someone else for 2 seconds...
OP wasn't talking to you. Sometimes, no one is talking to you.
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I don’t know why you think that’s relevant. The devs have explicitly acknowledged camping as a strategy and balance this game around it. A strategy doesn’t need to be fun for the one on the receiving end. Is it fun for a support in Overwatch to get instantly killed in one clip by a Tracer if the team failed to properly protect against flankers? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean it’s an issue. Is it fun for a squishy to be oneshot by a sniper because they didn’t stand behind the tanks protecting them? Probably not, but it’s also not an issue.
People don’t need to camp out of spite to camp. It can be and is usually entirely impersonal.
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To me if you doing any kind of camping, your not a good killer. Period point blank.
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By your logic then doing gens is an exploit because there are perks designed to counter gen progress and there are definitely more than two gen regression/blocking perks.
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I hate this community
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You can punish the camping by just doing gens. Or by coordinating the rescue. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
Killers camp because survivors let them get away with it. They stop doing gens and inch to the hook, playing footsie with the killer, never coordinating and now an entire hook state is gone and the survivors have nothing to show for it. I've watched this happen.
If I'm killer and I hook someone and I hear one or two survivors running around, why WOULDN'T I stick around and capitalize on that? That's more survivors not doing gens while someone is on hook. Now I am securing hooks states and slwoing gen progression, all without having to cover the entire map.
When I am survivor, if the killer doesn't seem inclined to leave a hook, that's fine. I'll go do gens. Maybe heal someone. And if I'm being camped, I'm not mad at the killer. I'm mad at all the survivors I can see not doing the objective because they want to hook bomb me, practically doing the killer's job for them.
If you're solo queue, run Kindred. Hands down, the best way to deal with camping. Run Reassurance, too, even. Get close, if the killer won't chase, stop the hook timer for a bit, and go do gens. Or if another survivor is nearby, try to time a save instead of throwing yourselves against the killer one at a time like a bad action movie fight sequence. The camped survivor isn't having much fun, probably, but at the very least, if they are willing to not rage quit, then use the time they are buying you wisely.
tl;dr: Camping isn't the problem. Survivors wasting time is.
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You mean what the perk does?
If yes:
Unlocks your stealth ability:
Grants the Undetectable Status Effect after standing still for 4/3/2 seconds and until you are moving again.
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I do have a problem of understanding the plan Meg trying to explain
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I get where OP is coming from. From a survivor point of view camping the hook is always annoying. But my group always gets salty when someone does it early on. Because it does throw the game and is a lazy tactic that denotes a lock of skill.
As killer I try to avoid tunneling or camping hook in normal games. I only resort to it if I'm sweating for an adept/challenge. Or if I'm against a bully squad/just good players and down to 2 gens or less with less than 3 hooks, I'll use those tactics so that i can at least secure one kill in a game. Hell I'll face camp someone in egc if i dont have any kills yet. Doesn't always secure me a kill but it always ends up with someone trading a hook or two for saves so I get a few more bloopoints.
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Stealthing and camping close to a hooked survivor or gen back then from the release of the game when stealth still was the intended wax to play for survivors not the cocky playstyles in the face of the killer like today.
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"Whenever I switch to survivor, I am tired of facing against killers that refuse to chase you (the point of the entire game),"
The point of the game is not to chase.
The point of the game is to either kill 4 survivors or complete 5 gens and escape. Chases are the middleman.
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Don't mind me i'll be pinning this in my future post. Lol when killers complain about 90 sec gen speed and basekit STBFL.
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LOL when survivors complain about STBFL while having the opportunity for Hyperfocus, Stake Out, Build to Last and Commodious Toolbox with yellow and brown extra-unit-addons to complete multiple gens in under 40secs.
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It's not after the first 2 times
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I'm not making anyone have a bad experience, it's their choice to play the game. If they are not having fun they can just play a different game. I play my hardest in Overwatch and Splatoon and everyone still has fun, that's cause those games are symmetrical and expertly designed.
DBD is trashy. Seriously. Riddled with bad game design. Trying to change people because the game is designed bad is toxic.
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did you see what i posted at least? I doubt it since in the video that i've posted those weren't 90 seconds... without mention that the 2 stacks of stbfl are worthless if the maps are so much safe that you can easily never being hitted once... bring arguments with some solid points instead of saying dumb things... there are already too many people that talk without knowing how things work...
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As a rule of thumb for me as a perkless nurse main and former spirit main, I like to challenge myself. Hook every survivor once. Then hook them all a second time. Trying very hard not to hook the same survivor twice in a row. Once everyone has been hooked twice, then I go for kills. It's challenging and requires a lot more skill to do especially against a veteran SWF. If I find that the survivors are going down way too easily, I will find a corner of the map, count to 60. Allowing the survivors to reset and heal up. After 60 seconds then its game on. This way its still fun and challenging for me, but also allows the survivors to also have fun during the match, maybe a chance to complete a challenge and earn BP. I'd much rather have end game chat be filled with "You scared the s**t out of me" or "That match was really fun" then toxic bs.
Don't get me wrong, if a survivor tbags or over clicks with toxic behavior, I will down them, and give a single hit on hook. If they do it again, I will tunnel them out of the game and allow the others to play the game through.
But going against a camping killer or tunneling killer is so over the top boring, it really does make the game unplayable. Especially when you literally have done nothing wrong to deserve it.
MOST (not all; so don't get your panties in a bunch) camping killers I see can't complete a chase to save their lives simply because they lack the motivation to attempt to get better and learn, or they are just plain lazy.
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Which isn't basekit or free also using up 3/4th perk slot that a survivor could use for survival perks, what a massive "buff" lol talk about copium
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"Boring" describes the survivors responses more than the killer's actions. Learn to counterplay or abandon teammates and move on.
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Its not my fault you're getting outskilled by a toolbox, can't even win a chase against a stake out user lol
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I am happy to meet someone who knows.
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Killers can camp hooks, survivor can camp generators and palettes. So what is your problem? Play the game. This season I played 33 matches as survivor and met 1 (in words one) killer that camped. Last season I played 131 matches as survivor and met 5 (five) camping killers. You are making a fuss about something that is rare in the range of 3-4% of all my matches.
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There’s no counter play to camping. On top of that, players who are playing on a team based side shouldn’t have to abandon teammates because the opponent is benefiting off of cheap unskillful tactics. Horrible advice.
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Survivors camping pallets is no where near efficient compared to killers camping hooks and you know that. Camping generators also make no sense. I’m assuming your just saying “‘X’ can camp random in game object so ‘X’ can do it too.” to make up for your lack of an actual argument.
Also, you and I both know you didn’t play 131 matches and only came across 5 camping killers. Camping and tunneling has had a massive spike since the DH changes and the chance of you not coming across a killer that wasn’t camping in anything less than 20 of those 131 games is nearing 0. Be real.
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Yes there is and it can be done without perks. The notion that the only option is to abandon them is what makes camping appear so easy.
Camping is a tactic that appears strong against the uninformed, but can have many drawbacks against the more experienced players.
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First of all, there is no true way to prevent killers from camping. Killers control the flow of the game and how the survivors play which is why they’re called the power role. Anyways, even if camping could be done with perks, there is only 2 survivor perks that can in someway make camping slightly less efficient and yet they only prolong the hook timer.
And if you somehow do manage to unhook a survivor against a camping killer, you, assuming your the unhooker, needs to pray that you’ll make it somewhere safe since 22 out of the 29 playable killers have some sort of mobility, movement speed penalty, ranged attack, or instadowns in their base kit and are more than likely gonna be in the majority of your matches.
Oh and not to mention trying to effectively “counter” camping as a solo queue player. Don’t even get me started on killers tunneling right after unhooks too.
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Didnt suggest there was a way to prevent camping, nor do i think there needs to be. Alot of what you mention is just complaints that being in the killer's presence is dangerous.
Please don't use solo as an excuse for performance, we are capable of everything a swf can do outside of comms info. I only play solo survivor and have first hand experience that camping is not without its flaws. Plain and simple; the weaker the team, the stronger the opposition appears.
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Yeah. The most effective counterplay would be to just all agree to suicide on hook and beef up camper kill rates to over 90% and hope to God BHVR notices. It's, essentially, the most optimal strategy that takes 0 consideration for the opposing side's fun.
Funny, fighting fire with fire.
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Do as you like.
Hours of posting complaints and forfeiting or learn how and when saves are possible.
I guess I'll just learn tactics since I have no intent towards wasting play time.
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Because the killer can chase all 4 survivors at the same time? Because he can deny the use of toolboxes paired with stake out and hyperfocus from the beginning? Yes, clearly a skill issue /S
wrote something smart with actual proofs instead of trying to flame people with your comments
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kindred and kinship want have some talks with you...
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They won't stop, with gen time increased and slow down perks buffed to the roof, camping was made ridiculously easy for them, just run 4 slow down perks and the can literally face camp while at best 1.5 gens get done