Why do killer's rely so much on Scourge hooks

If I play killer I barely bring it because of the fact once people realize you constantly go after Scourge hooks they'll just Sabo it and will keep Saboing it even if you drop the survivor to wait for the hook to respawn. Why rely on Scourge hooks when you can use other hooks.
Pain Res is just a really good perk since it's 15% immediate regression on the most worked on gen.
Personally, my issue with scourge hooks is the randomness of scourge hook spawns and I've been screwed over by really bad spawns that I avoid Scourge Hook perks when I can.
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Because they rely on the perks the scourge hooks came with. Without them they might be missing a perk or more.
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Because Scourge Hooks can have cool effects, in some cases nice combos, and generally make the game more challenging or exciting, would be my guess. :)
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Most survivors don't have access to sabotage? You need a perk or a toolbox that hasn't already been used on a generator, which is primarily how they're spent. I rarely encounter issues with my scourge hooks getting saboed.
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Because Sabotaging is not something you come across often and Scourge Hooks are more reliable than Hex Totems. Perks like Agitation really make Scourge Hooks a lot better and are good utility perks to begin with anyways, but also have synergy with other perks (impossible Skill Check Doc, Starstruck, etc.).
EDIT: I forgot to mention that if a survivor Sabotages a hook anyways, they are not doing a generator and still require a toolbox or Saboteur, which either way is still less generator progress no matter what way you look at it. Since a generator is either going to be regressed or not going to be repaired because of Sabotaging. It's a win/win either way.
Post edited by Iron_Cutlass on5 -
You overestimate how common saboing a hook is. Pr is just really solid. So is floods on some killers.
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Because Pain Resonance is still one of the best perks in the game even after 6.1.0. Floods is also pretty solid.
Not everyone can sabotage.
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Why sabo the hooks by hand when you can just use Breakdown 😎
Go ahead, wait 3 minutes instead of using another hook.
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Not once have I had someone sabo a hook SPECIFICALLY to prevent a scourge from happening.
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Maybe like 1/10 games someone even bothers to try to sabo a hook, and even then it's usually for a challenge. No reason in this meta to not bring Pain Resonance
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To be fair, though, Pain Resonance is currently the most popular killer perk in the Nightlight stats so I’m little surprised Breakdown hasn’t caught more on yet. Even a single person using Breakdown can shut down one of the Scourge Hooks for six minutes after two hooks. It’s a bit of a counter to Pain Resonance and the other scourge hooks (barring being hooked in the basement with Monstrous Shrine), especially if more than one survivor is using it.
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The biggest benefit to any scourge hook perk is the fact that you don't have to do anything as the killer other than what you are supposed to do; hook people. Certain killers benefit greatly from not having to kick gens if they don't have to.
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I'm assuming this is mostly about PR, Bringing sabo to counter scourge hooks requires a lot, it's one of the best regression perks in terms of raw % in game ATM after 6.1.0 gutted ruin and pop, and it requires nothing except travel time to the hook to activate.
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Because no one actually sabos
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Because Pain Res is by far the most efficient gen regression perk there is, and I refuse to run Eruption as I think it's horrendously unfun. I've literally never had a team deny me scourge hooks via sabo. You would have to be super duper late in identifying the sabo attempt to not get a normal hook as a backup. And it's really a bad for the survivors if they don't wiggle off, because then you get a hook and an immediate chase near the hook.
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Well I am 10 months sober from kicking gens, and pain res requires no effort. So If I am ever running gen regression it's pain res.
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what the hell is this "rely on" crap? WhY do YoU RelY oN peRks??!!?
I don't know, maybe it's because it gives me an advantage? In the same way attachments on a weapon in call of duty game gives me an advantage, and cost nothing to put on?
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I rely on them on 110 killers, as having to hoof it over to kick a gen wastes a lot of valuable time.
I use Surge on instadown killers and generally CoB or Penti on others.
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As soon as I used it for the first time when artist came out I said to my brother, "pop is dead. This is so much better" and I stand by that.
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Probably the same reason survivors rely on circle of healing as much as they do: because its powerful
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because BHVR killed pop and ruin so pain resonance is the best gen regression perk now
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I'd disagree. PR is strong, but has some major drawbacks.
- You aren't pushing anyone off gens with it, and while that 15% is nice, chances are that the gen is still going to pop.
- Scourge Hooks are very vulnerable to RNG, and if you get all 4 stuck in one corner of Eyrie, and the enemy team is savvy and ensures they never go down there, you're either burning a slot for Agitation or you've wasted a perk.
I like PR on slower killers, or killers where I already have extra work (Hag, Trickster, Trapper, Huntress). I'll generally couple it with Agitation, Gift of Pain and Floods of Rage for maximum effect.
However, I also really like Surge - on instadown killers, it can be incredible, Pentimento+Plaything (you've either got permastealth, or they're taking a huge penalty), Call of Brine (good regression, great info) and Eruption (monstrously good on fast/traversal killers).
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its ok to disagree, i think jolt (or surge or whatever it is now) is pretty good too and yeah unfortunately PR is reliant on map generation RNG but to be fair so was ruin, any killer who ran it can tell you of games where it's cleansed within the first 20 seconds of the match because a survivor spawned right next to it.
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They never sabo my hooks when they notice I have a sourge hook, Saboteur is not a popular perk and they prefer to use the toolboxes for repairing gens most of the times. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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The same reason survivors need to run deadhard
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the time to kicking gens isn't worth it (it could be worth with the old pop goes to weasel, but rn it's just a waste of time). if i should bring some gen regresson perks, they would be the passive ones like surge (jolt), deadlock, corrupt intervention, pentimento in certain cases and pain resonance
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Pain Res is so strong, especially since you can kill two birds with hooking and regression at the same time. In fact I only run it on my Nurse when the team looks sweaty as it can be a bit oppressive if you are getting a lot of downs fast and I know I don't enjoy going against that as survivor.
If it is effective then people will use it, whether it be a survivor or killer perk
Edit: I very rarely face survivors who even attempt to sabo these hooks too, so that isn't even a consideration
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I run SH on some killers, not all of them. After the devs had decided to killswitch Ruin and annihilated Pop goes the Weasel (and nothing else is this), Pain Resonance is the best Regression-Perk in the game.
After all, Gens can be powered too quickly with overpowered Toolboxes and more and more Gen-Speedup-Perks.
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Simply put,since Hexes are not reliable or strong for most killers,we use scourge hooks that are much more reliable despite RNG spawns and get our desired effect on hook.
The obvious counter is to run sabotage but the survivor standard meta build is incredibly selfish so only in SWFs are you really gonna see it. Trust me,scourge hooks are incredibly useful only because their counterpart(hexes) are incredibly useless save for a few exceptions that only a few killers can make use of.
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Why do survivors rely so much on second chance perks? It's because they're the strongest ones and they want to win.