Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Casual matches that aren't for ranking purposes.

So I get the purpose of the ranking system and the competitive nature of it and I definitely think all of that should stay the same. However, it would be great if there were a way to add a 'casual' option-- matches that don't count for or against your rank and are more for trying out characters/perks you might not want to try out when you're running in matches with players who are really serious about ranking up.

I know there is a 'survive with friends' game mode, but you need to have enough people to make it like a real match, and it's not the same thing as being matched with random people (which is honestly a lot of the fun). I'm sure there are other people out there who are playing the game casually that would enjoy a chance to just have some fun throw-away matches every now and then and mix things up.

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  • Member Posts: 16

    They have mentioned a non-ranked mode before. I think it would be cool to have the casual mode be perkless and the ranked as is (with perks).

  • Member Posts: 56

    @Saphhira said:
    They have mentioned a non-ranked mode before. I think it would be cool to have the casual mode be perkless and the ranked as is (with perks).

    That's good to know, thank you!

  • Member Posts: 229
         This would be a great addition; If only there weren’t trolls though.
         I like to roleplay as killer (dramatic actions and movement) but it’s hard when survivor teams don’t appreciate the horror aspect of Dead By Daylight. I still get jumpscared by my own illusions playing The Doctor...

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         This would be a great addition; If only there weren’t trolls though.
         I like to roleplay as killer (dramatic actions and movement) but it’s hard when survivor teams don’t appreciate the horror aspect of Dead By Daylight. I still get jumpscared by my own illusions playing The Doctor...

    Horror aspect in DBD?
    You do realize that as killer you have more worries/fears than a survivor? just saying....

  • Member Posts: 229
    Master said:

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         This would be a great addition; If only there weren’t trolls though.
         I like to roleplay as killer (dramatic actions and movement) but it’s hard when survivor teams don’t appreciate the horror aspect of Dead By Daylight. I still get jumpscared by my own illusions playing The Doctor...

    Horror aspect in DBD?
    You do realize that as killer you have more worries/fears than a survivor? just saying....

         I’m talking about the “original” core (and still central) aspect of the game.
         Mathieu Cote explained in the dev diary: “We don’t care if your character is scared, or not. What we want to know is; If the player is scared... excited.”
         With the recent “ideas” the Devs shared in the QA; it seems they’re shifting some of this back maybe? With the change of certain survivor perks, perks that can have strong effects on a trial; It’ll be nice to see perhaps more interesting/healthy chases and stealthy gameplay. 
         Survivor players seem scared of the changes- and so am I! But this is a GOOD fear.
  • Member Posts: 891

    @Saphhira said:
    They have mentioned a non-ranked mode before. I think it would be cool to have the casual mode be perkless and the ranked as is (with perks).

    Aww, I think the casual mode with perks could be great, because it's a reason to play around with weird perk loadouts.

  • Member Posts: 56

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         This would be a great addition; If only there weren’t trolls though.
         I like to roleplay as killer (dramatic actions and movement) but it’s hard when survivor teams don’t appreciate the horror aspect of Dead By Daylight. I still get jumpscared by my own illusions playing The Doctor...

    Yeah, see, I think that having casual matches open up a lot of opportunities for people to experiment some and mix the matches up a little, thus adding the 'horror' aspect back in-- or at least making for a few good scares.

  • Member Posts: 16

    @mintchapstick said:

    @Saphhira said:
    They have mentioned a non-ranked mode before. I think it would be cool to have the casual mode be perkless and the ranked as is (with perks).

    Aww, I think the casual mode with perks could be great because it's a reason to play around with weird perk loadouts.

    That's fair. I mess around with different perk loadouts anyways, especially in the lower ranks. Okay, guys, THREE MODES: Casual, Ranked, and Hardcore (perkless). ;)

  • Member Posts: 56

    @Saphhira said:

    @mintchapstick said:

    @Saphhira said:
    They have mentioned a non-ranked mode before. I think it would be cool to have the casual mode be perkless and the ranked as is (with perks).

    Aww, I think the casual mode with perks could be great because it's a reason to play around with weird perk loadouts.

    That's fair. I mess around with different perk loadouts anyways, especially in the lower ranks. Okay, guys, THREE MODES: Casual, Ranked, and Hardcore (perkless). ;)

    I actually like the idea of a hardcore mode, haha. That'd be fun.

    On that note, why not a mode where you can only use the perks associated with your character? That ups the challenge a lot imo.

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