How to make the keys viable again


Yea opening the hatch after a few gens is unfair for the killer so they removed hatch opening with key/hatch spawning before last survivor. So keys get nerfed out of viability and now they just sit in our inventories.

So why not make it so instead of keys opening the hatch, now a green/blue/red key will reveal the hatch spawn location when activating the aura-reading aspect of the key when you are within 8/16/24 meters away.

This allows survivors information without creating a huge disadvantage for the killers.



  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    Not bad. I also like the add on that lets you see the killers aura

    I thought maybe they should make that a feature of the key instead of an add on

    That's what i use them for

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I mean you can still use keys to have wall hacks against the killer on command and that's still pretty strong imo

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,244

    yes but you just pray you never see one from chest (except the super-rare end-game scenario where killer found hatch and gates are close enough for killer to not need to move an inch to see them both + you know + you actually want to try your luck to find better-then-green key or you went in for item-farming with plunderer's or maybe also with ace in the hole).

    The best buff for in-game chests right now would be to get rid of keys. They provide so little on their own. It's almost same as opening (and spending time for) chest that's already empty.

    Some kind of base kit effect for keys would actually make the game better - I am pretty sure more people will do side-objective instead of gen (making killers happy) and reduce the frustration for survivor when they find key in a chest. I don't even ask for good effect. I want something (I would even take 8m aura of chest as SOMETHING).