You aren't suppose to win a 3v1


I see too often people complain that they dont win after someone gives up or quits, while its obvious to some it's not to others but YOU ARENT SUPPOSE TO WIN A 3V1.

Same as if you get a teammate not doing anything in the trial (quite common) you cant expect to win.

While you can still win you arent meant to nor should we balance for bad players like that which end up on your team. If we make it so a 3v1 can win then a 4v1 is far too easy.

Stop asking for survivor buffs, ask for a better SBMM that judges skill and not escapes, ask for a better tutorial to teach people, ask for shared tome challenges so less people throw for challenges or just moan at your team in your head and accept you cant win because of a bad team not imbalances.



  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,579

    This should be common knowledge.

    If I'm with my 3-man squad and our random Leon quits or kills himself on the hook, we'll all be mad at him, not the game or the killer.

    Pretty sure casual players are the ones complaining about this since experienced/veteran players should know this by now. Although I must say, my 3-man squad made a good Huntress and Pig struggle not too long ago and boy did it feel satisfying af.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I think it’s more accurate to say that while it’s completely possible you shouldn’t expect to win a 3v1 as its much harder than a 4v1.

    Its still possible though. It’s also possible to solo escape at any point.

    These are the scenarios where you have to decide between yourself and the team. It’s part of the game.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Or you could continue to play and enjoy a game of DBD even if you don’t escape because of an early dc.

    You know, like a grown up might do.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Slow day, eh?

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    They dont directly ask to balance around 3v1. But there are games they lose because of such situations and act like the games not balanced.

    Alot of people dont actually take into account players not actually trying to progress the match, whether it's a player just walking round the map or them trying to farm a challenge and throwing the game and so they blame imbalances not bad team

    It should be yeah, but youd be surprised if you spend enough time in the community and playing you see this kinda often

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It's always a slow day with DBD, cant remember when I was last excited about something.

    Everytime it could be something interesting like simple basickit moris (which I'd like to see more moris and better mori animations) you get this weird system that affects perks and offerings and a bunch of concerns of balance like trying to play twins or worry about UB, flipflop, powerstruggle especially on a swf when playing killers who's power needs to slug to play at a higher level (oni etc.)

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    More like baby corrupt base, which is a fair ask...

    Only one of these iv heard is the breakable windows and that was linked to a theory for breakable walls to stop really strong windows in main buildings not for a survivor vaulting them lol

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    Sure but it is very possible

    In Fact Me and My Sister, did all 5 gens against a nurse when the first 2 people Dc'ed.

    It is are greatest Dbd accomplishment

  • KayTeeBee
    KayTeeBee Member Posts: 47

    The problem is mostly a DC/Suicide in early game. It was mentioned many times before that it should be possible to start a voting for giving up/end the game if this happens. A bit like in CS:GO. But as soon as 2 or 3 gens already popped, a DC is not such a big Problem anymore.

    But it is a funny situation when someone DCs and the survivors still win the game.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I dunno as a survivor I'd rather just play the game, sure I wont win but it beats jumping from lobby to lobby and waiting.

    As long as I dont get punished for the obvious loss I dont mind playing a 3v1, I can still have some fun just wont win

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Rather those players get punished more, stick quitters with other quitters. I dont really wanna have to keep jumping in and out lobbies I'd rather those players be delt with directly

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 396

    Yes, get your points and move on to the next game.

    Just use some logic. This game is / should be balanced around the 4v1. If survivors are missing 25% of their work force at 5 gens and they still had a decent chance of winning, how would this influence the 4v1?

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,130

    Yeah, I've only heard like one, maybe two of these seriously proposed by anyone. If we're going off of outlandish things we've seen asked for once or twice, I think we all could come up with a list for both sides that would dwarf that.

    I think "mains" of one side or the other genuinely see the opposing side this way; as props there to facilitate their own fun, and not actual players. I would say it's actually more common for surv mains, especially teams of friends, to view the killer this way.

    I don't think people who play a balance of each think this way.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Noone can enjoy DBD against cheaters and lethal nurse. Let's face it this is the majority of disconnects at 5 gens.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Them after they could not find the word in their dictionary

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited October 2022

    I don't think the number of hours should be the deciding factor or even that you should make any inferences as to skill based on number of hours played.

    I have 1600 hours on Stadia and maybe 200 on Steam. I'll have to switch back to Steam eventually, but I'll still be keeping all of the perks/prestiges I've unlocked, SBMM, and my ability to play the game.

    Likewise, someone with 100 hours on Steam might have 7000 hours on PS4. You never know.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250


    That's why we are going for the 3v1 game early on. The goal is not to make you feel bad. Saying that will fall on deaf ears.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    That's the dream, isn't it? Maybe all those 'I have a right to leave a game I don't like' defenders might get an inkling of why everyone hates them and doesn't want to play with them when their game is going fine and someone else dips at 5 gens (and if they don't, the killer DCs because the survivors are doing too well.)

    On topic, I don't think I've ever seen someone argue that the game should be balanced for a 3v1. People complain about ragequitters because they want to play a balanced game and the ragequitters prevent that.

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    Maybe you're playing at high MMR or playing in a super-sweaty region/time, but just to give a different perspective:

    In my games as a solo survivor, I hardly ever see an outright cheater and I rarely go against Nurses. But early DCs/immediate hook suicides happen OFTEN. It completely destroys the match for the rest of us. I agree with OP that 3v1 is bound to be an uphill climb against a competent killer. What I wish is that my quitting teammates would just, you know, stick around and play the game to give us a chance for a good match.

    The same thing happens when I'm playing as killer, even when I'm playing pretty nicely (spreading hooks out across the team, etc.). People will decide they don't like something that happens and DC/hook suicide for seemingly no reason. It's so infuriating. I don't get much satisfaction from "winning" against a 3v1, as it doesn't feel like a proper match.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Just a random thought that popped up while reading this on a smoke break: What if a random gen with 0 progress or the lowest progress gen would auto-complete for each survivor that DC'd as long as there were at least 3 gens remaining. Maybe having a condition of at least one hook state on each survivor could counter-act this. I don't know, just something to even the odds a bit.

  • Haven414
    Haven414 Member Posts: 97

    I mostly agree with what you're saying, but I'd say, if anything, they could do something where say, if one survivor disconnects when there are still 4 (or just a specific amount of) gens left, then the rest of the survivors get some kind of little buff to help out. Not something too crazy, but just to give them a little boost if they already get screwed over by a teammate.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    then everyone else will dc and killer has to sit through another 20 min queue

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Actually playing a game of dbd in a losing scenario is exactly the same as playing dbd in a winning scenario.

    The only difference lies in how much focus you place on outcome over gameplay.

    It’s still possible to hatch out and even still possible the get a gate open after hatch has been closed. All the game play mechanics up till then are the same.

    Yeah it sucks when someone DC’s early because it makes the game a lot harder and often results in a steamroll but it’s still the same game and you can still try and play it out.

    The only unfun thing is when players just give up because something isn’t going their way.

    You rightly denigrate the behaviour of someone who DC’s early but then become that same person 2 secs later because the game is now harder.

    The fact you immediately think it’s unwinnable says a lot and that it’s immediately unfun as a result also says a lot. It is a very childish mindset when winning = fun but playing does not.

    Think about it.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Lol this is a great example of what I’m talking about.

    DBD isn’t a metric for emotional maturity but people’s opinions on this forum really can be as it often telegraphs their ability to deal with loss or disappointment. Spoiler… most seem like they can’t.

    The fact you immediately find it unfun if the game becomes a less than ideal scenario and are immediately unwilling to participate anymore says a lot.

    Rage quitting in response to someone else’s rage quitting is still just rage quitting.

    The times I’ve hatched out and even opened an exit gate and escaped after the killer closed the hatch have been some of the most rewarding wins yet. I always try for it because dbd is a game about desperate escapes and that’s fun.

    You should try it sometime rather than just quitting because someone else did.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    So you just quit then because it’s no longer an ideal scenario?

    You must be great fun to boardgame with.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I think I injected enough controversy into this one to keep you entertained for a bit.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Shouldn’t the challenge increase the sense reward if you can conjure an escape? It is still possible.

    Why not try and play it out rather than just give up and quit because it’s no longer an ideal scenario?

    Let’s say someone gets eliminated early rather than a dc do you give up then as well?

    Actually you have often said on these forums that the game is un-winnable the moment it becomes a less than an ideal scenario.

    Dont you think it is kinda silly to just give up the moment things aren’t going your way?

    Children do that, or at least emotionally immature people, so yeah it strikes me as kinda childish way to play games.

    Yeah it sucks when people dc but the game ain’t over till you are dead or out the door, you may still have some fun chases or interesting moments but I guess it easier to just quit because it’s waah it’s not fair.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    Nah, sadly I am dumb enough to still try, gifting the Killer so many BPs in the process.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    How am I rage quitting? Im DCing because I know it's not worth my time to play a game where I will for sure lose. Rage quitting is leaving the game out of frustration and anger. I'm not clenching my teeth every time I DC, stop reaching so hard.

    I don't have an infinite amount of time to play video games like you do, I have college work I need to do, which takes a sizable portion of my time. And no, I'm not going to waste my time trying to go for the off chance that I eventually do get hatch.

    Why don't you just respect other people's decisions and ways of doing things, instead of implying people aren't "grown ups" if they do decide to leave a losing battle. I really don't give a flying ######### if you don't dc when someone else does, I don't know if you're trying to pat yourself on the back by actively mocking people who don't decide to waste their time.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    What do you care what the killer gets?

    You sound very resentful about someone else getting something from just playing the game as normal.

    They get 2500 if you rage quit too so you are still giving something to the killer while taking more from your own team at the same time. So it’s not really much better as a result and you have to wait out your time penalty.

    So you’ll take a worse scenario over playing it out because you resent the killer getting bp’s, which they’ll get anyway?

    Help me out with the logic here.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    “How am I rage quitting? I’m DCing because it’s not worth my time to play a game where I’ll for sure lose”

    That’s some next level self awareness there.

    You rationalise your own quitting anyway you need to.

    Just wow 🤣

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    What? It's a video game. It should be fun. Nobody is loading up a video game to repeatedly simulate loss and disappointment in an unwinnable scenario. You are reading way too much into this.

    The point being: a game should be worth the time investment. If a 3v1 is virtually unwinnable for the survivors, then it's arguably not worth the time to play it for those survivors. I fail to see what is childish about not wanting to spend what little free time people have in the evening on an unwinnable PVP game. We aren't doing public service here. It's a game.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,106

    I suggested a "mutual vote to end" thing for this reason and got blasted with "Bruh nah I'd rather play the game."

    Can ya'll just make up your mind already?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    So your point is, it doesn’t matter if you quit because it’s only a game but you don’t want to play it if you feel it’s un-winnable because that’s a waste of your valuable time even though it’s only a game.

    The point is it’s not un-winnable it’s just not ideal. To quit the moment it becomes not ideal because you feel it’s un-winnable is really silly.

    I’m not reading to much into this, it’s a collection of people trying their hardest to justify quitting the moment things aren’t ideal.

    “I only have fun if I can win otherwise it’s not worth playing” Just take a step back and listen to yourself it sounds like a something a petulant child would say.

    “I’m not getting what I want, I quit.” Over something as silly as a game.

    If your game time is valuable wouldn’t you rather play out a game over waiting for the DC penalty or in another queue. Oh wait no because “it’s not worth playing unless I know I can win” 🤣

    No one said anything about it being a public service. But when playing with others especially random strangers, you may not always get what you want from the experience. Maybe single player games are more your thing.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited October 2022

    Keep getting off to stroking your own fat ego by shaming other's decisions when you can't even open up a ######### dictionary.

    I don't need to rationalize anything, the only one trying to making it seem like some taboo is you right now.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Ok so you don't quit because you are raging you quit because you think you can't win. That is basically what your wrote.

    So you're not literally raging, as per the definition of the word rage, but you are still quitting because you feel it's unwinnable, that's reason enough for you to just quit and call it un-fun.

    If you want to define it literally (be ready to open that dictionary again), defeatism would be the term you are looking for.

    So you "defeatist quit", rather than "rage quit", you give up if you feel you can't win. People would probably agree that isn't too far removed from a "rage quit" when you think about it.

    It just comes from a place of cynicism about game outcome rather than rage.

    (Also negativism, pessimism, lack of confidence, all synonyms for defeatism choose which one you like best, I list them because I ######### love dictionaries and thesauruses and don't really need to open one right now to look this up having read and understood them in advance).

    The point could still be made that "defeatist quitting" is just as silly as "rage quitting" and another example of just quitting when you don't get what you want from the game.

    I feel I can't win so I quit, in a single player game sure but in a multiplayer game... er not a great attitude to have, no matter how you want to rationalise it to yourself.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    "I don't need to rationalize anything, the only one trying to making it seem like some taboo is you right now." Every post you have made in this thread so far has been about rationalizing quitting.

    Here are some examples... cut and paste quotes from your posts

    There's a huge difference between the first person DCing and the second person DCing. The first person makes it a round from winnable to unwinnable. A second person DCing because of someone else DCing doesn't change the outcome.

    Im DCing because I know it's not worth my time to play a game where I will for sure lose.

    I don't have an infinite amount of time to play video games like you do, I have college work I need to do, which takes a sizable portion of my time. And no, I'm not going to waste my time trying to go for the off chance that I eventually do get hatch.

    Rationalize - attempt to explain or justify one's own or another's behaviour or attitude with logical or plausible reasons, even if not true or appropriate. (open that dictionary again).

    If you are in college maybe its not too late to get a refund on your degree.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    you quite literally quoted what I just said, “How am I rage quitting? I’m DCing because it’s not worth my time to play a game where I’ll for sure lose."

    Defeatism, sure. If you want to look at things black and white and ignore any context whatsoever, yeah I am quitting because I'm losing. I'm losing because someone else, out of my control, whether or not I am skillful, decided to quit the game, thus putting me in a losing situation, despite whether or not I played/would've played well that game.

    Why does it bother you so much that someone else DCs when the first person DCs early? Why don't you direct that frustration towards them instead of us?

    You love just grouping things together, and disregarding any form of context whatsoever.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited October 2022

    I'm not trying to rationalize, I'm trying to change your mind. If you don't want your mind changed whatsoever, then I suppose there's no point to responding to you. There was no point in arguing if you didn't want your opinions changed.

    Not everyone arguing with you is trying to rationalize themselves because they're insecure. I argue with people so I can change their opinions, not so I can rationalize myself. I don't delete all the -reps on my profile or argue with them because I know it's a waste of time to change their minds, since most of those messages are built on rage. The reason I argued with you was because I actually have faith in forum users, as opposed to some dude who came to my profile because he was angry at me.

    Seems I was mistaken though, your large ass ego doesn't do you, as well as me, any good. You didn't even ever respond to the point where I have limited time because of college. Instead you just used it to get some petty insult against me. That's enough for me to realize that this was a huge waste of time. Good luck with your future arguments I guess.