Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Transferring items feature suggestion

Member Posts: 10
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

okso heres an idea for a feature, transferring items between your survivors. it would be an option in the items tab on the last page with like two arrows. Ill attach an image below of how itd look like. Basically it allows you to take items from one survivor and give them to the other, for ex. if i want to use an anniversary flashlight but i dont have them on my main surv Jill and have them all on lets say Claud i cant use them, or if i wanted to get some firecrackers on Jill i couldnt. I think you should be able to give items from one surv to the other without any complications, or it could cost some bloodpoints for transfer like lets say the price of them for the bloodweb but for event items its like 10k. It'd be a useful feature to add i think and good for people who changed their mained char. but have all the items on the other one.

(sorry it looks bad lmao)

its really rushed so it looks horrible, but this is the general idea of what it would be

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I'd love such a feature !

    Since survivors are essentially all reskins of each other, and I only want to play the one I have a skin I like on. I level up some of the others to get their perks, but since I never really want to play as them, all of those items are wasted. A shared inventory, or the possibility to transfer, would be very welcome.

    That way I would not have to keep spending blood points on my main survivor when I don't have any perk to level up. :D

  • Member Posts: 13

    This has actually been my idea for awhile and I don't see why this isn't the case. I have every survivor prestiged to at least prestige 1 for access to their perks, but I main Feng/Nea so I have so many items/add ons that I don't use sitting in my other survivors inventories. Sure I will occasionally play on a different survivor for daily rituals/tome challenges.. but a majority of my SWF/solo queue games are going to be on the survivors I enjoy most and have cosmetics for, and so I end up sinking more BP's into them to keep their inventory high. I would rather use those excess BP for leveling up more killers since I have been playing killer more recently to get a feel for it.

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited September 2022

    Yeah id like to know this as well? Items offerings and stuff its just best if as a survivor you had access to everything youve earned. It rewards you for your grind leveling other characters by getting those items on your main. But also rewards the other characters because you can use any items/offerings from your main survivor to make leveling up that character easier. (Say you had 20 cakes on your main and this change happened you can just use the cakes on the new survivor)

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    I also want to transfer offerings. I have so many BPS and cakes on characters I dont play, I wish I had them on my mains instead.

  • Member Posts: 30

    Offerings (on both sides) should absolutely be shared inventory. While I also would love for Survivor items to be shared among other survivors, it kind of is unfair for that feature on Survivors but not on Killers, which don't have common addons.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Why restrict it to just items? Why not add a way to convert useless addons/items into other items/addons?

    Turn all of your brown legion addons into padded jaws

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