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Why am I never losing as killer?



  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121

    Amount of years played is completely irrelevant in this case, how many games have you played with your most played killer that you're supposedly winning 99% of your games with since MMR was implemented (September 7th, 2021)?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited October 2022

    Which still can be true. He can win 99% of his games, in say 100 games.

    The other one can only win 75% of the time, but playing 200 games, and thus still win more than he does.

    Or was that trying to look smart, but in a stupid way?

    Also, with no definition what a win is, i totally believe him. If you define a 1k as a win for example, i will believe he has a 99% winrate.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Pro Vengeance is a Killer main on youtube and he goes on 50-game win streaks on Killers like Clown and Doctor, currently. Prior to SBMM, he won something like 1096 out of 1103 matches. He's hardly the most mechanically skilled Killer, either; he just has gamesense and plays to win. You have those two things, you're going to win 70-90% of your matches. Against solo queue, you'll win upwards of 95% of your matches.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited October 2022

    I watch Hexy a lot and he hard camps and tunnels almost always. He also generally uses the strongest slowdown builds possible, including when he was blatantly exploiting the CoB/Overcharge bug that he was told about by his chat numerous times

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Let's see:

    Killers already had a great killrate throughout the last year.

    And recently these changes were made:

    - gens now take 10 more seconds to complete.

    - killers recover more quickly after a hit.

    - killers break pallets more quickly.

    - Decisive Strike got nerfed to the ground.

    With these changes any decent killer player will obviously spit on 99% of all solo survivor teams.

    But since optimal SWF teams exist the game's still survivor sided - duh.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    With a kill rate of 61%, a 99% win is not a strange story.

    BTW, I win and lose as a survivor and as a killer. I don't do statistics because it's too much work and it's tedious. I'm not streaming either, but you have to believe me.

  • BringShaggytoDBD
    BringShaggytoDBD Member Posts: 412

    Agree with you. I win way more games in SoloQ then I do playing SWF. Mainly because I play with two friends who are pretty bad at the game.

    I've had some bad games in SoloQ for sure, but never felt it was in a broken state or even close to it. I just wish they made Kindred basekit to make coordination a little better.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,526
    edited October 2022

    How lucky for survivors then that 99% of the killer players don't "have gamesense and play to win". There is only ONE single statistic we can rely on and that is the kill rate stated by BHVR themselves. Everything else is completely invalid as it could be made up, falsified or straight up wrong. A 90% win rate can definitely not be the case in general as it would mean a kill rate of at least 67.5% on the hypothesis that every win is a 3k (no 4ks whatsoever) and everything else a 0k (no 1ks or 2ks at all). It's obvious that the actual kill rate would be much higher than this. 70% of the games considered a win for killers would be possible but any argument about how horrible that would be would not change the known 61% kill rate. No matter how you look at it win rates don't show exactly how balanced the game is. Saying killers win 70% of their matches sounds hugely unbalanced and way worse than a 61% kill rate even though it's a weaker point and 60% kill rates are not as horrible as some make it out to be.

  • CoDismylife
    CoDismylife Member Posts: 327

    Yes, what's so crazy about that? Because you can't do that it means automatically noone can? Rich coming from you because that would imply you are at top skill bar and noone can be better than you and any kill rate higher is a lie.

  • CoDismylife
    CoDismylife Member Posts: 327

    Why should I obviously stream? There are hundreds of other better players already streaming. They are established and even have the character to be a streaming personality. Im not established nor do I have the personality or motivation to stream.

    I just want to enjoy my games in peace and focus on the match. I already dropped hexy as a good reference to convince yourself about what kill rate smart killers have. It's nearly 100%, they nearly never lose.

  • CoDismylife
    CoDismylife Member Posts: 327

    Well, "lucky" that these 99% are accepting they lack gamesense and not post constant nerf suggestions for Survivors, right? Oh wait..

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,526

    I would love to learn from you, then. I'll be honest. There are a lot of situations that I just don't know how to handle with certain killers. Is that the kind of gamesense you are talking about?

    I don't know a mind game that works on every survivor at shack or any other loop. I don't know where survivors are every second of a match. I don't know every single possibility on the survivors's spawns. I don't know who is coming for a safe from what direction at exactly what point in time. I don't know how to outplay a survivor that reads every mind game perfectly and doesn't make any mistakes in order to down them in a moderate time. I don't know every single possible version of the maps and therefore can only guess which pallets spawned and which didn't (with some expceptions). I don't know always what gen survivors are gonna do next. I don't know all the depths on every killer. I don't have a lot of experience with every single killer. I don't know how to make up for every killer's weaknesses. I don't know how to break 30 pallets (i. e. on The Game) and still end chases quick enough to win. I don't know how to use every killer's power on every loop perfectly. I don't know how to deal with survivors that heal in mere seconds because of medkits and CoH and don't lose any time on their objective.

    Lastly, I don't know how to win 99% of my matches. Perks can help with some of these things but you can never fix them all with only 4 perk slots.

    If you know all these things, then you really have a completely different kind of gamesense from the rest of us and I (and probably a lot of other people as well) would be grateful for any advice you can give on them.

  • CoDismylife
    CoDismylife Member Posts: 327

    Wdym learn from me? You want me to personally coach you to become a better player? Gamesense is hard to teach.

    You either have it in your blood early on or you gain gamesense with more and more experience (which means playing both sides equally).

    The best I can do is suggest you to watch educational killer gameplay on youtube. Videos where decisions are explained side by side while playing. That helps a lot.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,526

    I meant advice on how to tackle these things. What players should we watch that would teach something like this? Otzdarva teaches a lot of things but even he does not have all the answers. And of course his win rate is not 99% so his advice clearly wouldn't suffice. The same goes for any other DBD content creator I know of.

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 260

    yeah, this shouldn't have gone 3 pages but...if someone is better than nototz and not looked into his income, then credibility diminishes for me.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309
  • stryzeN
    stryzeN Member Posts: 1

    I would say it's probably because your MMR is still low with each killer and once you start winning more and more you'll start to lose matches when you get paired up with super skilled survivors. If that's not the case then you're probably just playing really well

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,452

    Oh I'm not saying its completely unplayable, how ever you're able to get away with a lot of things you otherwise wouldn't have because of Solo Q. Its basically 2 different games going against a full team of randoms and a full premade. Same goes for killers, its an entirely different experience going against a Trapper with non meta perks and brown add ons and a Blight with a full meta build. Both sides have extremes that differ from each other greatly and they absolutely need to be addressed. No matter how experienced you are on either side you never know what you're going to get, and thats thanks to MMR. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I'm being paired/matched with people who I DEFINITELY shouldn't be.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,051

    MMR is broken beyond a doubt.

  • CoDismylife
    CoDismylife Member Posts: 327

    Yall keep saying "still low" but I have been playing for years.

  • CoDismylife
    CoDismylife Member Posts: 327

    One of the small streamers who has very good game sense is SethDbD. Go to his YT and watch how he plays sadako in a way most killer mains didn't even think off or totally fail. He also plays myers and bubba a lot.

    I think watching him alone will teach many many players game sense.

    If you want to see pure domination with the minimum amount of gens completed before all Survivors die go watch hexy when he plays wraith.

    I cant give you advice in text form. These would be to general and it would cost me to much time and dedication to type it out (yes I'm that lazy)

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 260

    am I correct in saying that all the "so great" killer players employ the advanced tunnelmanship so well?

    "dooood...that was so awesome!"

    "tunnel one out of the game and then it's all down hill from there"". been said but not going to shame the source.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    a lot of survivors just suck at the game. Idk if youre interested but there are diuscords where you can scrim competitive teams and i promise you that you will lose more than once. As far as public lobbies though, maybe play a killer you arent that good with. A lot of people suck with Billy so try him. I promise you will eventually lose with him.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @CoDismylife If you win 99% of the time in pubs I would imagine it gets boring so you would want a challenge. As I mentioned though, thats custom game mode so otherwise youre stuck with winning 99% of the time or using killers you arent so good at playing.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,187

    And seems to kick his router a few times before every game, judging by the times I've been hit from halfway down a C wall against him. His ping reminds of playing against Russian Nurses in comp (I'm NA East).

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    I jave 69% win rate and the only games i lose is when there's a shirtless David, Felix or pyjama Jake,, they are so hot i cant focus,

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    I would like to see streaming, but do not need to stream.

    Just like a 22% win rate killer does not stream.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,526
    edited October 2022

    I did watch Hexy, though not as Wraith, and also Seth before. Both are good players. But what makes them good is not their gamesense. It's their strategies, experience and skill on certain killers. Have you ever seen Hexy play Trapper? Or Deathslinger? He is good in doing certain things but when it comes down to using the killer's power to the max he crumbles with a lot of them. Both these killers rely on gamesense btw.

    Seth is different from him. What makes him stand out, especially when playing Bubba, is his experience, tile knowledge and mechanical skill. The guy knows exactly how close he can take loops without bumping. It looks like he is already halfway through the wall with his chainsaw before he stops without going into tantrum, real impressive. Definitely one of the best Bubba players out there. His Sadako gameplay is impressive as well but again it's not his gamesense that is so special. It's him knowing exactly when Sadako phases and how long it takes. It's a form of mechanical skill heavily dependent on addons. His gamesense / macro gameplay is not as impressive. If he wasn't as good in chase there would be nothing special about it. He is also not the inventor of this playstyle and by far not the only one using it.

    However both of these guys don't have 99% win rates. Not even close. I'll concede I didn't see Hexy play Wraith before but it still doesn't change the fact that he has no 99% win rate on other, often stronger, killers. You do see Seth losing regularly. He is a great player but he doesn't win every match because there are other players out there that are just as good. The reason their YTs are full of wins is obviously they are very proud of some of these matches and think they might be fun to watch. After all, why would you show a video of yourself getting absolutely demolished?

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    So, which killer? If you could legitimately prove you are winning like 100 games in a row with clown no catches then I am impressed.

  • CoDismylife
    CoDismylife Member Posts: 327

    Nope, Im asking why my kill rate is that high despite me not being a crazy comp player. Far from bragging. I want to know if the game is unbalanced or did the good survivors leave the game

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,526

    Take the general messages you've been getting. A lot of people asking you to share your wisdom, what killer you're playing (mostly because we can only imagine that on Nurse) and that your MMR would maybe need to catch up. Since you seem to have no idea of when MMR was introduced or how it even works I'm struggling to understand how you've "been playing for years". MMR was introduced a bit over a year ago so it didn't matter how many years you played before. Since then it had changed drastically. Now we are at a point where all players are divided in 3 groups and only play in these 3 groups with no further restrictions or impact from MMR. Also you go on about a 99% win rate without any proof when people start asking how you would even do that and you still don't think you got your answer?

    The answer is: You are the best DBD killer to have ever graced this community and we all want to learn from your impressive skills. As it is so easy to you to completely outdo everyone else we just can't help it. There is no one as good as you and our beta instincts tell us to worship the mighty god like creature that wins 99% of their matches as killer.

    That means the good survivors didn't just leave, the game is not so inbalanced as that win rate of yours would suggest, you are just too good.

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 260

    people keep saying this but he said it fairly early in this thread.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Here's the problem.

    After the SBMM system was tweaked, people at the MMR cap will see a much wider variety of opponents. Before the tweak, someone with 8000 hours would have long waits and face only the sweatiest opponents, which led to a lot of complaining by veterans.

    Now, after a certain point, someone who plays this game semi-professionally is going to primarily face people they outclass.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,526
    edited October 2022
  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Clearly we need to nerf all killers due to your extreme outlier situation that doesn't represent 99.9% of the playerbase.

  • CoDismylife
    CoDismylife Member Posts: 327

    Then the game is clearly unbalanced according to right

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