Tunnelling ruin the Game!



  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,497

    This is such a false take on why people hate tunneling. Of course one can argue whether tunneling is overpowered or not. But the real discussion it about how unfun tunneling is to go against, and how unhealthy it is for the game. And the same goes for camping.

    People play games to have fun, and being tunneled and especially camped is the complete opposite of fun. Which is obviously not good for a video game.

    In the game's current state, tunneling and camping can't be nerfed into the ground, but BHVR can definitely nerf those tactics at least a bit to not make them as effective in so many situations. Especially camping, which was hilariously buffed in 6.1.0 and not nerfed since then.

  • JayDoesGames
    JayDoesGames Member Posts: 264

    Very true. I mostly play survivor and sometimes when i get a TTV killer i check out their stream and they actually have viewers who seem to encourage this and want it to happen. Killers believe they have to tunnel to slow the game down, and its just not true. I've never had to do that. Many times a killer will ignore me repairing a gen because they're tunnel visioned on a survivor, and they let me do the gen. Its such a strange thing to do. They basically throw their own game and hope to get a few kills at the end by hook traders and so on. It's just bad play.

  • Nyxsie
    Nyxsie Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2022

    Also don't forget that CUSTOM GAMES exist, where survivors can enforce whatever rules and perk restrictions they want. But for the sake of bloodpoints, I will say this:

    The only change this game should make for low mmr survivors is a game mode where they can face an AI killer.

    Seems impossible to balance low mmr and high mmr, so the game should always prioritize high mmr. And btw... high mmr is not limited to swfs.

  • Draxlore
    Draxlore Member Posts: 78

    I want certain gens on a map to be repaired...I'll only defend the 3 that are the closest together. Giving me easy patrols in short amounts of time. But I'm sure your mega mind reading skills are good enough to determine what your killer was thinking.

  • Nyxsie
    Nyxsie Member Posts: 39

    You want to restrict swfs to customs because you associate them with high mmr. High mmr solos and duos ALSO gen rush, are altruistic, productive, etc. They are good, without comms.

    It's not about being solo, it's about being low mmr.(where swfs also exist) And yea, I don't care about low mmr. Players that are new and haven't practiced/learned(which can be done in customs), players who don't take the game seriously and don't care about winning, players that think the opposing/enemy side owes them a good time or a break.

  • Nyxsie
    Nyxsie Member Posts: 39

    Players that are high mmr meet more players that are worth being a swf with, so ofc there will be more swfs in high mmr trials. A high mmr swf is only strong because the individual players were already strong. They are smart, competitive, productive, not stupid about altruism. 

    Removing swfs isn't going to make it possible to balance high mmr with low mmr. It might not even stop pregame planning or comms, since all high mmr has to do is turn off crossplay so that they can get everyone into a discord or a party. It will significantly lower the chances of having an insane cracked swf team with comms but still, as said, won't make balancing possible.

  • Nyxsie
    Nyxsie Member Posts: 39

    Players that are high mmr meet more players that are worth being a SWF with, so ofc there will be more swfs in high mmr trials. A high mmr swf is only strong because the individual players were already strong. They are smart, competitive, productive, not stupid about altruism. 

    Removing swfs isn't going to make it possible to balance high mmr with low mmr. It might not even stop pregame planning or comms, since all they have to do is turn off crossplay so that they can get everyone into a discord or a party.

    I don't suggest that BHVR make major changes that will destroy high mmr trials just because I don't like tbagging.

    What I meant by players thinking that the opposing side owes them a good time or a break is things like:

    -Hey I gave you my med kit so now you're toxic if you don't become a friendly killer

    -Someone DCd so now you should let the remaining 3 survivors have a free win

    -I just got unhooked so now I can stand in a doorway to bodyblock you and you're not allowed to hook me again cause that's tUnNeliNg

    Players with that mindset are usually in low mmr.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    That's why the Devs MUST BUFF DECISIVE STRIKE in order to severy punish this kind of misconduct.

  • manutheserg
    manutheserg Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2022

    This is what confuses me about this type of argument. It's almost as if you're rubbing his face in your argument and being very nasty about it, because this isn't the first time you've brought up "Skill" or learning a proper "Counterplay"

    What does this even mean? Outside of running Off the Record, what do you even mean counterplay? This is what I never understand about people who advocate for tunneling and camping. It's a conundrum, you people say to get better at the game against a playstyle you can literally do NOTHING about 99% of the time besides running one particular perk. Where is the performance here? What is there to exactly grow off of here? There is no skill involved. If a Deathslinger for example decides to tunnel me off of hook and by chance he hits me with his spear and waits out the rest of the borrowed time, that isn't my fault. That isn't anyones fault and to say "Well you could've just outplayed it" is pure ignorance. It's the same with Nurses who can eat your borrowed time and insta blink 2 seconds after that ontop of you, the same with pyramid heads who can follow you close by with M2 and just wait for the proper time to actually use it whether it's a pallet or a vault, it's the same as a blight who pulls the exact same move off as a nurse. I keep seeing all these people say it's a skill issue all snidely but MAJORITY of the time, it's people being put into situations they can't do anything about because they are A. Already Injured, and B. The killer is hot on their trail following them and just waiting out the few seconds that they have to possibly reach a pallet, that almost half of the killers in this game have powers to counteract.

  • Draxlore
    Draxlore Member Posts: 78

    Punish a legit way of playing the game?

    You must hate that someone else has the right of way at a 4 way stop too eh?

  • KFChris18
    KFChris18 Member Posts: 128

    I see it fairly often in my games, but I don't flame the killer for it. The way gen speeds are and with survivors slowly but surely improving, any killer that isn't Blight or Nurse can't afford to spread hooks like they used to, unless the survivors royally messed up. I also don't think it ruins the game anymore than survivors completing two gens in the first 2 minutes of a match does. In a PVP game doing your objective quick is what people do to win. Killers that camp and tunnel are no different from survivors who bring BNP, map offerings and syringes. It doesn't make people less skilled by doing any of those things, they just want to win. The sooner that both sides stop taking matches so personally and learn to move on the better.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    Its very hard to get 12 hooks nowdays without some tunneling. If survivors are even semigood in this game they will finish gens and run long enough that the killer has to tunnel at least 1 person out at some point.

    Tunneling at 5 gens..sure its a little scummy but in the end this is a game. Just move along to another match. Bubba should be fixed so he cant chainsaw multiple people at the same time, but again this is 1 killer out of many that has this ability.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    You could also argue stbfl is enabled by the current state of endurance being so consistently available too.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    Yep! The devs really need to do something because it's gotten out of control and was made stronger with the killer buffs. I can't believe people defend this stuff.

  • Sheffield
    Sheffield Member Posts: 88

    The thing is that I play Solo and my Teammates don't really help with hit tanks or do Gens.

    And if others are tunneled besides me then dc't.

    Played 3 rounds again today and I was immediately tunneled away.

    Of course you can understand that it is more effective as a killer, but as this one survivor it takes the fun out of the game EVERY ROUND.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I've got no problem with it.

    Given how neutered killers can feel sometimes, if it takes a killer player trying to eliminate me early and hunting me ruthlessly to make the game interesting and thrilling I'll take it.

    The threat of being eliminated early is your motivation to play more cautiously in the beginning and not be found first.

    If you do get targeted its as much on your team mates for not rescuing you or failing to distract the killer as it is on the killer defending the hook you're hanging on and trying to eliminate you as quickly as possible.

    Scary killers will kill you that's the whole point, this game shines when its scary. As survivor your palms should be sweaty at the end of a chase.

    Nothing worse than a weak antagonist, it makes for boring experiences be it movies or games.

    To all the posters calling it annoying or game ruining... well maybe a high stakes elimination game set in a nightmare realm where death is a strong possibility isn't the game for you.

  • Draxlore
    Draxlore Member Posts: 78

    Lets start off by saying its unappreciated that you automatically assume I am being nasty.

    This game involves a lot of skills, and decision making. Countering Tunneling can be done by use of perks and items, teamwork if your team is playing well together, or by actual skill in the chase.

    You've already seem to understand some of the perks you can carry or your teammates can carry to help with it so Ill skip that.

    Teams can body block for each other, take protection hits, sabotage hooks, flashlight or flash bang the Killer, or as previously stated; use their perks to help you.

    When someone talks skill against tunneling, they are usually referring to the chase and getting good at looping, spinning, using pallets at the right time, jumping in and out of lockers, flashlights, and vaulting ( I may be missing others). Winging the chase when you don't know the maps well doesn't usually work out for too long unless the killer is equally unfamiliar.

    Once you know the map well, you can have a plan in your head for the path you wish to take in the areas you know you'll find pallets and obstacles to loop around or vault through. This is where decision making comes in. You have to decide when to drop a pallet when you're looping as to not waste it early. Then know not to return to that spot expecting the pallet to be there.

    The longer you can prolong the chase, the longer your teammates can sit on generators. When you're really good, you may be able to run someone around long enough to get them to quit chasing you entirely, or all the gens will be done.

    So Tunneling only works when the Killer can 1) keep track of the previously hooked person 2) can hit that person without hitting someone else who is blocking 3) can only hook the tunneled person if the hook is operational, close enough, and not being blocked by a crouching teammate 4) can catch the person the killer is chasing 5) the game hasn't ended because the survivors were too skilled at out maneuvering the killer.

    I can tell you I'm not that great at the chase yet, but I am getting better and better every time I play. Being tunneled by Killers is part of what is making me better.....out of necessity. This is all part of the game.

    As far as your specifics, Death slingers can be dodged. I'm not saying you're going to be able to dodge it every time, but I do 75% of the time.

    Nothing is guaranteed. But learning the skills necessary for the game will make tunneling less of a threat and more of an asset for your team to give them the time on generators without fear of getting caught out.

    Another part is when you are too willing to run up to a hook to rescue a teammate with the killer standing right there. What do you expect is going to happen?

    They aren't going to die right away....so if the killer is camping, do a gen until the last second and rescue then if you feel its worth it. Otherwise, thank your teammate for their sacrifice and escape with 3. I'd much rather escape with 3 than 1 through a hatch or none because you felt you had to save the first guy on his last hook.

    When I play killer, Ill camp and tunnel when i need pressure and the survivors are out playing me in chases or around the generators. Most of the time, they will all come to save their friend(the bait) which pulls them off gens and gives me some free shots on survivors to soften them up. from there, I can start regressing gens, forcing them to use pallets I can break and soften the map to be more killer friendly for chases later.

    The point is, you cant start playing a game and expect to be amazing at it right off the bat. There's a lot to learn and the things you may think are unfair now, wont seem so bad after you've taken the time and put in the effort to learn the game. I'm still learning.

    I'm also tired of all the whining and complaining about things being unfair when their New Threads should be asking questions on how they could get better.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    The Devs dont understand their own game. Patrick compare it with Hockey... no more words needed 😅

  • jarjargist21
    jarjargist21 Member Posts: 444

    Two things

    Firstly if you don't want to be tunnelled play killer for a whole month

    Secondly it's a strategy for killers to make the game more easier for them if they are losing or they are playing as a weak killer they're going to tunnel.

    Just bring perks that would help against tunnelling killers and don't body block with bt or otr because that shows the killer that you are willing to be chased again.

    Also don't have teammates that would unhook right next to the killer that's trying to kill you and your team. Like literally wait for the killer to leave the area.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited October 2022

    Everyone who understands how the game works with good players in the match knows that tunneling and camping are very often necessary to win in the current state of the game. Outside of playing Nurse and maybe Blight.

    Even players like Otz do it when they need to.

    It's not unbalanced when only 2/29 killers in the game are considered viable while having these strategies available. Unfun and should be changed sure, unbalanced no. Also something just being easy to do doesn't make it unbalanced.

    Buff killers who don't tunnel, then we can punish those who do. Change base mechanics to actually make splitting pressure a viable strategy.

    Coming from someone who doesn't tunnel or camp.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • manutheserg
    manutheserg Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2022

    I said it's nasty because frankly it is. People refuse to see both sides of the situations surrounding playstyles on this game and always chalk it down to skill issues when it isn't even that to begin with. To push off an actual issue in this game and regard it as a non-issue that goes away the second you "git gud" isn't even something that should be normalized. Every single game has quirks, every single game has it's balancing issues, and to push the issues under the bus isn't benefiting anyone whatsoever. Everything you stated here is something that I already do on this game, I throw pallets down strategically with consideration on if I want to come back to it later. I also try to take bodyblocks for survivors coming off hooks. However, I cannot control OTHER people bodyblocking for me when it comes to solo Q. I cannot control which pallets other people throw down in solo queue, or duo queue. You say teammates can take hits, bodyblock, use flashlights/flashbangs, but I want actual factual information for how many people in solo q actually play this way to begin with, because I can GUARANTEE you it isn't a lot.

    I have over 4000 hours in this game, so I'm by far not new. And still, no matter how much game sense I have, no matter how much I know the maps, no matter what perks I'm running, if a killer wants me dead, almost every killer can tunnel me off the hook and get away with it due to the powers that they have. You say deathslingers can be dodged, but that isn't good enough. Not every deathslinger is going to mess up a shot around a very tight loop. I also mentioned SEVERAL other killers that can all counterplay against you in the situation of being pulled off hook. So again, you say that camping can be countered so I want to know what exactly can be done to counter camping REALISTICALLY in a Solo Queue/Duo Queue environment. I know not to dive into the hook if someones being facecamped 99% of the time, but can I say the same for the others who ultimately get paired with me that play like bots and hook dive anyway and essentially throw the whole game, therefore dropping my MMR even more and putting me against more and more killers who do this at 5 gens?

    You say you are tired of whining and complaining about things being unfair instead of how they can get better, but you also fail to see that not every situation is a situation to grow in, like it sounds like you are saying. There is no potential to grow when you personally have done everything that you can to deal with camping/being tunneled and you get no help whatsoever due to solo queue teammates. You may say it's expected to blame your teammates at that point, but I think a killer can be blamed aswell for the way they choose to play right off the bat when a game starts. You yourself even say "I'll camp and tunnel when I need pressure...etc" yet they have people out here who go into a match with the expectation already set to sit here and tunnel every single person off of the hook.

    Sorry if this comes off as passive aggressive or anything. I'm just tired of having played this game for this long, for the last 6 years, and everyone always says it's "Your fault" for being tunneled, for being camped. I don't tunnel survivors willy nilly when I play killer, and I certainly don't blame the survivors lack of skill on a reason why they would be tunneled out to me. Sure I might say because it seems like they were the weak link, but most of the time it's because they are already injured and in a good position for me to down them. I've had actual killers call me trash because they went out of their way to chase me through 2 damn people to make sure I die. It isn't always black and white. You have these 5 criteria to be met on if a killer can tunnel you or not when half of the time (More like 75%) it just WORKS. Everyone always says "Oh just do gens to punish them" As if that logic actually makes sense in solo queue. Do you know how little I see people actually punish killers doing that when they play this way? Again, everything here is from solo/duo queue perspective. This has gotten to be so much of an issue, as a matter of fact, that they made BORROWED TIME BASEKIT. That says something. IF tunneling wasn't an issue, then why do that to begin with? And they also made yet another perk to try to counter camping, just like camaraderie, and neither of these things are enough. Instead of them actually helping out, it feels like the camping and tunneling situation has gotten even worse which isn't the direction the devs wanted it to go.

  • Draxlore
    Draxlore Member Posts: 78
    edited October 2022

    So ignore my post which was to help you or others in understanding what can be done and just attempt to make me out to be a villain still.

    You wonder why people just say "get better" or "increase your player skill" and leave it at that? Your response is exactly why.

    They don't do it to be nasty. They do it because the people complaining don't want help. They just want to feel like a victim and blame others because they suck and it's too much effort to actually get better.

    Tunneling isn't just for the weak link. Alot of times it's to get rid of the strongest link which affects the survivor team the most. Taking out the weak link has a smaller impact.

    That's another decision. I personally tend to take out the threats first. The flashlights, the flashbangs, the people who put themselves in my way.

  • manutheserg
    manutheserg Member Posts: 6

    I gave you arguments for several points you made in your post and you read the first line of my post and deemed it as not worthy of reading. I gave you situations to show you things aren't always black and white which is why it isn't fair to say it's a skill issue. What you presented to me was things that happen in an ideal game with working, proper MMR which this doesn't have, or playing SWF, which not everyone does. I say it's nasty because not everyones FIRST instinct on this topic should be "Oh it's a skill issue for sure", because most of the time you get put in a situation that doesn't even care about your skill to begin with.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Except that because of how easily accessible it is even killers who don't find the necessity to do it, do it. This in and of itself is bad design.

  • Draxlore
    Draxlore Member Posts: 78
    edited October 2022

    I said nothing is guaranteed or %100. A survivor should not expect to walk out of the match every game just like a killer shouldn't expect 4k every game.

    If tunneling is a constant problem every game and the person has no relief, then yes, it is most definitely a skill issue. Learning the game will provide for many escapes.

    I must just be the luckiest person in the world. Somehow I manage to escape 50% of my games as survivor...even with tunneling and camping happening.

    Players want to feel like they are good at the game instead of actually being good at the game. Some of those people want the game to be changed so they can appear to be good due to game design features that force them to look good. Thats the most ridiculous notion a PvP game could imagine.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2022

    If you are getting tunneled "each & every game" then i would say make the killer pay for it even if you die.

    Although i think getting better at looping is enough to push away tunneling killers but besides that, you can have a heavy anti tunneling build.

    Think about a DH OTR DS build maybe, then you are guaranteed at least to waste a good couple of minutes for your teammates to rush most of the gens.

    But my personal advice, get better at looping; Killers will usually drop chase or at least not tunnel you off the hook if you give them a good chase. Killers dropping chases with me are way more than tunneling one & that's the smart move on their part. They usually tunnel the weak links.

    In the end, if a killer is REALLY COMMITED to getting you, they will get you eventually no matter how skilled you are; but the difference will be "at what cost".

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited October 2022

    It is bad design but not for the reason you listed.

    That's like saying because the survivors decided to pop 3 gens when the killer only had 1 hook that that means that gens are bad design.

    No gens are badly designed because the survivors objective shouldn't go faster than the killer's when they have half the number to do and they're extremely uninteractive. Not because they decided to do their objective efficiently.

    Tunneling and camping are bad design because it removes a players agency too much.

    Players deciding to use something doesn't make it bad design or not. You can decide to use it or not, but that doesn't change the design.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • JakeParkSimp
    JakeParkSimp Member Posts: 39

    These kind of cancerous attitudes towards the most unfun mechanics in this game are the number one reason this game is losing players. No one wants to play matches where you just get outed in 2 mins with no say in the matter.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    If you are getting killed consistently in 2 minutes every game, that's a skill issue.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Just because its unfun doesn't mean its unfair.

    Aggressive comments like yours are the reason why we can never get the community together to make a decision together to actually change these mechanics that no one wants in the game. Too focused on attacking the players.

    Its not unfair, its not the killer being toxic, its not the killer's fault that tunneling is the efficient play. It should still be changed.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Its not the even comparably the same thing, because you can choose as killer not to over-commit and actually go for another survivor. As a survivor you don't have a say on the matter of Camping or Tunneling. The survivors don't/can't choose YOUR actions. That is the very thing I am trying to tell you... the accessibility to these so called 'tactics' bare little to no skill and are available without there needing to be a situation to enforce it.

    I never once said "players deciding to use it is bad design" I said "The accessibility" meaning how easy it is to do it is bad design.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited October 2022

    Overcommitting is a mistake sure. But tunneling efficiently isn't. That's the whole reason why its the most viable tactic, because it a mistake not to do it.

    "you can choose as killer not to over-commit and actually go for another survivor."

    You can choose as a survivor to leave that gen and go find a new one the same way you're asking the kilter to leave their kill at 33% and start a new one. If you say otherwise you're being a hypocrite. A killer doesn't have a say on the other 3 teammates doing gens while he chases 1 of them. He can't chase 4 people at once.

    "The survivors don't/can't choose YOUR actions."

    The killer can't choose survivors either. I'm sure a lot would slow down gens and not tunnel, because neither side wants these tactics to be the best. Killers just want something to replace it to be a good strategy, not punishing killers for trying to win efficiently while survivors can do it for free.

    Something being easy to do doesn't make it bad design. It's the effects the action has. Nurse is the hardest killer to play, not very accessible, that does not make her well designed. Looping is very accessible as well, that does not make it bad design.

    There is a situation to enforce it, wanting to win. This is how the game is set up to give you your best shot at winning, you should tunnel someone out. the game itself enforces tunneling due to how hooks and death works. That's why core gameplay changes are needed.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    I don't agree at all, so I'll just agree to disagree.

    I can't agree with someone who thinks Camping at 5 gens is ok, simply because that killer wants to "win". Completely ignoring what is wrong with that whole scenario.

  • JakeParkSimp
    JakeParkSimp Member Posts: 39

    So this part is all you chose to take away from my comment? But who am I to say, go and defend tunneling and what a great mechanic it is for this game. Such an effective way to win for the killer!

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    That's fine, I won't agree with someone who thinks that situation is not fine, but popping 3 gens in the first chase is.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited October 2022

    I never once said that 3 gens popping in one chase is ok, you brought that up. I simply said I don't agree with it's comparison to Camping and Tunneling at 5 gens. Because the killer makes that choice (according to you) in the interest that they will use it as a tactic when necessary, and I said its not only used when necessary and that's where the problem lies.

    I don't agree with your comparisons because they aren't remotely the same thing.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited October 2022

    Just to clarify I don't think camping and tunneling are "ok". They need to be changed for the health of the game. It doesn't matter if its a 5 gens or not. However, that is not the players fault. The game design is the problem, the players can only work within it. Killers can't make 12 hook super inefficient games viable alone. The survivors are half the match, they need to cooperate and slow their gens down too. Survivors aren't, so the tunneling continues.

    If survivors are expected to try and win, killers should be too. If you want killers to be expected to play inefficiently on purpose, survivors should too. Not it's fine for survivors to try and be as efficient as their skill will allow on gens, but not killers on kills.

    As for actual game changes, remove C&T sure, but give the killers a viable alternative in its place. Don't just punish them and leave it at that, they need something in its place.

    One problem with your statement is you don't know whether it will be necessary or not in most cases. Just because the gen icon at the corner say 5 doesn't mean there's not 3 gens at 90+ %.

    I also never said they would only use it when necessary, just that it is at times. That amount going up the better the survivors are. Survivors don't only do gens when its absolutely necessary either.

    That's the efficient way to play the game. Slam gens, slam kills. That's how you play well. They should start playing badly on purpose just because they're ahead? Why? Because its unfun? Ok sure, as long as both sides do it.

    They are the same thing, doing the objective efficiently. Killers choose to do theirs, survivors choose theirs. Again, survivors also pump gens when its not necessary.

    Either both sides can rush their objective or both can't. Idc which as long as its equal.

    But survivors can't be ok with that, so we aren't going to get anywhere till their mindset changes. Your attitude of "it's not the same" is part of the problem.

    The killers objective matters too. If survivors won't agree to slow down gens, why do killers need to agree to slow down kills? Survivors have a choice to make too, it's not all on the killer.

    If your argument is that its fine to be upset as survivor because "my opponent didn't start throwing the game once they started winning. They shouldn't get to continue to play well after they have an advantage" That's asinine. Especially if your excluding killer from doing the same.

    If you still want to disagree then well, I tried. The cycle continues.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,255

    I didn't realize the game was over if the killer tunnel one person out.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    I think we should be discussing why survivors go down fast rather than why the killer takes advantage of an opportunity to win the game by killing a survivor ASAP.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    You can punish killers that camp hooks,, it's called doin gens amd not hovering around hook

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    Well you can also have good teammates that takes hit and you dont have to run meta perks... However if you wanna be 100% safe just run BT, DS or off the record problem solved... (or simply dont suck ass so the killer cant tunnel you out fast enough for it to be profitable)

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    Camping im against. There is not a single perk you can bring that counters camping... I mean sure reassurance kinship kinda helps but as you said it wont do #########. off the record literally solves tunneling if you get tunneled and go down again after 80 sec thats 3 gens (well almost 3 gens) so the game should be done at that point GG you carried the game!

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Not simple, you can't expect solo queue to have the communication nor coordination available to punish camping killers. If solo queue had comms or aura reading, sure, fair game, but you can't say "do gens" until these problems are addressed.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    You dont need single perk to know a killer is camping,, simply go to hook and check, at that point you got two option,, either trade or go do gens,, what you need is common sense

  • LittleBigSunset
    LittleBigSunset Member Posts: 259

    Unless the game is changed on some drastic fundamental level tunnelling will always exist. You can disencourage tunnelling through specific perks like OtR and through coordinating on gens while the tunnelled survivor buys you time but you can't prevent it outright. If you, really, really want to win you tunnel out the first survivor you find. It means that the rest of the game is a 3v1 and far easier for the killer to manage. It doesn't make it justified - I don't understand why some killers want wins literally dropped into their lap rather than a close match where everyone involved has a good time (aside from maybe pips?) - but it means tunnelling will always exist.

    Not to mention that it's a great way to piss off whoever you're tunnelling as they will make far less points and depending on their capability in chase and the map will be out of the game very quickly. Killers that tunnel for this reason are the same killers that play facecamping Bubba. It's not interactive or particularly thrilling if at all but they're not doing it for 'fun'. They're doing it to farm salt and irritate survivors just because they can.

    Even after the huge mid-chapter which gave killer several major QoL buffs that had been highly requested by the community, I still saw tunnelling as frequently if not MORE than before. It was enough to make me uninstall the game for a while because of how disheartening it was. That confirmed to me that tunnelling isn't going anywhere. The best way to deal with it is to recognise when you can/can't assist a tunnelled survivor and when to crank gens. Learning map layouts and ensuring you can make the most out of a chase can make tunnelling punishing enough to throw the game completely out of the killer's favor. Sadly there is no way that tunnelling will ever stop being seen or complained about in DBD.

    (BTW - I recognise tunnelling can be a valid strategy to regain lost pressure. It's far less frustrating when I can understand WHY a killer would decide to tunnel a survivor out. When a killer does this when they are already in a winning position and have a great deal of pressure that is when I get annoyed. It just comes off as sweaty to the point you want to ensure your opponents have as little fun as possible. Not saying you can't do it, but I don't understand it.)

  • johnlikesguns2
    johnlikesguns2 Member Posts: 82

    Gen rushing and SWF also ruin the game.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Not that it’s in any way comparable (which is the actual funny part) but at least with gen rushing you are required to hold M1, Camping doesn’t even require you to touch your mouse/controller.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited October 2022

    Again not even going to entertain the comparison because it isn’t the same thing.

    The simple fact is that we aren’t talking about one requiring more skill than the other. Your whatboutism argument doesn’t justify the absurdity that standing in one place while gaining pressure is.

    Yes I chose to only answer the first line because the rest was not worth responding to. It’s clear you don’t play survivor so I’m just going to assume you think the rubber band on the controller is going to hit every skill check, merciless storm skill checks etc. That is how misinformed you are.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    So to rebut to OP's title

    BHVR's coding ruins the game... That sounds better