Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Instakill myers needs to go.

Smeagolthevile Member Posts: 175
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know people wont agree with me, but myers being able to built to tier 3 and then just istantly killing someone that hasent even been hooked yet, let alone multiple people, is a bad mechanic. Its unfun and unfair. At best its a waste of time for the survivors, having to lose their time and their addons to such garbage.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    More killers should have insta-kills if the survivors choose to ignore the killer mechanics, refuse to use the obvious locker-avoidance strat, and fail to evade the killer in the end game where it's finally charged up.

    Honestly, charging up an auto-kill through killer action and survivor failures should've been what the mori rework should've been instead of the 'all four down' cherry-on-the-top thing we got.

  • pocajohnny
    pocajohnny Member Posts: 219

    For all we know that specific mechanic was requested by the license holder. I mean Michael can just walk up to people and kill them in the movies right? Why not in-game?

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Its a surprise for sure and im sure its unfair but even with that Myers is not strong enough to be a problem so no. It doesnt need to go.

  • Lineheart
    Lineheart Member Posts: 38

    Hide in a locker. Insta makes him cry. Or stay on gen. Most people insta kill Myers cause of achievement. Not that he's good cause in fact he kinda sucks.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    If you get killed by a Myers, you're a baby survivor lol

  • I mean hey! If they redo his model because he looks like polygons in blender and give him some buffs, sure. I do think his purple mori that removes your tier 3 should stay.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I agree completely. It feels lame to just be taken out of the game through little fault of your own. And I'd say 70-80% of Myers run these addons. Rarely see one without.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    If Myers receive something in exchange (mostly some help for the early game) I would vote for this, if somebody would ask about my opinion.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    I want it to stay solely because it's unique to Myers and fits him well. But it does need some changes I'll agree with that/

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    Something that bothers me is how they treated Sadako vs how they treat Myers.

    With Sadako, they've been extremely careful to make her power very difficult to grind, considering it's an instant Mori. To a point where it's absolutely impossible to make good survivors reach condemn and her power is basically non existant.

    With Myers, he is just handed instant kill. Anyone saying it's impossible to stalk enough clearly can't play Myers properly. It's easy to stalk if it's your only job anyway. Yes, on some maps, it's borderline impossible, but those are very limited. It's mostly Lery, and maybe Ironically coldwind farm, since it's impossible to stalk through corn apparently.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    As long as Myers gets a buff to compensate, because his tombstone add ons are the only unique things for him.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    You deserves to be punished for mistake of your team tbh, that's how team games work.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Well Sadako is kind of like scratchmirror meyers in this regard. If you get your map, you can have a lot of fun and your power actually does something and can be rewarded. But once you don't get Lery's (meyers)/ midwitch (sadako), well your ability does not work as intended any more.

    Oh and believe me that sadako can build her power up in midwitch very quickly. It took her 16s to give me 4 stacks and 1 lucky TP to the TV I was trying get my (next) tape from to just insta-delete me. (I return tape (not fully condemned) to TV and immediately go for rescue in courtyard + heal under the hook as she is not chasing close by - but then she decides to TP 4 times (and every TP is a codemn hit on this tiny map) with the last one directly on a TV I was trying to get ANOTHER tape from just to kill & mori me right after it).

    Meaning the way midwitch is designed, you need to go for tape runs all the time you luckily find open TV - if the killer is any good and TP's thru them at every opportunity she gets. And just by map selection sadako is high A or low S tier from her current C or D tier.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    Dead by daylight is unique (well, obviously not litterally unique) in its way to handle team work, as survivors all have one personal objective that they work together to increase odds of achieving it forr themselves.

    Like, your goal is to escape, if you escape but the 3 others died, you won, and so did the killer.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Thats actually a really good idea lol, thats preferable to being only hooked and will prevent myers from killing those that havent been stalked at all

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Iri tape and ring drawing help a ton in getting condemn kills

    At least her power isnt as bad as freddy's..

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Nah only Myers deserves it and has to actually work for it. If you want game to be super killer sided and wait 30 minutes in queque then yeah your suggestion could work.

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 416

    If they nerfed the tombstone piece and kept Iridescent Myers the same, I'd be ok with it

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    But the tombstone piece is terrible? That's iridescent Myers that is problematic.

    AMOGUS Member Posts: 482
    edited October 2022

    No, it is the issue. It's why you're actually complaining. You got killed by insta, and now you're here. It's what everyone does whenever they die to something.

    Skipping "normal killer steps" is actually what makes these add-ons unique, and I wish we had more of these. Please stop trying to standardize killers, please.

    Also, a Myers needs to basically throw a game and fully stalk 2 survivors and then stalk half of a 3rd in order to get this activated, last I checked.

    Post edited by AMOGUS on
  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    I don't think it needs to go, it's almost balanced.

    I do believe they need to change some things about myers. His basekit, his addons.

    First off you need to remove the efficiency addons: No increased stalk speed anymore

    Then you need to add an extra status effect like the "exposed" status effect but with a special flair to it. You could re-use it on Sadako.

    And last but not least: Myers NEEDS an animation if he runs a tombstone addon. Something like when he gets closer to you he start's rising his other hand in order to grab you.

    The only issue you have with it now is: no communication and the piece of tombstone addon can be combined with the myers memorial addon.

    If you ever played a myers with tombstone you'd knew that the time you're just wandering around stalking people: Survivors do gens. Yea you kill people instand but you probably noticed the high gen speed. Bc no one is pressured at all. You have to kill them all before they get the gens done in the meantime where you have to fill your stalk meter and also grab someone.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    To all the optimistic people, myers will never be compensated enough if they remove it, keep dreaming.

    Name one strong m1 killer. I'll wait.

    Tombstone is the only thing that makes myers a real threat. Take that from him and you just have another ghostface.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    you sound like youve never played against a tombstone myers with PWYF and the green stalking addon

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    You forget that it's rare, because it's an addon, and unless you've saved tons of addons, you won't come across Myers perma exposed on every street corner

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    Most people who complain about the killers here do they never play them.

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 416

    The tombstone piece is infinitely more unhealthy. Iri Tombstone slow myers when in tier 3 and requires almost double the amount of stalking in order to get to tier 3. Tombstone Piece on the other hand, doesn't slow and requires less stalking to get to tier 3 that Iri Tombstone. That's why people pair it with stalk speed addons.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,845

    I don't think it should be outright removed since it's part of myer's identity, instead i would rather put more requirements on the ability to kill someone by hand.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    "Add-on, Press A to instantly kill all survivors"

    "This is so healthy for the game!"

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    There is a double problem that Myers is currently in a bad spot, and there's a trophy achievement that litterally asks you to play iridescent Myers.

    So, yes, more than half Myers games are iridescent Myers.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    If you want to remove killers from the game, say so instead of making excuses.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517
  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    Myers is not a problem at all in this game.

     Stop complaining just because people like to play Myers with addons.

     You are inventing problems for nothing.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    The problem is the add-on, not Myers.

    WE (like, 80% of the community, aka, survivor players) complain about a mechanic that removes you from the game right when you hop in.

    That's incredibly toxic and unhealthy to have a game mechanic just remove you from the game with no warning.

    It doesn't even serve any purpose for anyone. It guarantees the 4 kills, it's boring to play (probably the most boring add-on in the entire game), it stops both survivors and the killer from gaining bloodpoints (even if the survivors escapes, they're not getting anything), it makes the games very very long turning the game into a "Hide-in-lockers Simulator".

    It's just bland, Myers deserves a better treatment than existing solely for the most difficult achievement in the game.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    Addons are related to powers.

     If we want to make points we don't play these addons, so it's not even an argument.

     The pleasure or not of the survivors is not an argument that must be taken into account because if we stick to each survivor who is not happy, the game would close because the killers would be on leave.

     Going back to Myers, he has no problem for me whether it's as a killer or if I face him as a survivor.

     But to have a mindset of peace you have to play both roles and accept the thinking of the game developers.

     Keep in mind that it's still a game, the many discussions that aren't aimed at improving overall player comfort (like prestige or a web update) aren't really relevant.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    Basicazlly you're just saying, on the FEEDBACK portion of dead by daylight, that according to you, we are forbidden to deliver feedback.

    On the FEEDBACK part of the forums.

    You say feedback is forbidden.

    On the FEEDBACK part.

    Say it again?

  • Smeagolthevile
    Smeagolthevile Member Posts: 175

    I love the argument that people keep proposing here

    'its balanced' 'its not a problem'

    What is your metric for 'a problem' because you have 2 pages here of people saying that it is a problem. Just because YOU doesn't think its a problem, doesnt mean its not.

    I very much like the idea of giving it more requirements, maybe make someone the obsession, and letting you insta mori them after first hook, or something like that. But EVERY SURVIVOR IN THE MATCH?! Especially for free.

    Also to the 'but its a rare addon' if you main Myers, thats who you put your BP into, then your going to have all of the addons you want. My killer main is Pig, I love the 'you can see survivors through walls when stealthing' addon, its very rare, I have a bunch of them because thats who all my killer BP goes into.

    ALSO rarity doesn't matter when you have a large pool of people playing the game, it may be rare for one player to have a ton, but its not rare for alot of players to have one or two. Every day I have played over the last week has had atleast one match w/ the insta kill myers.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I really don't get what your problem is with it.

    Double pink Myers needs 3 people fully stalked and J Tombstone gives you a massive - 9% movespeed debuff in EWIII making you 105% wich is instantly noticeable! And if Myers uses PWYF, you also notice that before.

    One can argue that the purple addon is a bit too strong and that is right. Just make it that you can only mori once and the EWIII is gone forever.

    People also seem not to understand not to feed a Mikey. What is so difficult with that? Then he will get his Tombstone at maybe 1 Gen left..

    And also people don't understand what you can use to counter it: lockers, gens, totems pallets, windows, DH... All animations make it impossible to use the Tombstone on you.

    And if you get infinite Tombstoned at 3 gens left, your team did something wrong.

    There is nothing wrong with pink or double pink Myers.

    And before you answer that I am a dirty killer main, I'm not. I play more survivor, but Wesker brought me back to play killer more lately making it almost 50/50. There you go. And no, I'm not a noob either. I play for 4 years and have 5.3k hrs.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    You talk about the purple addon I guess? If yes, then yeah that one is too strong and should either get another requirement for the Mori (stalk is empty or hooked once) or make it that if you used the Mori, you can't get EWIII again.

    If not.... Then you faced the 0.01% of Tombstone users who only use Judith's Tombstone but not infinite EWIII.

    You can do it (I did it too to test stuff on the PTB), and it works quite well in some scenarios (surprised 99) but it is too rare to really complain about.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,209

    Oh gee, just wait until you see the new mori system, everyone will be doing it then, not just tombstone Myers.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    Yeah, the game is going to literally burn in rage with the new update. I am just patiently waiting for that with some popcorn.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Tbf his instakill is easily countered by lockers, this was made ever easier with the dredge update too

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427
    edited October 2022

    He's still getting a free hook. Which he won't even have to do because if he's smart he'll use his T3 in the open where he's guaranteed a kill

  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    Used to main Myers. Yeah, insta-killing is too much, he's a weak killer without it, sometimes even with it and it should be either removed or nerfed (Make it work like a mori, the survivor needs to be death hook so he can be killed).

    You still need to know he has it. I run tomstone piece, get a survivor dead pretty much on 5gens and the rest just either give up or try and fail. One kill is enough (If you know what you're doing) and you can get 2, maybe even 3 with tombstone piece. even if they attempt to deny the second kill (Lockers), you already got an extremely good advantage.

    Saying that it's fine because you can 'counter it' isn't a fair/good response, it's problematic, even Myers mains (If they even exist anymore) would tell you that.