General Discussions

General Discussions

So what's the point of playing this game?



  • Member Posts: 1,012

    I CAN"T well tbh i barely play it these days, but still having 3 years of this ######### would u usually show that the player is a veteran someone who enjoys playing it, i have 1600 hours on Destiny 2, do i play it because i hate it?

    no i play it because i love it, and it should be the same for this game not making the player hate the game and themselves

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    tbh league has at least some rotating games, and i was with the game since S3 i have like 20k hours or more yes with time u get over everyone and u play, lose or win but least there are different gamemodes dbd HAS ONE and somehow they made it as Miserable as it can be

  • Member Posts: 545

    So you admit you're aggressive to everyone? Nice to know you're that kind of person. My day is amazing so far by the way thank you, found out I'm getting a $3 raise at work today AND I got my wedding dress for my wedding next month. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    oh getting married congratulations, and getting a raise its your lucky day, isn't that just amazing, good for u, and maybe perhaps im a agro perhaps I LIKE SCREAMING A LOT ╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  • Member Posts: 545

    As much as I love that emoji... please do that at my wedding.

  • Member Posts: 869

    To have fun.

    Failing that, you could play to obtain satisfaction from winning.

    Failing that, you probably should reconsider the time you spend on this game.

    Ultimately, the objective of playing a game is to have an enjoyable time.

  • Member Posts: 1,012
    edited September 2022

    Perfect, expect a gothic looking girl, she might not stand out

  • Member Posts: 869

    Ok. To further address some of your points, yes, this forum is choke full of posts of people who complain constantly about all the things they are dissatisfied about the game.

    However it's unsafe to assume they represent the majority of the player base.

    The reason for this is because people who are content with the game tend to not be very vocal. DBD enjoyers like myself do come to read the forum, I do so several times a day, but most are not compelled to reply a ton, or make several posts a day about how much fun we are having. Would rather play.

    So yeah, what you got here in this post of yours is a small sliver of that inconspicuous player base.

    I'm having fun. I play for fun. I think people who play dbd should be having fun. I think dbd is overall pretty good. I don't post to state this on a daily basis. And I think if someone isn't having fun on DBD, they probably should spend their leisure time on anything else that provides that much needed enjoyment.

    Failing that, we could always play some matches just for fun. Do be aware, I'm a crappy survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    i guess that's true, also where the hell did this conversation go lol

  • Member Posts: 545

    I don't know but I like it :) It's better than arguing over something as silly as a game.

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    fair enough i guess, better to laugh out a bit than get frustrated over nothing

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    reaching Rank 1 or Iridescent was the main objective of the game

    It was? Not for me.

  • Member Posts: 3,250

    I remember the developer making the statement that DbD is not competitive e-sports, but an interesting e-show.

    The skill-based matchmaking system is just like e-sports.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Don't ask why we have to play this game. you should think about what you can do if you don't play this game. The purpose of the game is to get happiness, a sense of achievement, get friends, and pass the boring time.🙃

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    I still have some fun with killer when new content releases. Otherwise, it's SWF for survivor fun gameplay. We can create fun with our own rules, like sandbagging each other while limiting ourselves to dumb perks. We do 2v2v1 all the time.

    Yes, I would recommend this to a friend because it's the best in its class, hands down. Any gamer should at least try it. This is especially good for people that aren't great at highly competitive games but want that vibe without needing high skill to get there. As long as they feel like they're improving and can get a decent ratio, that's all that matters to most people.

    Really, I think this game shines up until the few hundred hour mark. I think more people would be happy with the game if they could just stop at that point, keep the fond memories, and move on. That is, if you can't find fun in the game anymore.

  • Member Posts: 314

    I stopped playing a month or so ago because it's not fun anymore. I just check back on the forums to see if anything significant has changed in the community or the game but so far not really. I mean, the community will probably never change in any meaningful way. There's still the same like ten or so people on this forum you'll constantly see racking up posts and comments and nothing they do or say has really seemed to change much. Dbd community is stale, I guess.

    I've been playing other games and have been having a blast.

    I think the 6.0 patch really did it for me. SBMM really sucked the fun out of the game and I took a break after enduring it for a few months and then came back after they seemed to have tweaked it to not be as atrocious but when they released 6.0 thats when I knew the game was going in the wrong direction. I don't think the devs have a clear sense of purpose about what makes the game fun.

    I didn't even buy the last dlc. There's over 200 perks in the game, Im not really interested in more perks. Also, charms are lame.

  • Member Posts: 221

    I didn't read the rest of the comments, tl;dr, but here's my take.

    First of all (I'm sure this has been said over and over), if you are not having fun AT ALL, there is no point in playing. Take a few days off or quit entirely if you hate the game. All rewards and goals in the world would not make the game worthwhile to you. Use your time in a better way.

    THAT SAID, having goals and rewards CAN be what a player needs in the long run even when they are having fun. We want a sense of accomplishment, of advancement.

    My goals have included:

    • 100% unlocking the rift for lots of free stuff
    • getting all killer perks unlocked by P3-ing everyone (was complete, now more killers have popped up, go figure)
    • getting better! I always sucked as survivor and seeing myself pull off witty escapes and jukes that I could only dream of in the past is highly rewarding; same goes for killers and learning their specific tactics
    • doing difficult challenges from the archives or achievements to see if I can do them

    Don't just "farm" or "grind". Don't play on autopilot. All that will happen is a number going up, no matter how good or bad you play. Try to leave each game with a sense of either "well, at least I tried and here's why it didn't work" or "wow, that worked?"

  • Member Posts: 1,168

    I'm just waiting till the bots come in near december. That's when I'll abandon pubs for a looooong while.

  • Member Posts: 5,925

    Well this thread took a weird turn didn't it?

    Thanks for the entertainment you two.

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited October 2022

    I mean I play most killers but Plague, Spirit, Doc, Slinger, Sadako, Huntress, Clown, Nemesis, Wesky are the ones I play pretty much all the time. The ones I don't like playing at all or have no desire to play are Nurse, Blight (have actually never loaded a Blight game), Artist, Pyramid Head, Hag, Twins, and Wraith. Everything else I play occasionally when I have a challenge, find some dumb meme I want to do, or just want to shake things up a bit.

  • Member Posts: 264

    Honestly, with all the camping and tunneling going on and the same builds and killers over and over the fun aspect of the game is very little. I keep playing for Bloodpoints to prestige my characters and seeing as survivor incentives is always 100% it makes it easier, although I wonder why BHVR isnt doing anything to improve the survivor experience. I keep seeing the same players too which is worrying.

  • Member Posts: 2,007

    I ask this question every time matchmaking gives me ragequitting teammates 3 or 4 games in a row.

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    tbh i can play any killer, but its just the fact that i need to get sweaty every game, its impossible for me to have fun, i try butt these survivors are just i dunno scared?

  • Member Posts: 1,012
    edited October 2022

    that was the worst part of it while climbing tbh, the fact that when someone dc not only do they yoink my pip and i literally have to extend the game to try and get it, it was so annoying

    Post edited by AcelynnBen on
  • Member Posts: 5,270

    "apparently everyone is playing dbd for fun, and yet there are more complains than players, the toxicity is high as hell, and we are just having FUN, i wanna know the definition of fun in this game, and for people saying im having fun, WOULD U RECOMMEND THIS GAME TO FRIEND?"

    Well yeah what else would I play it for? There's plenty of complaints that are just plain stupid and will be in any PvP game, there's plenty of valid complaints because there's plenty of things that could make the game better that are ignored or dealt with at a glacial pace. No I generally don't recommend it to friends because it's a pretty hostile game towards new players and not everyone has the energy or patience to deal with the playerbase this game has either.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Be okay with losing by not getting the 3-4k. Change your personal wincon. I had the same problem. I got to an MMR that was pretty brutal for me so I started making smaller goals for myself and smurfing to get my MMR back down a bit. Once I got to a comfortable place, I kept my 8 hooks before a kill mentality and slowly improved my game.

    I try to manage my MMR carefully now, but also knowing when is the best times to play helps as well. If I get a team that just flat out outplays me, I'll just go back to small goals like "I'm going to down this clicky-boi Steve if it takes me 5 gens to do it". After I get the down I let them go with out hooking to get the point across that I was having fun with the chase.

    I don't care if I "win" by the community standards anymore. I just play for whatever entertains me at the time. Sometimes that's chasing survivors without ever actually swinging at them to see how long it takes for them to realize I'm not going to down them. Sometimes it's playing a reverse hide and seek, or just playing for jump scares. My goal is to have fun, and try to make sure everyone else does too if possible. Everybody wants something different from the game so you can't please everybody. Just gotta find what works for you.

  • Member Posts: 685

    An important thing to note is I don't JUST screw around. Most matches I play normally, and I usually go pretty hard right out of the gate. Once I have a good picture of what I'm up against, then I kind of make a decision on how I want to play out the match. Usually it's played through normally, but if the survivors seem up for some screwing around and i'm in the mood or I know it's a lost cause for either side, then I'll probably step outside the box to enjoy the match and still keep things enjoyable for them. The first step though is to just get out of the head space where you MUST 3-4k to feel good about a given match.

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