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Key Lost on Death Despite Weaved Ring

Playing with Adam on Dead Dawg against a Spirit running Franklin's Demise. I had an iridescent key with weaved ring add on ("Do not lose the Key on death, lose this add-on instead") and milky glass add on ("Do not lose the Key when unlocking the Hatch, lose this add-on instead").
I was downed while trying to open the hatch and killed on hook. The key was lost at the end of the match despite the wording of the add-ons.
After a second game with Adam, I noticed that the Milky Glass is not attatching to the key. While I have it equipped to my key before the game, it does not appear equipped to the key in the game itself. Instead, it looks like I only brought one add-on for my key.
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Well if you lost the item due to franklins when you were downed at the end then you do not get the key back. You need to have the key in your possession when you die in order for the addon to work. That's intentional.
As for the second game, did you actually have any more of those addons? If you run out of an addon it will still show it equipped but be transparent and say "none remaining" if you hover over it and you won't have it in the match.
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Yes, that is a thing with Franklin's Demise, it's not a bug. It only protects the item you are carrying it when you die. Same with the White Ward addon.
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Thanks for clarifying this; that was not obvious in game.
In the second game, I definitely had the add on. It was even still equipped to my character build when I went back to the lobby.