Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Newsflash: Killer makes team of 3 eat poop after immediate DC

BHVR and Killer consider it totally sportsmanlike and fair. Game isn’t broken at all.



  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    There’s a VERY SMALL % of killers that will farm in this situation. I’m referring to the VAST MAJORITY of games that happen all day long.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I do feel like if someone dc’s at 5 gens and within the first minute of the match, the game should take that into consideration because it is no longer a fair match, and should only ask 4 gens to be completed.

    OR alternatively back everyone out into an entirely new lobby.

    It isn’t up To BHVR to force players to act a certain way. Does it suck that they are still playing sweaty when realistically the balance is way on their favor? Yes it does? But as much as it sucks, people still wanna play a normal match. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t things BHVR can’t/shouldn’t do to alleviate the situation.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    No. You prove that it’s sportsmanlike to destroy a 3 man team.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    I dunno if the relative number of killer players that would make that choice is many, even or few. All I know is some do. Myself, if a survivor DCs on the first couple minutes of the game start, I'll just let the rest go.

    Maybe I'm a reject of the killer hive mind

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,435

    It's an easier game at that stage, 3v1. Most would be thrilled with that

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    Ok. I’ll spell it out….

    Granted: The person who DC’d is most at fault. They are unsportsmanlike.

    But now let’s deal with the new reality. The facts.

    Now the game is 3 survivors who are in an unfair game through no fault of their own vs a killer who has a very easy game. The game is now heavily imbalanced in the killer’s favor. You cannot say it is sportsmanlike to play this game from the killer’s perspective. You can say it’s within the rules or that it’s allowed but ‘sportsmanlike’? No.

    Survivors can’t do anything to even the odds or make it fair or remedy the situation in some way but the killer CAN. There are various sportsmanlike things to do… let the survivors get a couple gens done before resuming normal play or farm with them for a bit or for the whole game. But the VAST MAJORITY of games where an early quit happens are simple slaughters. Most killers have the mindset of ‘not my fault. I’ll take advantage’. It’s allowed. It’s accepted by BHVR. It happens thousands of times every day. But no way is it sportsmanlike.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,521

    You want the opposing team to take it easy when one of your players is in the sin bin, we may need to ask Patrick about that one.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    You’re completely avoiding the point. The best option FOR YOU THE KILLER is to just end the match. You choose not to consider the facts… that you’re just screwing over 3 people for your own convenience. It is not sportsmanlike in any way, shape or form. I didn’t say you were obligated. That’s kind of what I’m pointing out… you’re not obligated to be sportsmanlike… so most all of you aren’t. But own it instead of avoiding the truth.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Even if the killer agrees the player dcing is trashy and the remaining survivors are hopeless, farming is both boring and takes a long time. Some players genuinely think going next asap is more of a mercy, and others might be sympathetic but aren't going to spend 10-15m dicking around when they'd rather play a real game.

  • DarkEnigma333
    DarkEnigma333 Member Posts: 73

    im sure he was so scared he quit. cope

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    A player going in the sin bin for fouling is a little different to a player throwing a tantrumn and walking off the pitch for a trivial reason.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    farming is kinda against rules, not always but kinda, so playing just normal is fine.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209
    edited October 2022

    The killer does not have a 'correct' choice in this scenario. They can either:

    1. Go easy on the survivors and throw the game, losing out on kills and BP in the name of "being nice" something that survivors will never, EVER do.
    2. Farm. Not every survivor wants to farm, some players HATE farming and will regard this as 'holding them hostage'.
    3. Try to end the game as fast as possible so everyone can get to the next one sooner, by killing them as efficiently as possible. But this is 'unfun gameplay'.

    (personally I think #3 is the 'fairest', but that's the one you're here complaining about so...)

    The only 'fair' solution to this is if any DC results in the game instantly ending.

    It does this if the killer DCs for obvious reasons, so it should do it when a survivor DCs too.

    If you find that too boring, then don't complain when the killer plays the game they loaded in to.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I used to just let them do gens, but most of the time they want to farm and don't understand that I just want them to go. I don't want to waste time in a game the can't be lost no matter what. I'll get them out asap and go next myself. Half the time I just get off dbd if I get a dc.

    no he doesn't

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Maybe you should blame your fellow teammate who decided to DC instead of the killers?

    If the killer wants to farm in this scenario than you're in luck, if not than though luck and just move on to the next match.

    Killers aren't under any obligation to start farming in this scenario, some just want to end the match quick and move to the next one where your entitled teammates won't DC

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    Not all survivors want that.

    I mostly play survivor and i would literally point at the hook IF killer wants to farm.

    If we get a DC, i would maybe "appreciate" a killer just giving a chill game. and by chill i don't mean farm but at least not just hard camp.

    Still, if he chooses to; I wouldnt be mad much.

    Farming is boring, i literally DC'd many times before when killer forces me and a teammate to farm on 5 gens.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited October 2022

    Okay. Story time.

    I used to ease up on a DC team, to give them a chance to farm and pip.

    When I did, I got survivors threatening to report me for 'taking the game hostage' and cussing me out for not immediately ending the game.

    When I didn't, I got cussed out for being nasty and not giving them a chance.

    Sometimes, you just can't win.

    I used to let people farm.

    I'd say maybe 1 in 5 teams will DC themselves, or be obnoxious in post game - because *not everyone wants to farm*.

    How is the killer supposed to know whether you want to farm or not?

    Is it not equally BM to trap survivors in a game they don't want to be in for longer, and force them to DC?

    Tell me - what exactly is the correct response here?

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    Your point? If someone dcs at the start I try to end the match as quick as possible to get into a new one. I dont go bragging or anything?

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    It's true...but the current game state is pretty broken. When survivors don't have any hope of a fun engaging match...ever, why would they continue to log in. Now this isn't a problem for killers to solve, it's behaviors disastrous last few updates plus some underlying base game problems. But killers can help the experience without going full farm. Maybe stop slugging at 5 gens...maybe tunnel a bit less when there has been a dc. Again, no obligation... but the game only works when everyone is playing and having fun.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    The only time I have ever given a free game to survivors was when there were two AKF survivors in a match (I suspect they were a duo who didn't like the map so just went AFK to avoid having to play it), I hooked both of the afk's, let the remaining ones unhook for points, and then hooked them again so I could get sacrifice points. Then let the survivors do the gens, at some point the Jake and I were playing ring-around-the-rosy around a tree for chase points. Was a very chill match.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    didn't you make a post complaining about the same thing before?

    I'll give you one thing, if a survivor dcs a gen should be completed imo unless it's one gen left.

    but the killer in this case better just end the game so everyone can go to a proper match not everyone likes farming it's very boring.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    You can't blame the killer for playing the game. It's not their fault your team mate decided to dc. Blame the person that disconnected, be happy if the killer farms with you and accept that they have no obligations towards you.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,333

    Alt + F4 to resurrect fallen teammate.

  • rinnai
    rinnai Member Posts: 50

    Not wrong at all - theres just nothing in it for survivors. If the average game is 61% for killers it pretty much becomes 100% in that scenario.

    DC's should essentially give bp's based on when a players dc's. Within 1m of game just do 10k bp's so all players don't loose pips.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I will never understand people that shake their fist at the killer player because of the survivor player DCing

    The first time this happens the killer could take it easy a bit, maybe even the fourth time

    But with how often it happens i really don't blame people who play killer that just want that match to be over with and get in a real one

    If you only have a set amount of time to play you really don't want to waste it by having to deal with the aftermath of a sore loser

    Blame the person who is at fault

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited October 2022

    Would you rather not I end the game quickly so you can go onto a normal next match, or would we rather farm for 10 minutes while i do absolutely nothing gameplay-wise while staring at you holding m1 on a gen?

    Such fun gameplay

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    As expected… all replies basically saying “I’m allowed to do it and don’t want to waste my time”. No one admits its not sportsmanlike. No one cares about the other 3 players who get screwed. Just selfish people who won’t take responsibility…

    And you don’t have to stand around while people do gens… you can down them, hook them, kick gens, do whatever… just don’t slaughter them before they have a chance to do anything.

    I think I’m done with this forum for awhile…

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited October 2022

    Actually, it's much more sportsmanlike to actually play out the game instead of doing weird things that can be against rules at times.

    Your "sportsmanship" is simply just twisted, if you are done with this forum because of this matter then it's on you.

  • KreeG
    KreeG Member Posts: 11

    You aren't making any sense. When I play killer and the first person I down dc's immediately or suicides on hook of course I feel bad, yes I understand how screwed you are because I also play survivor and have played through this situation countless times.. but I'm not going to go easy on anyone. Sorry man, your teammate tilted and threw the game for you guys, that isn't my fault and I'm going to continue playing the game as I am supposed to doing my objective to get out of this game as fast as possible and move onto a real match. I do the same when I'm survivor and a teammate dc's or suicides on hook, I attempt to do gens, take chases, save teammates etc. There is no sportsmanship conversation to be had here unless you get to end game chat and the killer is actually being toxic in chat or berating you(which I highly doubt is the case or has ever happened).