Which Killer do you believe will be BEST at 4 knockdowns to end games quickly?

Besides Nurse or Blight.
Curious what your opinions are on who could successfully knock down all 4 Survivors fast enough to end a match before they get themselves up on the next update?
I saw someone do Oni, that looked fun actually, but any other Killers that will have this potential you think?
I feel like it would be something kind of fun to try and master as a Killer.
4 slugs will very rarely happen. It's more likely someone gets tunneled and then the remaining 3 survivors get slugged. I think Bubba, Oni, Huntress and Plague will have the best chances of doing so.
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Even lilith can't get everyone down fast with iri tag alch ring on blight. 22 second unbreakable or simply someone hiding nullifys any chance of 4 people being slugged. Only way it will happen Is with massive skill gaps. Though it does look fun on ptb, just infinite chase. And yeah 3rd best slugger is oni for sure.
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4 slugs probably Oni+Infectious or Starstruck Nurse, Alchemist+Iridiscent Tag Blight may come in third.
4 slugs is not something you should go after as Killer unless you are playing someone with huge mobility and you are excedingly good at said Killer (I never play Oni or Blight, I cant expect to get this by just hoping at the game and playing a few practice games), the instawin is there to prevent extremely bold and aggressive plays from Survivors and to stop slugging as a mainstream strategy, its not supposed to be the norm.
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Like I said, I'm mainly curious for fun, I am pretty bored of playing Killer at the moment so this might be something new to try out.
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Had 3 down and 1 injured with Oni a few times, usually get 2 before deciding to hook. Need the survivors to be somewhat grouped fairly close to get 3 or more. Possible with the purple lion fang and crutch for max speed and duration.
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I saw that played earlier today on Youtube with success lol but it didn't look very easy.
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@DatFastBoi managed it.
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Enter DatFastBoi
Love ya man <33
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Honing Stone basement trapper (Which would be entirely a skill-issue on the survivor's part)
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Damn, that's actually wild! lol
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So far I have seen it done on (Nurse/Blight) Huntress and Oni, but it was top tier Killer players and it didn't even look all that easy on some of them like Oni... it's pretty neat though, I suppose if they are gonna give survivors like 22 second unbreakables, then if a Killer is good enough to down all 4 of them within that time-frame they sort of deserve the insta-win in my opinion ^^
Will be fun to try and practice it, I don't think I'll be getting it though myself lol, maybe a few lucky matches.
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3-4 people down in 45/22.5s is either the killer is cheating or multiple survivors majorly massively misplayed.
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We will see A LOT of Nurses, Blights, Spirits, Huntresses, Tricksters, Plagues imo
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Tunnel out the first survivor. Camp or proxy camp the second and interrupt the unhook. Game over in 4 hooks or less, and the killer/perks are just flavor. Bonus points if you don't even use basement to deny unhooking.
There's no reason not to play like this if it goes live, so welcome to the finisher Mori meta.
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Distressing/Starstruck/Infectious Fright/Awakened Awareness Wesker
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Dead plays did it with infectious oni and a nurse.
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I ll have to give that a watch. Sounds good 👌
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There's no reason not to play like that now. If you're playing sweaty to win, you're already doing that. Most people are playing to have fun though since winning is meaningless in DBD.
You also lose the game if you try and camp two hooks and the survivors are awake.
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They wont find me.
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Nurse with Infectious Fright for obvious reason.
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That's part of my point. If BHVR are attempting to 'address' camping and tunneling, as they've stated, the finisher Mori makes that strategy far more time efficient. I suppose that 'addressing it' could mean that they officially want that to be the dominant play style, in which case job well done I suppose.
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It's not a true speedrun if you don't got City Escape playing.
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Oni and Huntress.
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Bubba thanks to overly altruistic survivors.
Trapper will be the one people don't expect. 😂
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This isn't an attempt to address camping and tunnelling. They've already done that in a pretty effective way. Survivors have all the tools to combat camping and tunnelling now, they just need to learn how to use them and actually play effectively.
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Nurse with insta-down perks on a small map
Or Blight with iri tag alch ring on a small map
On a big map even with either of these two it is extremely unlikely.
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Probably Oni
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no nurse or blight? oni with double power duration and infectious fright on rotten fields
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Ok but 4 man spawn on shelter wood and they were all staying there instead of splitting up in anyway. If even two went in separate directions then someone with ub would have been up. Everyone one on ptb is just trying to do wack UB shenanigan's right now.
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No killer except nurse should be able to pull that off after the patch hits live (unless maybe unbreakable gets seriously nerfed to 40 %),,,if that ever happens survivors had no business coming back from such a flop to begin with
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I've seen QuixoticGreen pull it off on Billy but he's probably in the top 3 Billy players.
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Leatherface. Maybe Ghost Face with crazy luck.
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a good nurse with range addons and lethal will be the best shot at it, survivors spawn willing at least since if they spawn all spread out no killer in the game will be able to do it quickly.
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Most likely Oni.
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Any killer facing survivors that run into the open and run into them. Like in every video I have seen of "Nurse ending the game in 40 secs with new mori system!"